Bought The Walking Dead 1+2 on Google Play - Any Chance to play them on my Fire TV?
I have bought The Walking Dead 1+2 on Google Play including the season passes. Additionally I have once bought a Telltale Collection on Steam. For some time now I own an Amazon Fire TV. Neat little box. But since then I regret having bought the Android version of the games on Google Play instead of Amazon because I can access the Amazon store / Gamecircle on any of my Android devices, but Google Play purchases are not available on my Amazon devices (Kindle Fire HD / Fire TV). It might seem like a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyways: Is there any way to access my season pass on both (Google, Amazon) "worlds" or at least transfer the season pass from one to another? Or woujld I have to pay for the season pass again? Thank you in advance!