Lord Morgryn is...
If you eavesdrop his conversation, his little circle of friends keep bugging about when he's finally going to find a woman.
Wonder if Mira can use that to her advantage...
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If you eavesdrop his conversation, his little circle of friends keep bugging about when he's finally going to find a woman.
Wonder if Mira can use that to her advantage...
He'll appreciate you getting Andros mad if you talk to him after speaking to Tarwick. Whatever that might be good for.
Tarwick also tells you he heard he's dangerous for some unknown reason, though. I like him but I still want to keep a good distance.
Maybe he's gay.
I definetely think there will be something with mariage. I thought about it earlier and there was a lot of foreshadowing in episode 4 too.
I don't know about Morgryn...On one hand, he is very charming, friendly and relatively nice. But on the other hand, Tarwick call him dangerous and he is clearly experienced in the game. I would gladly have an nice conversation with him, but I wouldn't trust him.
I agree with the foreshadowing. Sera says to Mira about the wedding that they "might meet their future husbands there." And Morgryn is who we talk to at the wedding.
He is :P I hope he'll have more time on the screen in ep 5.
Nope I dont think so but apparently the fat guy Andros is
Hu huh? What makes you think that?
When talking to sera and her new guy friend he asks if mira wants to know about others If you ask about andros he says hes angry, loves his money too much and apparently doesnt like the company of women.
Oh my. I wish I caught that option.
Exactly what I was thinking. I want them to get together and destroy the Whitehills as one
Ah Morgryn...I don't know what to think of him...but I love his convos with Mira, he even flirts with her, such charmer!
I usually try not to ship people in video games, but i REALLY ship Mira and Lord Morgryn. I really like the way they interact and find it cute how they can flirt with each other.
another ship has sailed...
sigh... Telltale is making ships one after another
I want to be more wary of him, but he really is such a charmer that I can't help it and have to admit he always got me wrapped around his little finger during every conversation
Also Sera and Mira's conversation in Ep.1 could be considered foreshadowing for a potential marriage arrangement for Mira. The one where Sera asks Mira if she would marry Joffrey if it meant she'd become queen. Just FYI.
All I want is to make a power couple and roast Lord Andros and Ludd on a spit. My Mira's not a needy lady, after all.
While I like their banter, Morgryn seems to be a bit of a backstabber. Be cool if Mira could make it work though.
I guess we'll need a name. Morgryra...Mirgryn?
He is very charming and intelligent, he will have the advantage...
I ship it. I did get the sense of a flirty kind of banter between the two of them this episode. I wouldn't mind it at all if the two of them were paired up romantically.
In EP 2 it's mentioned (when Mira is writing the wedding invites) that Lord Morgryn is a favored drinking companion of Margerys father. That leads me to believe he is doing something behind the scenes for the Tyrells in regards to the Ironwood and he might also be the one who is responsible for Tom showing up at the right time when Mira needs to get to the Ironwood contract. She was speaking to Morgryn when she had to rush off and destroy it. He was aware of what she was doing.
And if you listen to him and the other guy talk, he has been away from his wife for a long time
I still do not trust him. I feel the game is setting us up for him to betray us. Also Mira has Tom. She does not need anyone else.
I ship Mirgryn
That's Ser Maynard, not Morgryn.
Single, charming, intelligent and hot.
I wouldn't mind a fling with him for Mira (although I don't think he can be trusted), but I haven't ruled out that he might prefer Loras Tyrell.
Telltale needs to make this ship official.
I don't remember anything particularly charming about Morgryn. Especially not after business fell through.
I thought he was going to say Morgan Freeman roflmao
His whole existence is charming.
Lord Morgryn be putting the moves on Mira like:
hey, girl
Ok, thought I missed something.
Ah thanks for that. My whole theory just got tossed out the window though lol. I still think Tom and Morgryn are involved though.
But the question is, who is Tom working for?
I like Mirgryn better.
You should really put a spoiler warning. Anyways, if it has been cut, maybe that means TT has changed their minds as to who Tom's boss is?
Yeah...fuck, I'm putting spolier warning next time
Who knows? They might just end up together. Haha. I kinda shipped Mira and Damien at first but oh well, that ship sailed.