Why not Rick? More mini-series in the future?
Okay first of all, I'm okay with the Michonne mini-series and I'm looking forward to it, but why didn't they choose to make a Rick mini-series instead in the same gap of time after All Out War? I mean, he's the protagonist after all, and I would've loved to see Alexandria in the game. Michonne has her own personality set in stone in the comics too, so I don't know how this is gonna work. Also, do you think that in the end of episode 3 we'll get to see Michonne arriving at Alexandria on the boat and meeting Rick just like in Issue 139? One last thing, do you think Telltale will make more mini-series in the future for other comic/game characters?
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I would absolutely LOVE a mini series about Paul Monroe. Negan, Dwight, and Ezekial are also characters I'd like to learn more about. And than there's Magna and her crew. And also that Alexander Davidson guy. And Alpha......
I'm almost at the point where I'm ready to say "fuck the Telltale characters. Lets just have a bunch of pre-Alexandria spinoffs about the Comic characters".
Rick grimes has both the TV series and the comics centered around him.We know literally everything there is to know about him.A collection of Mini series based on other comic book characters is much more interesting than a mini series about the main character.imo
I'd actually like a Walking Dead Game about Clementine!
How about an actual new undiscovered character?
I'd love a Rick mini-series. Also, I'm pretty sure the whole Michonne leaving thing had happened a while before the returning on the boat thing and that was just a fishing trip. Could be wrong.
Thank god Telltale didn't listen to you and were getting a Michonne series.
Don't we have enough
A Michonne series would make more sense since there's a period of time where she could have been anywhere and have anything hapl en to her
Of what?
Games about her. A break from her is more than fine with me
I said I was okay with the Michonne series, I was just asking. Jeez. -_-
Why not Rick?
How about b/c the comic and TV series are about Rick...yes there are other main characters, but it's essentially Rick Grimes' story
Yup, I know, but still some people would love to play as him at least once. Me included. We've played as Lee, Clem, Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Bonnie, Shel, Tavia, Daryl (Survival Instinct), even Shane or Glenn in some independent games (Dead Reckoning, Atlanta Run), and we'll play as Michonne (which I'm totally cool with, I'm really looking forward to it) but still no Rick anywhere. I just think it's a bit weird, that's all. I'm not complaining. I would also love to play as Jesus Monroe someday, for example. XD
I would have rather seen a continuation of the 400 Days characters.
i guess, from that POV, it makes sense to play as Rick, but I like the idea of playing as characters we know little about better
we can't go into the future of Rick's story in a game b/c said game is canon and cannot control where the comic story goes....and there's no point in playing something in the past since we already know what decisions were made and how things played out...so as fun as it may be to play as Rick (although I have no interest in playing as Rick...I'm pretty ambivalent about his character), I just don't see a way for a game to play out Rick's story
because it is literally impossible there is no way telltale could do something with rick without interfering with the comics
Telltale has to make it tye in with the comics otherwise people would complain. Rick is the main protagonist in the comics so it would be hard for him to disappear for even a short time
I really wish we had this Rick is one of the best characters on the walking dead at the moment but I'm happy with the michonne mini series (she is still an amazing badass)