Is TV show worth watching?
Maybe for some of you this question is foolish but I've never had enough time for watching TWD TV show.Is it worth watching or like some of other TV shows and movies like Vampiers blah blah and Transformers and this kind of shits is just bullshit.
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Yes, definitely. It gets really slow in Season 2, but other than that, I think it's one of the best shows on TV.
It's great in my opinion but you should just watch the first season and form your own opinion.
It has it's good and bad parts, some seasons or episodes better than others, but I think it's worth your time...just watch out for Season 2 and the farm ;.;
I find it boring, but I guess you should give it a try and see for yourself.
It's worth it
It's got its ups and downs personally I love the show though season 2 was tedious and boring.
Its alright. Gotta find out for yourself though.
Just the first episode. You can briefly watch the second episode until Andrea appears; she ruins the whole mood of the show
Best TV-show on the TV in the world!
17 million viewers!
There are bad moments and there are good moments. When there are good moments, they are usually really really good. I believe it is worth watching.
But then she dies in Season 3, making 4 and 5 Andrea free.
It can be pretty bad at times but good at times too, but if you love zombie stuff then I think you may like it
I used to think so but now I think it's sorta slow. But maybe you'll like it, season 4 was my favorite.
I recommend it, because Seasons 1-3 are great and definitely worth watching. Season 4 and 5 have kinda been like the seasons of fillers, with very few episodes with actual story development.
id highly recommend reading the comics, the comics are a lot better and definitely worth the read, the show is ok but the comic will always be better.
Rating of Walking Dead media:
1.Telltale's Walking Dead(Clem)
AMC's Walking Dead(Show)
Skybound's Comics Walking Dead.
Maxmillan's Walking Dead Novel ( Lily Caul)
Eventhough I have the Novel as last, its not too bad, though, its a little wordy.
You know my taste is some kind of hard for example I love these shows:Arrow,Wayward pines,True detective and I hate:Breaking bad,Vampires diaries,Prison break.Now tell me.
No. It is a PG version of TWD with poorly written characters, too much action, and little time spent developing proper plotlines.
Read the comic instead. 100x better and more enjoyable, plus it is much more like the game, considering they are both in the same universe.
I would say yes, it is worth watching. I was wary of it, kind of thought it sounded really stupid when it first came out. In all honesty, I never even wanted to give it a chance. Until I played TWDG. I was like, "This is great, I really enjoy it." I thought if I enjoyed the game, I should give the other forms of Walking Dead media a chance. I'm glad that I did. I will tell you that the show is obviously not the same as the game, and it can be really slow at points, but I think it's overall a good show with good characters. (Carol is my absolute favorite).
the comic is better.
I watched the first couple of episodes. Don't really think it's my thing to be honest. It just doesn't have the same atmosphere as the games.
I like the show. My sister and I really bonded together over it because we'd watch the episodes all the time and discussed the show/characters when we shared an apartment together; it was really cool.
The last season I think I've enjoyed the most, since they're finally getting into some interesting dramatic arcs like how to go back to normal life after the ZA, which I thought was fascinating. I find the characters enjoyable too for the most part. I've read some of the comics and I know some of the arcs/characters there are seen in the show too, but they usually put a different spin on those particular arcs/characters which is cool to see too.
I'd say give it a go. You don't have to necessarily start from the very first episode, but the first ep of season one really draws you in. It plays like a movie really, as do a lot of episodes.
Season 1: Great
Season 2: Meh
Season 3: Meh
Season 4: Great
Season 5: The best season by far.
The comics are alright. The character development is kinda poor, though. They don't really create that attachment to the characters like the show or the game does. Damn I like Dixion.
That makes little sense. Season 2 was the season where they stretched a few issues of comic into an entire season resulting in the story stopping dead at one location and filling up the run time with characters bitching at each other while the story remained stagnant. And Season 3 was the season where they had little to no story for the entirety of 3B, so they had episodes like "Arrow on the Doorpost" where Rick and the Governor sat at a table and talked about nothing for an entire episode (seriously, the Governor's two minute offer is the one thing of significance in the entire episode), and episodes like "Prey", where we spend the whole episode with Governor chasing Andrea, just for him to catch her at the end rendering the entire episode pointless, not even mentioning the retarded Tyreese/Allen fight that literally got started by off-screen drama that we never got to see, meaning it was just there to stall for time.
Meanwhile, literally everything in season 4 has a point. Every single small character moment in the first half gets paid off in the second, because Scott Gimple knew he needed to give the characters development after the atrocity of season 3. Only one episode is particularly slow paced and sucked, and that's the "Daryl and Beth get drunk" episode.
And as for season 5, it had the fastest paced story overall since season 1. Season 3A was fast paced, but 3B drags it down completely. Season 2 was slow throughout. Season 5 had some slower episodes, but it never once, in either half, felt like it was stalling for time, and the characters were constantly on the move. Even "Them", the slowest episode, was absolutely essential to see how far the group had fallen before they find providence in Alexandria.
For sure. The very first episode will leave you at the edge of your seat. ([Disclaimer] I'm not guaranteeing anything, nor saying that you will fall in love with the show, just from watching the first episode. Obviously everyone's different. I'm just letting you know how it was for me.) Days Gone Bye is the greatest first episode/pilot, ever. And TWD is beyond awesome. Every season, every episode.
There are some filler epsiodes that move too slowly, but even those episodes are awesome, in there own way. Watch it! Hell, put it at the top of your queue.
Basically what everyone else is saying. It has its ups and downs (the middle portion of Season 2 and the second half of Season 3 are by far the lowest points), but overall its a great watch. There's a reason its the #1 show on basic cable.
Definitely. I think its one of the best shows on TV. Sure, it has its down moments, just like everything, but, the up moments certainly outweigh them.
Seasons 1, 4, and 5 are all fantastic. I found watching 2 and 3 to be difficult at times but there were just enough good Episodes in them to keep me watching. IMO of course.
yes. but it is kinda inconsistent. season 1 very good. season 2 its alright has some strong episodes, season 3 starts strong but it melts down later but again has some strong episodes. season 4 starts awesome and it gets a lil dull but is very solid half opposed to the other seasons, great season. season five starts very good too, but it has some... lets just say some episodes couldve ruined the damn season, then it kinda breaks its mold of wetting weak in the second half and puts some the best,if not the best, episodes it has ever put on.
its worth looking up