Favourite and a Least favourite playable character



    1. Rodrik

    2. Asher

    3. Gared

    4. Ethan

    5. Mira

    I find both Mira and Ethan to be really boring characters, but Ethan at least had a shocking scene. I find it excruciating how the whole King's Landing plot just relies on show cameos. A few are okay, but I really don't buy that Cersei would be so interested in Mira and even trust anyone, especially the handmaiden that had a deal with him, with Tyrion. That was a very stupid decision by Telltale imo, there's integrating in the canon and then there's this.

    Mira is a boring character and her story has become really dumb.

  • Gared is my favorite, but i don't have any playable character that i don't like

    1. Mira. I've always loved the political machinations in Game of Thrones/ASOIAF more than the medieval war or supernatural elements. Sansa is my favourite character in the books, so it makes sense for Mira to be my favourite here. Also Mira's one of the characters you can choose how to play. You can be evil Mira and betray Margaery and Sera and Tyrion and Tom at every opportunity, or you can be loyal Mira and stay true to everyone. I love that. The one issue I do have with Mira is that it's hard to feel I have control over her story to any firm degree with all the involvement from canon characters like Cersei, Margaery and Tyrion.
    2. Asher. Asher seems like the most fun one to play, he's the cocky hero that everyone would like to be. And again there's a lot of options in how to play him, especially in dialogue options. The whole Behska vs Malcolm dynamic, is a draw for me. And finally he has minimal involvement with canon characters so it really feels like he can effect some change.
    3. Gared. While I take issue with how little control I seem to have with Gared, I don't honestly feel like I've made any important decisions with him, he is exploring new lands which is another part of GoT I love. Bran is my second favourite character in the books for this very reason. Gared, like Asher also doesn't interact a lot with canon, so it feels like he can really cause change in the story. Also I like how Gared's story is broken up by little mini games like Night's Watch training or hunting for rabbits, even though the difficulty is a bit too much.
    4. Ethan. I liked Ethan a lot, and it really felt as if every decision they put on him was important. It's a shame we lost him so quickly.
    5. Rodrik. I don't dislike Rodrik, but he's the one I like the least. It's not as fun playing him IMO. Each decision seems like a wrong one, and everything seems to blow up in my face. I need more tiny victories to break up all the gloom going on at Ironrath, so far all we've gotten is the one scene where Gryff is captured, and that was erased in the following episode. Ramsay's huge involvement as an antagonist is a problem here too, his plot armor makes decisions involving him seem woefully hopeless.
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