How many of you want a new PC character for Season 3?

I started playing S2 again.
I did a playthrough through S1, and immediately started S2.
And as far as a PC character, Clementine doesn't hold a candle to Lee.

Now obviously it is just a videogame, and as such it shouldn't be analyzed to closely.
But unfortunately, Clementine being the PC character is a glaring problem.
Not so much in how the group related to her, although in some respects that was a problem, but also in the things the writers had her doing.
One short example would be at the Ski lodge, and the writers had Clementine turning off the wind turbine.
To entrust such a task to a child, which turned out to be amazingly simple, was a little far-fetched in my opinion, especially when all that had to be done is to turn it off was to turn the key.

To believe that none of the adult characters couldn't figure out to turn a key to shut the wind turbine down, is quite frankly ridiculous.
That, and Clementine being able to kick open a door, like she did in episode 4, when Luke and Sarah were trapped at the trailer park.
I just don't see an eleven year old kid being able to do that.

The truth of it is, S2 would've been so much more better, and felt more natural, if Lee had been kept alive.
But then, this is why videogames are fiction.
They don't have to be realistic, nor do they really have to make any kinda logical sense.
It seems nowadays, you have a couple of real good fight scenes between the PC character and some villains, and you've got a videogame.
In other words, videogames are often more about violence, than they are about storytelling, which in some ways is a shame.

Now obviously the writers and game animators all worked really hard to bring S2 to life.
And for that they do have my respect.
I just don't understand why the picked Clementine to be the next PC character.
An alternative route the writers could've chosen, is to have a new character show up in S2, that character being the PC character.
Said character finding Clementine after she got separated from Christa, and having the player once again mentor Clementine.

On that note, I think Luke would've made a good PC character for S2.
It's to bad that that didn't happen.



  • edited June 2015

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  • I'll be incredibly disappointed if they make a new protagonist, and it would've been boring if we played as another mentor for Clementine and too much of the same in S2 Ioved playing as Clem she's a fun character to play. I do agree there's a couple things she did that didn't make sense.

  • Yes.

  • I couldn't find that gif of Lee slowly raising his hand but -slowly raises my hand-.

    One thing that always irked me about the ski lodge.... Clementine being out side turning off turbines and killing walkers when she should've been inside with Sarah and Rebecca where it was safe. Alvin's fat ass should've been the one out there putting in work. From a semi-realistic story-telling stand point that scene made absolutely no sense at all. But that's the problem with having a child protagonist. You get stuck with doing crazy, belief suspending shit in the name of feeling useful as the player character... One of many glaring issues in Season 2.

  • Why would we play as Luke?

  • I would love a new protagonist.

  • edited June 2015

    I certainly do not want a new PC....if Clem was the original thought behind the game it seems silly to just toss her character aside for someone 'new'

    edit: that being said, should there be a new PC, however, I'd rather the story sever all ties to Clementine and start anew

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    A new protagonist would be preferable for me, but I'd still play even if Clem was still PC.

  • Yeah, Clem in S2 wasn't written as well as Lee, but I'd still like to see Clem as a PC. Something like what Telltale is doing with Tales from the Borderlands, where we play as two different characters.

  • I'm in the minority, but I don't care, I enjoyed playing as Clem more than Lee. Yes, there were some moments that had me thinking, "Why am I doing this," such as the wind turbine and the door in Amid the Ruins, but after playing Season 2, I feel even more attached to Clem as a character and she has become my favorite fictional character (including books, TV, movies, games, etc.) as a result. I would love to have Clementine be the PC for Season 3, but I'm not one of those people that will only play the game for Clementine. I'll play the game no matter who the PC is, but I won't lie when I say it won't be the same experience if Clem isn't the PC, but I will still most likely enjoy it. So no, I would rather Clementine remain the PC, but I will still buy the game regardless if she is or not, but I would love if Clementine is still the PC.


  • I really liked Clem in Season 1, but her arc in Season 2 ended up being a little disappointing. I'd rather not lug a baby around as an emotionless, severely depressed Clementine.

  • Im hoping we'll be playing as an adult Clem teaching AJ how to survive in season 3.

  • I prefer to have Clem again as protagonist, but, if they do a new one, I would be open to that.

  • New Protagonist? Hm...

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    Clemenetine was good in my opinion so I don't want them to change PC. Although, if they'll do that then I'll be playing this game anyway. I hope that either way Clem will be in Season 3. I think that her story is far from over.

  • No Clem no buy.

  • Only Clementine :)

  • IMO a new POV character is the only way.

  • I don't care about a protagonist as long as it's The Walking Dead game.

  • I'm leaning towards a new playable character, mainly because it can open the idea to new settings and all so it could be much more interesting.

  • Yes, but I'd want Clem as a secondary character.

  • Yes no more clem

  • edited June 2015

    Yes please I would much rather play as someone Lee's age again. I wish they could have worked more history talk in the game since he taught history but to late now.

  • I'm game

  • i would like a different player character, but one BIG thing not another child, late teens early twenties would be fine, but not a child, really the protagonist should be able to legally buy the game they are in, and also seeing as TWD game is supposed to be a mature game (not in the gore and violence sense) the protagonist should match that as well.

  • edited June 2015

    I want a new protagonist so bad. I actually thought season 2 was decent but Clementine was an awful protagonist and it actually made me really dislike her. That being said I'm fine if they put her in S3 as long as it is not as protagonist.

    That being said if Clementine is protagonist in S3 I won't be buying it. At least not likely unless the reception is universally positive.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I personally enjoyed playing as Clementine in season 2 but i can understand why some people didn't like playing as her, i wouldn't mind playing as a new character as long as Clementine is the deuteragonist as i like her character and i feel too emotionally invested in her story for it to end at season 2 as some of the endings where cliffhangers and i want to know what happens next.

  • Having a new protagonist would be a love and hate situation for me. As much as I love Clem I just feel as if her story line is retired and there's not much you can do with her without it feeling repetitive.

    I would honestly love a new PC - I mean we don't have to ditch Clementine entirely, she could still be there but just as a NPC instead.

  • edited June 2015

    How would you react if they made either Kenny or Jane the PC according to the choices you made and Clementine as the deuteragonist?

  • That would suck ass.

    How would you react if they made either Kenny or Jane the PC according to the choices you made and Clementine as the deuteragonist?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    But what if both were dead? Do we just watch their bodies for 5 episodes?

    How would you react if they made either Kenny or Jane the PC according to the choices you made and Clementine as the deuteragonist?

  • edited June 2015

    I replay 400 Days a lot, just because it'll probably be the last time in TWD universe where we play as a male protagonist. I'm not sexist, just in movies, TV, and video games, i rather have a male protagonist.

    I don't care really, i want a new PC if he/she is actually interesting in the game, Clem was sort of interesting in 201 because she's by herself for some of it, then after that i don't care, her dialogue is boring and her character is tasteless.

    Lee was one of the funniest but amazing PCs i've ever played. He's a lot better than Rick or Joel, he actually has a like-able personality (determinant even though his douche self is hilarious) and overall i had fun playing as him, the hubs were fun and the small puzzles were fun as well.

    S2 had none of the above IMO.

    S3 better improve Clem's flaws or straight up get a new PC because things need to fixed and TTG needs to step up.

  • 10/10 - IGN "Emotionally gripping... gave me chills"

    dojo32161 posted: »

    But what if both were dead? Do we just watch their bodies for 5 episodes?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    "I could feel their soulless dead eyes gripping me and I cried when that raccoon took Jane's left eye, symbolizing her moving on. Although I do have to say Kenny was weirdly quiet this season, 9.5/10"

    10/10 - IGN "Emotionally gripping... gave me chills"

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    But what if both were dead?

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    But what if both were dead? Do we just watch their bodies for 5 episodes?

  • keep clem and maybe add 2 more playable characters?

  • edited June 2015

    I too would like a Male protagonist for S3 as well.
    Being a grown man, seeing the game from Lee's perspective, who was also a grown man, felt relatable.
    Playing as Clementine, not so much!

    I know one thing that irritated me, was that scene in S2E5, where Bonnie is helping fix Luke's leg after the shootout with Arvo, which is also the same scene Clementine cleans Kenny's eye, and she (Bonnie) starts talking about Alpha-Male "bullshit."
    As a man, I was thinking: "Well excuse my kind, but someone has to take the lead in things, and to put ones in their place when they get outta line."
    If you've ever experienced that attitude from women, then you know how irritating it is.

    I do respect women, but it's that attitude that I don't like.
    I do not approve of women being mistreated, but I also do not approve of women mistreating men either, which includes talking trash.
    The way I see it, BOTH sexes owe the other courtesy and respect.

    I replay 400 Days a lot, just because it'll probably be the last time in TWD universe where we play as a male protagonist. I'm not sexist,

  • I do respect women, but it's that attitude that I don't like. I do not approve of women being mistreated, but I also do not approve of women mistreating men either, which includes talking trash.

    Well, if you would play as male protagonist then you would witness lots of men talking s*** about women so you'd be disappointed either way. :P

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I too would like a Male protagonist for S3 as well. Being a grown man, seeing the game from Lee's perspective, who was also a grown man, fe

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