If Carver was removed
Literally nothing would change as far as the main plot. He didn't really succeed in any way. Unlike Negan and The Governor who had a huge impact on the group and killed one or more major characters and made us question whether the entire group would have survived the mystery that surrounds him just turns into nothing. They could have easily coincided the "trust" thing with Carlos and how it's hinted he's done morally questionable things to keep his daughter safe and the murder of this George guy being more than self defense circumstances. He didn't really have as much as an impact on Clementine as I wanted him too and I expected his stronghold to be some kind of big time military base with dozens or even hundreds of guards armed to the teeth.
Carver = chased Cabin group out of the cabin
No Carver = no season 2
He had a huge affect on the plot, probably one of the biggest affects out of most characters in TWD.
Literally everyone in the cabin group would have been alive and they wouldnt have moved making Season 2's plot completely gone. Even Pete would be alive because he wouldnt have been checking out the bodies that Carver killed by the stream.
I disagree. Who does he really effect? The "Who's baby is it" mystery is never resolved, the trust plot line never really picked up and he doesn't really effect Clementine. Siding with him is irrelevant and basically his wrath is lost after In Harm's Way. If your argument is cause, you could also say without those three guys in the woods who chased Clementine there would be no Season 2
Alvin, Nick (determinant) Carlos, and Sarita all die because of him bringing them to the camp. Kenny loses his eye to Carver. Jane is added to the group through Carver bringing them to the camp. Rebecca dies due to lack of resources since they were forced out of the cabin and ski lodge where they could have kept her healthy after A.J.'s birth. And I'm sure the list could go on.
Yes that's true, but I don't mean no Season 2 in the way I think you think I do, I mean no Season 2 as we know it right now. Obviously there would be a season 2, but it would have panned out way differently because of these things.
Hence, it panning out differently :P
I kinda see Alvin, Sarita and even Nick after episode 2 as pretty minor characters. I guess you could say Carlos died due to the shooting of his guards but really more of circumstance than Carver himself.
Honestly I could see the group members you mentioned above just dying some other way and the remainder could have had the exact ordeal. The location might have changed but mostly everything that happened from ATR and NGB could have happened just as easily with him never being involved
I think season 2 didn't need carver as a antagonist Kenny and Jane did a great job on that. Even if you didn't have Jane in the game , Kenny still will find a way that screw things up.
if carver was removed they wouldn't have had to leave the cabin and then they would have never gone to the ski lodge and then they would have nev.. oh i'm sure you get the idea the whole season would have been different
And the same could be said about any other part of this game really
Take the Stranger out of S1? You can still end up at the same destination and reach the same ending without him
Take out the St Johns? Same destination after episode 2 can still be reached
Take out the bandits? Same destination can still be reached and the group can still be forced out of the motor inn through other circumstances
I think Carver had a huge affect on the plot my only issue is how quickly he died but that's a minor issue.
Carver was a big part of the story, for the first three episodes involve him, but I will that I agree that I feel he failed to have a real impact on Clementine's development or the story at large.
Clementine has the option of essentially siding with Carver when talking to him in his office and nothing becomes of that...what was the point? To allow the player the option to side with him to dupe him or something? But why have that option when the story plays out exactly the same regardless of what you say to Carver in his office?
Getting to know what happened with George...or at least elaborating more about what happened when they escaped...because why Carver is chasing them should be a bigger deal than it was. And exactly why they left should've been a bigger deal. I mean, Carlos says that Carver is dangerous and very smart, blah, blah, blah, but what made living at Howe's so bad that they needed to escape? Carver initially seems like he could be a morally grey character, but once at Howe's he's just a generic psychopath...and then he's quickly forgotten
Carver was the one who set everything in motion through his pursuit of the Cabin Group. All of their actions were because of his pursuit and their desire to get away from him which was the entire first three Episodes of the Season. That's 60% of the Season. He didn't have as much impact as other antagonists in TWD universe but the plot would have drastically changed had Carver not been there.
I've already proven cause is a faulty argument. Even you want to base everything on cause it was the three guys in the woods who "got everything in motion" and 60% is way over generous. Episode 1 he's mentioned once, episode 2 he appears twice and I guess the moving thing is contributed. In Harm's Way is the only time he's the main focus and has the most influence. Episode 4 onwards it seems he's completely forgotten. Most of the characters survived his short lived arc and aren't shown to really be affected by it
Just because he isn't in the screen 24/7 doesn't mean he isn't having an impact. In fact one of the main reasons they locked Clementine in the shed in episode 1 (probably the most major event of episode 1) was because they were on tilt since they knew Carver was after them, I'm fairly certain Carlos knew it was a dog bite, but didn't want to take his chances in case Clementine was working with Carver.
I guess we'll never know if it was just stupidity or if there was a greater cause
. I'd agree if they locked her in there because of Carver, still there are a lot of add ins that don't make it a direct cause. It's kinda going out on a limb.
Season 2 had a plot?!?!?
I think it was all about Clem and-and Lee, and how they had a good time a-and-and how Clem is the most level headed and useful scrawny eleven year old girl in a zombie apocalypse...
Back on topic,if Carver was removed,that would made the Cabin group a bunch of paranoid wusses.
"This kid is definitely a spy working for that evil guy, lock her up!"
I can't recall you proving that in the slightest. Without Carver causing the Cabin Group to flee the entire Season would have been different. He doesn't need to be mentioned in every other sentence or be killing main characters left and right to be important to the story. Like Green said above, the Cabin Group locked Clem in the shed as much because they were afraid she was working with Carver as they were that it was a walker bite on her arm.
And you're dead wrong about him being completely forgotten in 4 and 5. He is mentioned in Episode 4 on some occasions and in Episode 5 he is the measure against which Kenny is compared as he becomes more and more of a monster as he loses it throughout the Episode. some are obvious and some are subtle, but they were there and they were important for the story of the final Episode. I'm not arguing that he was a good antagonist, I'm just arguing that he wasn't as useless as you seem to think.