OK, 12:05 am Pacific, 7-7-09...



  • edited July 2009
    sumodaz wrote: »
    Is that on Christmas Eve like in Poland or do you wait unitl late evening on Christmas day?

    On Christmas Eve!
  • edited July 2009
    mizar wrote: »
    11:14 in Spain, bananas ready for when monkeys come

    I have three beers and 2 bags of potato chips ready :p

    come ooon!
  • edited July 2009
    Beer and Chips... great idea!

    Ok, first work, then fun :D
  • edited July 2009
    can't people just say between 3-9 pm gmt and be done with that? that is the standard of time measurement for global arrangements. and releasing to the net is as global as it comes
  • edited July 2009
    Ahhh you know I can wait.
    Sure no problem.

    *Secretly hitting F5 and refreshing main page non stop*
  • edited July 2009
    everytime i get an email my heart skips a beat.....

    I don't want any damn Viagra!!!
  • edited July 2009
    There is statistical proof that hitting F5 makes games you want come out faster.
  • edited July 2009
    ganjalf wrote: »
    There is statistical proof that hitting F5 makes games you want come out faster.

    Yes, but that's only valid until your keyboard breaks. Try setting up a script which automatically presses F5 ten times a second, and the game will be out in no-time!
  • edited July 2009
    Aequil wrote: »
    Yes, but that's only valid until your keyboard breaks. Try setting up a script which automatically presses F5 ten times a second, and the game will be out in no-time!

    Or do what Homer Simpson did and get one of those drinking birds so its beak keeps hitting the F5 button and saves you all the trouble.
  • edited July 2009
    Or do what Homer Simpson did and get one of those drinking birds so its beak keeps hitting the F5 button and saves you all the trouble.

    that's not a good idea ! In that episode at one point the bird fell off and the atomic power plant almost exploded :D
  • edited July 2009
    sumodaz wrote: »
    I know that, but when those 'down under' get the game, they will have waited all day and it will be beddie-bo's, where as if you live in US you will wake up and it'll be there to download, a bit like Christmas..... :)
    Actually, for Australians it'll be there when we wake up, while Americans will have to wait a a little while. If it's released at around the same time as previous games.

    Except for Western Australians, if it comes out kind of early.
  • edited July 2009
    munich, germany... all set. seems like the next couple of days will be all about lucas classics. this today, other classics over steam tomorrow, and monkey island special next week. nice.
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