Season 3.. Some ideas...?

Hey guys

I know that the game is an episodic video game that takes place within Robert Kirkman's comic but, I think , A better season that you must create season 3 like our own imagination.

I've thought a bit about season three.

Number 1: Bring back Lee

I believe that Lee has been missing in all of us.
I know, Clem shot him , but 'cause she was kid, and have no Experience at guns, Missed brain..
Maybe , hurt his eye, I dont know.

For the bit, I think its very easier .

Remember what uncle Pete said at season 2

So Lee, could have make it , like Kenny.. It was a sure death right there.. How the .. he got out of there? (Im talking about the scene which Kenny stay with Ben , or save Christa)

I dont know if you find this dumb, but, it could be better, if Lee come back..

I cried when Clem have to shot him :D
And I think im not the only one who cried

I think, Lee's return, is a good idea.. We all whant him back :"(

See ya around =D


  • Number 1: Bring back Lee

    Not going to happen. Even if she did miss the shot (which she didn't), no one survives a zombie bite. The only way to do so is if you cut the limb off in time, which Lee failed to do. Not to mention that, if you leave him, you see him die, so he's not coming back at all, unless they do another dream sequence, which they shouldn't repeat, not that I hated the first one, but to do it again would just be a rehash.

  • Lee is alive theories are getting really old he's dead it was a good tragic death and it should stay that way. Besides he can't be alive Clem can literally say that she killed him did she lie? No that would be silly and even if her shot missed it's not like she'd just leave she would try again.

  • Yeah they're getting old, you right. I do not have answer for that.
    Maybe when he shot him, Lee just fainted.
    So Clem thought that she killed him

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Lee is alive theories are getting really old he's dead it was a good tragic death and it should stay that way. Besides he can't be alive Cle

  • See the screenshot
    Uncle Pete, said that, it worked in his cousin..

    Number 1: Bring back Lee Not going to happen. Even if she did miss the shot (which she didn't), no one survives a zombie bite. The o


    If 90% of players whant him back, then why not to bring him back?

  • It worked because they cut off his arm in time, with Lee, however, they didn't cut it off soon enough. Also, my Lee never cut off his arm in the first place, so he's dead.

    See the screenshot Uncle Pete, said that, it worked in his cousin.. Whatever..

  • edited June 2015

    Because it would be incredibly unrealistic, would soil the perfect ending to Season 1, make his death meaningless, and would seriously go against stuff that Robert Kirkman has stated about the zombie infection in The Walking Dead comics. Also, many people want the game to focus on and develop new characters, not bring back old ones, that's why so many people have a problem with Season 2. If 90% of players whant him back, then why not to bring him back?

  • Yeah bring back Lee singing this:

  • Kenny came back..
    From a sure death.
    And unrealistic is Lee's death? I said how u could be save.. Idk a doc found him after the faind?

    Also , the series can normaly continue, like the comic..
    You have a good point. But I think I have too

    Because it would be incredibly unrealistic, would soil the perfect ending to Season 1, make his death meaningless, and would seriously go ag

  • Good point.. no answer that..

    It worked because they cut off his arm in time, with Lee, however, they didn't cut it off soon enough. Also, my Lee never cut off his arm in the first place, so he's dead.

  • But the thing is Kenny's death is uncertain you don't see him die there's no screaming you couldn't say for certain if he was dead Lee himself can say "maybe he got away" but Lee's death is certain we know he's dead.

    Kenny came back.. From a sure death. And unrealistic is Lee's death? I said how u could be save.. Idk a doc found him after the faind? Also , the series can normaly continue, like the comic.. You have a good point. But I think I have too

  • The only way to bring lee back would be if you chose to cut the arm off and it actually worked and say he passed out because of blood loss but that would be unrealistic. But some ideas for season 3 would be more hubs, get to develop better relationships unlike season two where it wasn't even close to season ones character development. 2, like I said minor characters getting more development then just the major characters. 3: no stupid deaths like nicks, if telltale hasn't any use for a character or doesn't want the character to keep going, at least give the character a decent death, not just the character be Imporant for over half the season and then have the character bitten and turned stuck in a fence off screen, stupid.

  • Lee was/is a great character, no doubt about it. However, to bring him back would undo everything this game is. In The Walking Dead universe, very few people get a second bite of the cherry and to get that second chance, it has to be exceptional.
    I mean lots of people objected to Kenny coming back in Season Two, even though he had a slim chance of escape. With Lee, there is no chance. No matter what you did, he died simple as that.

    In a way though telltale did bring him back in Season Two, albeit in a flashback, but even that caused controversy. Imagine what outcry there would be if somehow telltale worked it so he did survive.

    You do have certain characters that could come back like Lilly or Molly, but even those would have people shouting from the rooftops that it would be unrealistic.

    No, in my opinion the story should continue with Clementine as protagonist and have her meet all new people. Lets not have any so called surprises this time. With Clementine a couple of years older, it will be interesting to see how she interacts with different characters and not have any safety net so to speak, like she had with Kenny in Season Two.

    As much as I love Kenny, I believe his time has come and to be honest, while I don't want him to get the chop as quick as Omid, I don't want him surviving much past Episode One of the new Season either.

  • Not going to happen.

    It should happen. Lee was their best character , and they killed him off. Its not like they can't Kenny him, they did it before.

    Number 1: Bring back Lee Not going to happen. Even if she did miss the shot (which she didn't), no one survives a zombie bite. The o

  • What if Clementine becomes a member of The Whisperers? She has horde walked 3 different times (determinant) so far and I think she is quite used to it by now. Could she perhaps end up somewhere around this group or end up in it? Now I know the whole thing about not meeting Rick and his group, but who is to say that she will even end up in the same general area? We do not know much about The Whisperers, or even if it is a large group and has different camps/settlements....

    Then I again I don't really like this idea because The Whisperers are kind of a group of bandits/cultist and I don't think Clementine would necessarily associate herself with a group like this. Just thinking about if it is a direction she might go. :/

  • But the thing is Kenny's death is uncertain

    Did you not play the same game i did? Kenny had one bullet, he was Surrounded on both sides, no escape. They didn't see Kenny get away, so what else would of happened.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But the thing is Kenny's death is uncertain you don't see him die there's no screaming you couldn't say for certain if he was dead Lee himself can say "maybe he got away" but Lee's death is certain we know he's dead.

  • Lee is alive theories are getting really old

    Don't read/Don't comment, solve all your problems won't it.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Lee is alive theories are getting really old he's dead it was a good tragic death and it should stay that way. Besides he can't be alive Cle

  • People already have a problem with some of the unrealistic bullshit Season 2 had, bringing Lee back would be the most impossible, unrealistic, and bullshit moment that this game ever had. I love Lee as much as the next guy, I do, but if by some chance they were to bring him back (which, again, they won't), it would ruin Season 1's perfect ending and would most likely infuriate a lot of people.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Not going to happen. It should happen. Lee was their best character , and they killed him off. Its not like they can't Kenny him, they did it before.

  • You don't see him die anything could have happened he could have gone through a manhole or a window. But this debate is old I'm not interested in having it again.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    But the thing is Kenny's death is uncertain Did you not play the same game i did? Kenny had one bullet, he was Surrounded on both sides, no escape. They didn't see Kenny get away, so what else would of happened.

  • edited June 2015

    The walkers were mesmerized by Ben's corpse, I doubt they even noticed Kenny from the amount of blood Ben had, a good meal for walkers. I don't have to go into some time wasting details so that you'd be conviced of that.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    But the thing is Kenny's death is uncertain Did you not play the same game i did? Kenny had one bullet, he was Surrounded on both sides, no escape. They didn't see Kenny get away, so what else would of happened.

  • And about Lee's bleeding, we met so many doctors, cant one person, find him?

  • I know many players didnt cut Lee's arm.
    But this isnt, the only different way.
    A lot of players, cut it off, so they could save Lee.
    Btw think about the different ways at season 2

    If Kenny keep shooting, Alvin is dead earlier.
    If Clementine said Walter, that Nick isnt a good person, Nick dies by a walker, very earlier.
    And season 2 has 5 differend entings.. So, every player can take his way, I whant lee back, cause my theory, has a good point

  • Lee is dead no exceptions

    I know many players didnt cut Lee's arm. But this isnt, the only different way. A lot of players, cut it off, so they could save Lee. Btw

  • And it worked on Reggie

    See the screenshot Uncle Pete, said that, it worked in his cousin.. Whatever..

  • edited June 2015

    Otherwise More ideas are good too
    Clem could be like this at s3
    Alt text
    With a tattoo on her arm (MOM , DAD, LEE)

    Or a best option (By my opinion)

    Alt text

    I think is pretty good...

    Alt text

  • Whatever...

    Alt text

    Lee is dead no exceptions

  • I would be so, so, so disappointed and irritated if they ever brought Lee back from the dead.

    The reason why Lee's death was so sad for everyone was because not only did it mean a lot to Clementine, but it made sense. It was well written and it was the perfect sendoff for a guy who's main goal was to help protect and prepare this young girl for survival. Some characters should really just stay dead, or else the emotional value of their death is completely stripped away. His sacrifice would mean nothing.

  • Yeah I agree.. Is a good point..

    But dont forget, Lee, can return, and just die again..

    All movies I have seen like this scrip is always like this.

    One person die, return, and again die .. but never come back..

    Idk.. .-.

    quinnics posted: »

    I would be so, so, so disappointed and irritated if they ever brought Lee back from the dead. The reason why Lee's death was so sad for e

  • Lee.. i really need him again. At least Clem's dreams, or flashbacks. That's all I ask :(

  • Bring back Lee

    I believe that Lee has been missing in all of us. I know, Clem shot him , but 'cause she was kid, and have no Experience at guns, Missed brain.. Maybe , hurt his eye, I dont know.

    Just stop! He's dead get over it! I'm so sick of people trying to dig up the dead. IT'S OVER!

  • Mad?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Bring back Lee I believe that Lee has been missing in all of us. I know, Clem shot him , but 'cause she was kid, and have no Experie

  • Another "Bring back Lee" thread?

    Man, I mean people were requesting a Lee dream scene so much that actually happened, and it was so lame and masochist "Oh no Don't LEAVE ME :[ I'm so lost without you, even though I was the one who controlled you... Uhhh".

    I was annoyed that Kenny and Clem were talking about Lee and Duck in every episode (Duck is an exception, but not mentioning Katjaa?? Come on, also Clem talks more about Lee than her parents, awesome). I mean if Game of Thrones (show) did this like TTG with this TWD season, it'be boring and hard to watch without exiting the room...

    He had a good run, he's dead,I don't know why should Lee get a special treatment to come back to life, there are other characters that are dead too...

  • Just realistic. People can't seem to get over what's done is done and we can't do anything to change it. We need to stop leaning on the past and move towards the future. John Marston, Johnny Klebitz, Vic Vance and yes Lee are all characters I've enjoyed playing as immensely. It hit me hard when their time had come but I knew it was for the best for the direction of the story. Let the dead stay buried


  • edited June 2015

    Kenny could've easily gotten away from that horde. I've seen the same thing happen in the TV show and comic book albeit that character had a hammer to fend off the walkers while Kenny had whatever weapon he could find in that alley or hallway. I've seen lots of characters juke their way through hordes of walkers, so I can believe Kenny escaping that unscathed.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    But the thing is Kenny's death is uncertain Did you not play the same game i did? Kenny had one bullet, he was Surrounded on both sides, no escape. They didn't see Kenny get away, so what else would of happened.

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