What did you say to Eleana...

when she asked you to get rid of you know who?

I promised her. When the time came I told them to take their weapons, but when they held him down I was really surprised. I didn't think she was into beating restrained people down (even if theyre assholes). I hit him 3 times then stopped then said we were done. Eleana looked super pissed afterward though. I think maiming people is too much. (Unless its Ramsay lol)


  • I straight up said no I wasn't going to murder for her.

  • I beat the FUCK out of him, I made him blind and injured.

  • From her look I thought she wanted me to finish him off.

  • I kept refusing until the game only gave me affirmative answer options. Then I chose the most vague one. Girl can look for someone else to do her dirty work.

  • I honestly planned on killing Gryff, plus it was kind of a wedding gift for her. Still I wasn't able to, and Ma Forrester is still worried about her son so he's little more then currency right now to me.

  • I thought we were gonna kill him too, but beating someone and killing them are way different.

  • I said if I must i.e. if there was no other way

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