Clementine's Journey FINAL Findings

edited May 2015 in The Walking Dead

Ladies and gentlemen, after much research and data location with the help of the sites, Google Maps and Distance Between plus logic and deduction, since last month, I have been able to determine the real world locations of TT Walking Dead Season 2 on Clem's journey.

In the beginning: Christa's Camp: Woods within Brevard, North Carolina (wiki stated outskirts of NC), the river Clementine falls into is the Davidson River, which then flows into the French Broad River, and settles near Pisgah Forest (where you meet Max and the Cabin is).

Blue Ridge Mountains, South Toe, NC (Moonstar Lodge)

From Pisgah Forest North Carolina, to Blue Ridge Moutains, South Toe, NC: 85.7 miles (via NC-80N) on foot.

Elizabethton, TN (for as long as I visit the page, it's always been Tennessee on the wiki, and I've concluded without a doubt this is it's real world counterpart location: since Lowe's is the real world counterpart)

From Blue Ridge Mountains, South Toe, NC to Elizabethton, TN (avoiding Johnson City) via NC-80N: 78 miles (by car), 72.3 miles/23hrs 17min by foot.
(This makes Luke's trek more believable)

The closest real world Civil War site, for Parker's Run, is [mentioned North] for accuracy is Blountville Sullivan Count, Tennessee [Battle of Blountville, 1863] via US 19E Scn (18.1 miles/6hrs) on foot

Dogwood Acres Mobile Home Park, Bristol TN (Sunshine Village Mobile Home Park) - 5 miles [5.8 miles] from Blountville

Continuing north, after resting a couple of days (I chose to wait for Rebecca to rest), via State Rte 615 17.6 miles ambushed by Russian group at Mendota, Virginia (weather & Rebecca's weakened state). Also, Power Station.

Turned slightly south, lost Luke in North Fork Holston River (Unfinished House).

In car, drove via Mendota Rd and US-19N 26.5 miles road block of cars and Woodchuck Rest Area, outside of Lebanon, VA.

From Lebanon back to Howe's on foot, accounts of snowy weather & stops (since Nine Days Later) via Old Jonesboro Rd, avoiding city of Bristol: 54.6 miles

Well that's my opinion on the real world locations in my opinion. If I'm faulty in my calculations I will accept error.
Sorry, I haven't been posting but the news of Season 3 hit me hard, but the thing "bigger than S3" incises me.


  • Turned slightly south, lost Luke in North Fork Holston River (Unfinished House).

    @Deltino You may be right about it being a river.

  • Well, optional dialogue choice upon seeing the unfinished house, Clem can say do they have to cross the river.

    Turned slightly south, lost Luke in North Fork Holston River (Unfinished House). @Deltino You may be right about it being a river.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Just looked at Pisgah forest on google maps, and look what little friend showed up not too far from it

    Alt text

    edit: Wait, wrong Pisgah

    Apparently there's a Pisgah Forest, and a Pisgah National Forest

    Oh well there's an Everett Rd next to one of them, so tell me which one is cooler

  • edited May 2015

    lol Google "Laps" XD

    But good analyzing on the locations. I had a feeling they were around North Carolina. I just thought they'd be in Virginia or something. Virginia has good houses so it should be good for very strong forts.

  • Thanks, my deductions on the Virginia were somewhat logical if the group was continuing north.

    and the Google "Laps"
    Oops, didn't notice it.

    Sg190th posted: »

    lol Google "Laps" XD But good analyzing on the locations. I had a feeling they were around North Carolina. I just thought they'd be in Virginia or something. Virginia has good houses so it should be good for very strong forts.

  • Fixed it, the "Laps" is "Maps".

    MaconMajr posted: »

    Thanks, my deductions on the Virginia were somewhat logical if the group was continuing north. and the Google "Laps" Oops, didn't notice it.

  • If this is so, Where the hell did clem go in the alone ending? I feel that if she walked 36 miles each day for 9 days. maybe she went back home or something.

  • Sorry, I just focused on my ending of Jane and Clementine returning to Howe's.

    I'm sure the data I provided can help people with conclusions to the other endings.

    If this is so, Where the hell did clem go in the alone ending? I feel that if she walked 36 miles each day for 9 days. maybe she went back home or something.

  • I have a feeling that she didn't go that far, with a baby.

    MaconMajr posted: »

    Sorry, I just focused on my ending of Jane and Clementine returning to Howe's. I'm sure the data I provided can help people with conclusions to the other endings.

  • Does it matter that the map of where the Moon Star Lodge is is a map of Virginia? Shouldn't MSL therefore be located in Virginia's blue Ridge mts?

  • While searching via Google Maps, for the Blue Ridge Mountains, the site pointed me to South Toe, North Carolina Pisgah National Forest.

    Also, I think this might help:

    Aerie88 posted: »

    Does it matter that the map of where the Moon Star Lodge is is a map of Virginia? Shouldn't MSL therefore be located in Virginia's blue Ridge mts?

  • oh, well, I'm just going by the map that the gang is looking at prior to reaching the Moon Star Lodge...which would indicate,to me at least, that they are somewhere in Virginia while at the Moon Star Lodge

    MaconMajr posted: »

    While searching via Google Maps, for the Blue Ridge Mountains, the site pointed me to South Toe, North Carolina Pisgah National Forest. Also, I think this might help:

  • Ok, then.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    oh, well, I'm just going by the map that the gang is looking at prior to reaching the Moon Star Lodge...which would indicate,to me at least, that they are somewhere in Virginia while at the Moon Star Lodge

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