Catch A Ride Screenshots Discussion



  • I have really confused myself - I'm not sure if he has his arm twisted strangely in the new screencap, but things don't add up...

    I thought this was the same angle:

    Alt text

    But it's not:

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    It seems to resemble this side piece more:

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    Maybe his wrist is twisted?

    mirashade posted: »

    But that isn't in view in any of the episode 3 screenshots? The black thing on his arm in the last Ep. 3 screenshot has always looked that w

  • So there might be more to it than a misunderstanding? I guess we will have to play the episode and find out. :-) Sorry for the confusion.

    I have really confused myself - I'm not sure if he has his arm twisted strangely in the new screencap, but things don't add up... I thoug

  • edited June 2015

    I just watched the menu screen spin around Rhys to confirm, and it seems that the black part with lights is usually on the front, but when he lifts up his arm and turns his hand to look at his interface the back of the hand faces the yellow part in question. Like this:

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    Probably because it's a robot arm the wrist can turn without the arm turning with it. And since Rhys' torso is turned in that screenshot, we must be looking at the side of the arm but with his wrist turned

    I have really confused myself - I'm not sure if he has his arm twisted strangely in the new screencap, but things don't add up... I thoug

  • On the left of the sixth screenshot it looks like Bricks arm and on the right it looks like Mordecai's arm.

  • It's also possible that there are just some traces left of Jack's modifications.

    Yep, one of the main theories is that by the time the 'present'/hostage scenes take place Jack has taken full control of Rhys. Alternativ

  • Vallory has other bounties posted on the board under her name too, from what I remember. Anyone have a screenshot?

    JackMarco posted: »

    "who puts up the wanted posters/pays the bounty hunters if it's not some sort of law enforcement?" Rich people who got conned by her?

  • Oh, yeah! That could happen, cause in TWAU they kept teasing Bigby's transformation for 3 episodes...

    He'll show up... the preview for ep 4...

  • So if they have Mordecai in episode 3, does that mean that Talon will also be there?

  • It explicitly said there were going to be episode 3 screenshots... any screenshot for something you haven't seen/played yet is a spoiler. The only difference is the magnitude of said spoiler.

    I didnt know it would be spoily

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