The Walking Dead Issue 142 Discussion

What are your thoughts on the newly released issue 142 and what do you think will happen in 143?

I thought it was a good issue, 141 was much better though, I'm just glad they finally got Rick up to speed on what's going on at The Hilltop and about The Whisperers. I'm not exactly sure what Alpha's plan is though, and it begs the question just how many more are at the fair and what do they plan on doing.


  • thought it was a really good issue, loved the talk between alpha and carl, i also think this search for carl is going to end badly too, and seeing alpha all dressed up normal and is pretty much spying on alexandria, oh man, cant wait wait till the next issue.


  • All i know is Alpha better not let Negan break out

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Alt text

    Zombie butts

    Kirkman you have gone too far

  • Alpha better not let Negan break out

    Alt text

    -Kenny posted: »

    All i know is Alpha better not let Negan break out

  • I agree. In a world of zombie violence, NSA sex encounters, and inhumane survival tactics.... naked zombie ass seems oddly indecent.

    Deltino posted: »

    Zombie butts Kirkman you have gone too far

  • i was honestly thinking of that.

    -Kenny posted: »

    All i know is Alpha better not let Negan break out

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