Is Clementine safe in any of the endings?
Stay with Kenny: this is probrably the ending most people wanted or had. It was heartwarming and you get to stay with the person you were with since the beginning. But in reality, it's snowing and Clem and Kenny are out in the open. Sure the walkers would slow down, but the weather conditions are terrible, where will they find shelter?
Alone with A.J: she's alone with the baby and she is walking through a horde of walkers, the baby could wake up at any minute and start crying alerting the walkers. And even if she made it out the herd, she has no supplies with her. How is she managing to feed the baby and herself for the past
nine days?
Stay in Wellington: those people can be anyone. What if they are cannibals? What lies behind those walls in very questionable.
Invite the family in: Randy did have a gun. He could hold both Clem and Jane hostage and steal their supplies. Perhaps he even kills Jane and tries to harm Clem and the baby as well.
Tell the family to leave: randy said it, he could be dangerous. Who knows if he'll ever come back and seek revenge on Clementine and Jane.
70% of players shot Kenny.
I think she's most safe with Kenny, not saying this because I'm a Kenny fan, but because he will protect her more than anyone, even if it costs him his life, and she won't be alone, surrounded by strangers or living with possibly dangerous people. Anyways, I think it's safe to say she'll be okay in all endings, TT will probably lead them to the same scenario for Season 3.
Not completely, no.
I feel like Clem is safe with Jane (although I don't think AJ is), but Randy could be a pretty big threat. Kenny would try his hardest to keep her safe, but at the same time they're off in the wilderness in the middle of winter with limited supplies, so that's not good. She's behind walls at Wellington, but who knows what is behind them, and I think the alone ending speaks for itself. So no, she's not safe in any of them.
I have 0% faith in either of the Howe's endings. That place has been bulldozed by walkers twice so far, and that was with a decent sized group armed with automatics. I can't imagine Clem and Jane holding that place down for long. Even less so if they have a pissed off, and potentially dangerous Randy stalking the premises. I don't feel to great about the "alone" or "with Kenny" endings either. Being out in the wild with limited supplies (none in the alone ending), during the dead of winter with a crying baby and no destination in mind is not going to end well.
In my mind, staying in Wellington is the best move. The fact that they're sending people away because of over population actually gives me a sense of hope for some strange reason.
Very true, I don't feel too confident about the Jane endings. Idk, I just don't feel safe about that family.
If they want to tell her story in season three, then she's not safe.
I think all 5 endings leave Clementine in a worse situation than where she started.
OF COURSE RANDY HAD A GUN. I really wish people would stop pointing that out. It's irrelevant. Assume everyone you encounter in the apocalypse is freaking armed.
Jane and Clementine have weapons as well don't they?
In every ending Clem is probably as safe as she can be. Each scenario presents nuanced dangers.
But I think most people ended up either alone or with Jane at Howes...most people definitely shot Kenny though
No, I highly doubt it. Even the "stay at Wellington" option is probably dangerous, since we don't know the kind of people in there. Not to sound edgy or whatever but I figure an 11 year girl by herself would attract attention to all kinds of psychos.
Ok sure he does have a gun. But then why did Clementine have such a worried look on her face? Clearly telltale did this to represent that he can still be dangerous.
She had such a worried look on her face b/c she just went thru some shit so of course she's paranoid and suspicious...anyone could be dangerous. She probably would've had that same look on her face had they been unarmed since clem and Jane were already on edge before they even saw the weapon
she saw the gun and then had a paranoid look on her face, which is my point. He can be dangerous, and we all know they went through shit.