Breaking down the traitor

edited June 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Since Rodrik states that the traitor is a "him" I think between Duncan, Royland and the Maester it's probably Royland and I'll explain why.

His support of killing Gryff actually helps him. He encourages Rodrik to kill him, then hangs him and Elissa out to dry for the murder in exchange for peace and a possible alliance with with the Whitehills and Boltons. Rodrik, Elissa and Ryon captured or possibly killed, Asher in Mereen, Mira in King's Landing and Ethan dead, I think the small folk of House Forrester will prefer him in charge over Tuttle or even Talia seeing as how he ended a war, was there master at arms for years and determinate sentinel. Take out the non cannon killing of Ludd Whitehill which isn't meant to be taken seriously.


  • Take out the non cannon killing of Ludd Whitehill which isn't meant to be taken seriously.

    I don't see why we should disregard this. It shows what Royland would do in such a situation, and it's killing Ludd Whitehill.

  • Even if we don't include killing Whitehill he still shows he's willing to kill him with his line "Can I fucking murder him yet?" Also, he was willing to fight Gryff and his garrison alone to protect Rodrick and Talia. Plus, I have the feeling that he isn't well liked by people that don't know him well (and even some of them may be iffy) so becoming the defacto ruler doesn't seem likely. Not only that, his family is dead and the Forresters are all that he has left. He was even willing to fight Ramsey and his guards after what happened to Ethan.

  • Can I refer you to my two previous forum posts that clearly state several times over how Royland could not be the traitor? There's never any support shown for Gryff or Ludd in any shape, way, or form by Royland. Royland's really not after power. He is a Lord. He's the Lord of House Degore, but his own House was destroyed in the Greyjoy Rebellion. He could just go & rebuild his own House & be Lord over there if he really wants to be a Lord of anything.

  • Do you really think that Royland has the smarts to pull that off? Hes a hot head thats why he wants you to kill him :P

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah. Actually, Royland is smart enough to pull a trick like this off; he's highborn-- so he has the education & could easily pull it off. But he is truly not the sort of man for that. He's too loyal to the Forresters for that & as I've said, He already is a Lord, so he can go Lording if likes. I mean, in the end, the Traitor could be betraying & feeding the Whitehills/Boltons information unwillingly. They might be being blackmailed or something. We don't really know except for what we can speculate.

    Wigams posted: »

    Do you really think that Royland has the smarts to pull that off? Hes a hot head thats why he wants you to kill him :P

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