So, why is nobody complaining about...

the lack of White Walkers?

This episode looked promising and many of us predicted it to be a major one. But after endless months of waiting for this episode, completely expecting to get a WW sighting based on the title screen, nothing happened. Is nobody else extremely disappointed about this?

Telltale, I want the glorious White Walkers that were promised. I want them now.


  • edited May 2015

    Because White Walkers are stupid, ugly, and dumb lmao

  • I learned from The Walking Dead Season 2 that Episode 4 title cards are not to be trusted.

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    Because White Walkers are stupid, ugly, and dumb lmao

  • even season 1, I don't even trust the previews for the next episodes as you can be misdirected

  • Eh, they'll come when they'll come. I'd rather have them show up at just the right time than to have them shoehorned in for the sake of people taking the title cards too seriously.

  • edited May 2015

    It's funny how the rest of the "title cards" turned out to be accurate.

    Tyrion featured in E1, Jon Snow featured in E2, Dragons featured in E3...

  • I just knew what the fuck would happen on EP 5 teaser, it seems the WhiteWalkers would appear on EP 5....hopefully the teaser won't mislead anything :/

  • To be honest I was expecting to come across some undead. The scene in the beginning with Britt I half expected him to open blue eyes before the torch landed and I KNOW we haven't the last of those wildling girls we killed and didn't have the means to burn.

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