Clementine Flunked?

Did anyone else notice how in S1 E1 Clementine said she was in 1st grade? Clementine was 8 in that episode and aren't you supposed to be 6 in first grade? I wouldn't mind if she flunked, but Clementine seems a bit too smart for her age anyway. :P


  • I always thought it was just a writing oversight to be honest.

  • I actually thought this as well, but someone told me that she was just talking about first grade in that conversation, she didn't actually admit she was in first grade. I don't know though, it's been a while since I saw that scene :p

  • 6 if she is born early. 7 if not. She must have repeated lol

  • She said it's easy though... So easy that she flunked? Lol. Probs just an oversight.

  • No.

    Some children start going to kindergarten later, and therefore begin school at 7 years. Clementine was one of them.

    Since her birthday in the fall, she went to school at age 7, and two months later she became eight years old.

  • Some children start going to kindergarten later, and therefore begin school at 7 years. Clementine was one of them.

    Since her birthday in the fall, she went to school at age 7, and two months later she became eight years old.

    ^This, it could be this.

    I'd also like to add that Katjaa does say "Clementine was just telling me about first grade". I guess it could have been a misunderstanding on Lee's part that he thought she was currently in first grade. Though of course, Clementine does say "It's easy" rather than "It was easy". So I'd bet that Karnedg2013 has it right.

  • Well the outbreak was in July . Maybe she was on summer break and transitioning into the second grade

  • edited June 2015

    Oh... so much honor :)

    Thank YOU :)

    Elphaba posted: »

    Some children start going to kindergarten later, and therefore begin school at 7 years. Clementine was one of them. Since her birthda

  • I just wonder since everything started in the summer, why does Diana's answering machine message promise Sandra that they'll be back before her spring break?

    Well the outbreak was in July . Maybe she was on summer break and transitioning into the second grade

  • You're welcome :)

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Oh... so much honor Thank YOU

  • Maybe it was a joking way of saying theyll be back soon?

    Elphaba posted: »

    I just wonder since everything started in the summer, why does Diana's answering machine message promise Sandra that they'll be back before her spring break?

  • I think it was just a oversight by they writers. Kirkman probably got on their case.

    Elphaba posted: »

    I just wonder since everything started in the summer, why does Diana's answering machine message promise Sandra that they'll be back before her spring break?

  • It was probably just an over sight, but maybe clem started school later, like when she was 6 or 7

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