Why Will/Wont you be buying the Michonne series?



  • Kirkman made the walking dead, Kirkman said he wants a cool Michonne telltale story then that's what we get. Can't wait.

  • I'm a tight-ass, so if the dlc gets a good reaction after coming out I may buy it.

  • I'm defintely getting it. Simply, for Michonne.

  • edited June 2015

    Michonne is awesome and TWDG is awesome soooooo.... I'll definitely buy it.

  • There is a not buy option? That option only exists for TTG Minecraft game. Other than that TTG is a must buy for me.

  • she wont interact with clementine, if she does then clems story is over or has randomly skipped two more years

    alostguy25 posted: »

    Ok, well, thanks for posting this. I retract everything I said before... Now I'm curious as to how (if at all) she'll interact with Clem.

  • I'm sure it'll be good I'm just dissapointed they went this route I don't see the point because Telltale has always done they're own cast of characters plus it has zero to do with the story they've been telling but I'll still buy it.

  • I agree with AgentZ46. I don't really see the point in this either. It could be a really good game, but it doesn't hold any interest to me.

    Telltales The Walking Dead already has established characters, many of which could have been brought back for this DLC.

    Nevertheless, if it gets good reviews then I may consider buying it. If not, then no great loss. I shall wait for Season Three.

  • I don't think I will buy it because I just don't care enough and I'm not interested in it at all.

  • I'll buy it for sure. Just because Michonne is fucking awesome.

  • Hell yeah!

    Been waiting for a comic-reference since Glenn Rhee but honestly, this is such a good idea!

    I understand how some people would prefer having to play as someone unique to the game series like play as Kenny as he go out of Savannah, met Sarita etc. but this will keep me entertained.

    And why did people not like playing as Clementine in Season 2? I understand decisions won't be as important but honestly it was still epic!
    I loved playing as Clementine. You people are the reason Telltale are probably going to be going in a new storyline for Season 3 which I don't want! Clementine is The Walking Dead mascot! I want to see her grow!

  • edited June 2015

    I wanted it to be Lilly DLC and how she is surviving right now but whatever.

    I'll buy it. Not really super hyped over what happened to some character that I don't know about and is gonna survive no matter what, but I'll give it a try.


  • Won't buy it. Already know that Michonne won't die.

  • Given the fact they said that "at least s2e1" is needed to play the mini series, I'm guessing that It'll cover the period just before S2 begins (after Omid's shooting though.)

    she wont interact with clementine, if she does then clems story is over or has randomly skipped two more years

  • Argh, it's a tough one, because I never read the comics or watched the show so it can be confusing to me, also Michonne has a plot armour...

    ...but i just read a shortened version of her story and that should be enough to play, also it's a TTG game, they never dissapointed me, so...I guess I will.

  • I definitely will be buying it! I think it will be great! Can't wait to play! I think she's one of the best characters on the show (I know some people won't agree, but that's just my opinion) and since we don't get to see that much of her alone on the show, I think this will be interesting to see what she did when we didn't see her forever in the comics!

  • Thanks, but I was more talking about reviews and press previews and such. Telltale's own press statements have some good information, but everything is written with the intent of making the game look good. The goal of a good critic is to get the reader's trust, and the best way to do that is to give you an accurate representation of a game's good and bad points. So those are the people that I more look to when deciding to buy a game.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Heres some info on it from a blog post on this website from a staff member to help u learn more about this The Walking Dead: Michonne -

  • edited June 2015

    Michonne has a plot armour...

    That's always a problem when you're making a prequel. To be fair, they did the same thing with Bigby and TWAU was great.

    Crips posted: »

    Argh, it's a tough one, because I never read the comics or watched the show so it can be confusing to me, also Michonne has a plot armour...

  • Ok fair enough buddy :)

    mosfet posted: »

    Thanks, but I was more talking about reviews and press previews and such. Telltale's own press statements have some good information, but ev

  • edited June 2015

    I will absolutely be buying it!!! Why the hell not?
    Michonne is an awesome and complex character both in the comics and the TV series,I will gladly spend my money on anything michonne related.
    To finally see what see was up to all that time she was away?! yes please sign me up.
    Plus with telltale on this, its bound to be awesome.

  • I'm with you on that. c:

    Kateis posted: »

    I don't think I will buy it because I just don't care enough and I'm not interested in it at all.

  • edited June 2015

    Sorry, I don't want to throw more money at telltale for something I don't want. Michonne is cool and all, but I don't feel like it's fair to be treated like a wallet and not a person. It may be good, but sorry, this was clearly done for money, and I want something that came from telltale's heart that is their for our entertainment and not for our money.

    As a giant fan of their games, I may check out a lets play on it, but that's all I'll do.

  • At least she's a better 'survivalist' than Jane.

    What the hell, I'll play it. Hopefully this will point to a more explicit crossover between the storylines of the game and comic in Season 3. The announcement points out that this mini-series will fill in the gaps of the two-year timeskip within the comic (wherein Michonne was missing), placing it around the same time as Season 2.

    Crossing my fingers for Christa's return.

  • Buy it, play it, get the models, gg

  • I have mixed feelings since I don't read the comics much. :/

  • Of course I will, TTG's stuff is top-notch, even though I would have preferred a Negan/Dwight mini-series.

  • Hell no. I might check it out on YouTube or something when it gets released. Michonne is an incredibly dull character and I have like next to no interest whatsoever in this.

  • I probably will hold out for reviews, hopefully they release it All in one time, i'm so tired of episodic waiting.

  • i will buy it because i need my walking dead fix and interested to know what happened to michonne during the the 2 year time skip in the comics

  • I haven't made up my mind yet. It's too soon to judge a game made by Telltale even though I don't agree with their decision

  • We knew Bigby wouldn't die either, that worked out fine.

    Won't buy it. Already know that Michonne won't die.

  • I will because Telltale's The Walking Dead is one of my favorite games of all time and I'm determined they'll keep up the good work.

  • I'll buy it because I'm interested in the Walking Dead universe. It's not really because of Telltale since I've played nothing else from them. I just eat Walking Dead stuff up... besides Survival Instinct.

    If it's good, that's good. If it blows, it'll be fun to read the boards in the aftermath.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2015

    In six months, A lot of hot new games come out, MGS5, Fallout 4 , Star Wars Battlefront etc, those are a few games i know i plan on playing. I just don't see this DLC getting time over those games. Sorry. My ADD brain will only allows me to play games in spurts, so i might be able to play for twenty minutes, a hour being generous, then i have to go out and so something else constructive.

  • Yes because I love the comics and Michonne is one of my favorite characters in them, and I'm also looking forward to a new look in this universe through Telltale's eyes that doesn't involve Clementine

  • I won't get it right away. I'll see what you guys think first

  • Im getting disappointed with TellTale's signs of rushed and short episodes of late.
    First with season 2 of TTG now with Season 3 of TB.

    GOT I haven't really gotten into but Ive been a big fan of TWD and TB.

    Im finding myself more excited and in anticipation of other episodic games out there due to TTG later that Im going to wait till the whole season is out with reviews before I spend my money.

    Please, please TTG. Stop with the short rushed episodes. You were the first for episodic games that Im aware of and really want you at the top and setting the standards!

  • I probably will because it's Telltale, but I've never read the comics, so I don't know who this character is anyway, so whatever happens, I won't be as disappointed as others who have read the comics.

  • this has been said before but I will get it because im a big comic fan, and I want to see what happened during the time we didn't see in the comics concerning Michonne

    I also wont be worried about whether or not my choices matter. because I simply just wanna know what happened, a more linear gameplay wouldn't bother me if thats the case

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