Catch A Ride Screenshots Discussion



  • edited June 2015

    Yes there was time line. But we never knew when they questioned Athena in Sanctuary. So now TftB shows us when she was kidnapped.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah but TfB happens even later....well it was not specified how later, but in the beginning there was a time line shown somewhere

  • Yeah but TfB happens even later....well it was not specified how later, but in the beginning there was a time line shown somewhere

    Janek95 posted: »

    I mean interrogation of Athena in Pre-Sequel. It happens after Borderlands 2.

  • They got lucky, re- no xp

    Well, I think you might be right. After all, you'd probably have to get the remote back of Vasquez to get Loader Bot up and running again. But maybe you take down Vasquez? Or maybe Jack hacks into Loader Bot? Perhaps, as you say, something altogether different happens? Arfjhdsjfhds too many possibilities!

    (Also, can you see what colour his eye is on that screenshot? Likely blue, but I can't see properly >.<)

    Does anyone else think the Loader Bot flying the whole gang to safety is a little bit on the nose? * It's a peculiarly large spoiler fo

  • I already do, trust me.

    I hope all those Fiona-choosers see this and immediately regret their decision. Hail to the king, indeed!

  • We know where the main-game storyline of TPS fits into the timeline (AKA how Jack turns into Handsome Jack), but as for the scenes that bookend the game (where Athena is being interrogated by Lilith and the gang) it's never been specified where they fit into the series as a whole (including Tales).

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Yeah but TfB happens even later....well it was not specified how later, but in the beginning there was a time line shown somewhere

  • Ooooh and then they run into that Eridian Alien...

    I really hope you're right and we get to see Sanctuary!

  • Yeah, I did a double-take on the jungle, too.

    But apparently they are "lost in the mysterious jungle of an Atlas terraforming facility.

    I quite like the new locations that TT have introduced, especially Hollow Point - I'd love to know how they came up with the "town inside a cave" concept - the only thing I could think of was the practicalities of it being impenetrable to moon shots (which is why we go there in the first place).

    Dapnee posted: »

    A forest/jungle on Pandora? Interesting. Uneasy truce with Athena? All this great stuff is going on and I'm glad I have something to get through this work week since this will be another wonderful Tuesday off.

  • edited June 2015

    Is it just me, or did they change how Gortys looks a little bit? I love how she looks in the new screenshots, like more childlike...

    Alt text

    Anyway, I'm sooo excited to see her in action. And I can't wait to see if it's really Brick and Mordecai in the screenshot with Athena and Fiona. I missed them so much!

  • She definitely looks even cuter in that new screen shot.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Is it just me, or did they change how Gortys looks a little bit? I love how she looks in the new screenshots, like more childlike...

  • She's not as battered up on the ep. 3 screenshots.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Is it just me, or did they change how Gortys looks a little bit? I love how she looks in the new screenshots, like more childlike...

  • Seems like Rhys and Sasha are going to spend some moar time together ;)

  • I have to say, if Rhys actually shoots some kind of laser out of his arm the Stranger had better call him out on how absurd that is. It's supposed to be an ECHO eye interface, since when did it get laser-shooting capabilities!? Not that that wouldn't be cool, but if he says something like "Jack made a power surge" or something then that arm had better be out of commission for a while because that does not seem like a machine which should be abused!

    I can't stop gushing over how badass Rhys looks in this pic. He really looks like Iron Man in this one! Dammit!! I am soooo hype for the upcoming episode!!!!!

  • edited June 2015

    She really looks cuter in the newer screenshot. I think one of the reasons why she looks different, it is because her the plate at her eyes is lifted. It gives her a more cheerful and mischief appearance.

    EDIT: Oh and the lower part of her body has this light-blue light, makes her look cooler and more advanced.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Is it just me, or did they change how Gortys looks a little bit? I love how she looks in the new screenshots, like more childlike...

  • In later screenshots, it looks like Loader Bot is extremely dirty, scratched, and broken. It also appears like Fiona and Rhys get separated again because we don't see the two of them interacting with each other anymore in the rest of the screenshots except the first one.

    Maybe it's an embellishment to hide that the group got separated in an embarrassing way?

    Does anyone else think the Loader Bot flying the whole gang to safety is a little bit on the nose? * It's a peculiarly large spoiler fo

  • edited June 2015

    Actually after a closer look I think they also chaged her... face? I don't know what to call it. But her eyes seem to be sitting closer and she now has something that seems like a nose of some sort with a little blue light.

    Well, they definitely worked on that a lot, just like they changed appearance of Jack AI for the better.

    She really looks cuter in the newer screenshot. I think one of the reasons why she looks different, it is because her the plate at her eyes

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Methinks our unreliable narrators may be at it again

    I was thinking the same thing, Vaughn looks too happy in that screenshot as he seems the scardy-cat type and dangling under Loader Bot would probably terrify him :P

    Does anyone else think the Loader Bot flying the whole gang to safety is a little bit on the nose? * It's a peculiarly large spoiler fo

  • No, they definitely made her look different in the new screenshots.

    Her eyes have a blue tint to them compared to the white. Her face is more similar to Wheatley's from Portal 2 in how it can (possibly) create facial structures by moving plates around. She has lights in the lower half of her body that correspond to the color of her eyes. She's less battered up and looks crisper.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Is it just me, or did they change how Gortys looks a little bit? I love how she looks in the new screenshots, like more childlike...

  • Hmm, true.

    Well, he did get stuck underneath that truck. Maybe that's what happened.

    CGAdam posted: »

    I think that's how he looks if you tell him to self destruct.

  • I think that's how he looks if you tell him to self destruct.

    Syberian posted: »

    In the last screenshot it looks like Loader Bot is looking behind him. I wonder if this means that the robots can literally look behind them

  • I'd like to point ot that Mordecai, master marksman, decided it was a great idea to ust stroll in close distance to a freak that is known to bash people's heads in with a shield, no wonder Athena almost soloed them.

    Goddamn drunkard, Bloodwing was the smart of the two, and Bloodwing had literal birdbrain.

    I am very interested to find out who this is, because their outfit looks remarkably similar to The Stranger.

  • edited June 2015

    Fiona finds help from an unexpected mentor

    I wonder who that's going to be? Maybe Athena? She doesn't seem to be kicking the shit out of her as much as you'd think after Hollow Point (i mean i stole her fucking shield in ep2, and gloated about it, also got her in trouble with the missus).

    Who're the other options? I don't remember Brick having bear grills training (but then again he does kinda punch huge tentacled monsters in the face every now and then), Mordecai does have some of that training (he was camping in a giant insect infested valley in bl2) but they're both going to be busy yielding to Athena's mighty shield.

    So i guess it's either Athena helping Fiona out for some reason (and then getting interrupted by the dynamic duo) or Mordecai/Brick run into lost girl Fiona, help her, get split up, Athena runs into her and then the screenshot happens as Athena is about to bash her head in, but that'd be kinda contrived (especially the continuous splitting up, which might end up actually be some sort of trap i guess, as in they know Athena's waiting for Fiona to split up so she can pounce her so send her off as bait, so she ends up getting pissed off, so the whole Brick/Mordecai/Athena/etc subplot gets over and done with).

    Or maybe Brick/Mordecai will mentor her (whatever that means) while half dead, with gagged up Athena in the background.

    Or maybe it's Vaughn since i don't see him in the jungle pics, but i guess having Vaughn around would make it less of a "Fiona's lost" and more of a "team is split up" situation.

    Or maybe it's Krieg, and he'll mentor her in the art of polishing meat bicycles so they become the shiniest. Yeah, definitely Krieg.

  • Loader Bot is dirty if he's self-destructed.

    Syberian posted: »

    In later screenshots, it looks like Loader Bot is extremely dirty, scratched, and broken. It also appears like Fiona and Rhys get separated

  • I didn't self-destruct him in either of my playthroughs. Thank you for the knowledge, though.

    Pipas posted: »

    Loader Bot is dirty if he's self-destructed.

  • Alt text

    Wait: LOVE IS IN THE AIR?!! Oh, Telltale, you ship-teasers you...

  • Dat Kingpin reference though.

  • Loader Bot looks busted in all of the screenshots, especially its lower half

  • My initial thought was Athena (and I think that'd be a really cool dynamic - two badass, stoic heroines teaming up) - but what if it's Vallory?

    What if she plays the whole "wow, kid that was a great con - I'd like you on my team", but it's just a ruse to get closer to her.

    Aaira posted: »

    Fiona finds help from an unexpected mentor I wonder who that's going to be? Maybe Athena? She doesn't seem to be kicking the shit ou

  • edited June 2015

    You know, Tales takes place AFTER Borderlands 2 and Anthony Burch is involved in the, I don't really think the original Borderlands characters are automatically safe...I mean Shade could die...soo

    The_Duck posted: »

    Where are people getting these from? The Twitter definitely did not have any screenshots beyond the Athena/Gortys one when people started po

  • That love in the air doh

  • I'm just so happy that Loader Bot is back. I was kind of scared thinking we wouldn't see him until the very end of Episode 4.

  • We saw in episode one that he can use that centre part as a torch - maybe Jack's plan is to just shine it in their eyes a bit?

    Solid plan, HJ - definitely glad I picked you.

    mirashade posted: »

    I have to say, if Rhys actually shoots some kind of laser out of his arm the Stranger had better call him out on how absurd that is. It's su

  • Vallory's the Pandora kingpin of crime, i reckon she'd just get there with a bunch of henchmen and just kneecap everyone, or send whomever Pandora Bullseye is. She might do that to get info from them about the Gortys thing (maybe mecha ball is set up so she only responds to Rhys/Fiona) but the way utmun made her out to be scary leads me to believe she'd rather just torture everyone.

    Wouldn't call Fiona stoic by the way, dropping tons of spaghetti everytime things don't go perfectly well's part of her charm.

    My initial thought was Athena (and I think that'd be a really cool dynamic - two badass, stoic heroines teaming up) - but what if it's Vallo

  • Also, where the hell is Vaughn? D:

  • I wonder if people would be angry if any of the playable vault hunters died...

    J-Master posted: »

    You know, Tales takes place AFTER Borderlands 2 and Anthony Burch is involved in the, I don't really think the original Borderlands characters are automatically safe...I mean Shade could die...soo

  • That picture

    Alt text

    I can't stop gushing over how badass Rhys looks in this pic. He really looks like Iron Man in this one! Dammit!! I am soooo hype for the upcoming episode!!!!!

  • A forest/jungle on Pandora? Interesting.

    It can be something like Wildlife Exploitation Preserve from BL2.

    Dapnee posted: »

    A forest/jungle on Pandora? Interesting. Uneasy truce with Athena? All this great stuff is going on and I'm glad I have something to get through this work week since this will be another wonderful Tuesday off.

  • Working on his abs, no doubt. :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also, where the hell is Vaughn?

  • They show Sasha holding August's gun......

    Hey, they don't show August or Vasquez...

  • I suspect Vallory will be played by Janet Lipsey. She sounds like she'd be able to pull off a criminal mastermind.

  • edited June 2015


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hold on a second, look at Gortys Now look here My god...

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