Walking Dead DRM free on GOG?

Wow! But why the Telltale Store users get no DRM free copy? It is a shame....


  • I have asked many times here to get a full DRM free download of the purchased games in the Telltale Store. But without success. I envy the software pirates. They can play without that DRM crap, without internet connections and without logins or other restrictions. I hope Telltale has changed its attitude now (because the games are DRM free on GOG now).

  • edited May 2015

    Dont worry help will be on the way i just tagged the mods

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Lemme get u some help @ozzyuk @jennifer

  • edited May 2015

    Lemme get u some help

    @ozzyuk @jennifer

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Telltale Store versions always have the login system (and have since their first releases in 2005), since that is their version of DRM, just as the Steam client is Steam's version of DRM.

    Unfortunately, the only way you can get a DRM-free version of the game (or any of the other Telltale games offered at GOG.com) is by buying it at GOG.com, since Telltale doesn't offer GOG.com codes.

    Telltale has had sales as much as 80% off on all of their games at GOG.com in the past, so it's possible you could get a similar deal for their newer games on GOG.com in the future.

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