Telltale trying to force ships?



  • I'm such a wily rascal.

    mirashade posted: »

    Piggs is making fun of typos again.

  • Being in the same year in college doesn't automatically make you the same age, just throwing it out there.

    mirashade posted: »

    Sasha is 24. Vaughn is 27, and Vaughn mentions being in the same year of college together with Rhys this episode, so therefore Rhys is also 27. Three years really isn't that big of a deal.

  • Was Lee "forced" to have feelings for Carly?

    Nope. Depending on choices it may not happen

    Oh my goodness... "Forced". Why do you people keep using that word? Was Lee "forced" to have feelings for Carly? I mean come on people, y

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, just like here, you have choices as Rhys to NOT make it happen.

    As in, who you chose to trust in the previous episode, and how you talk to Sasha in this episode.. It's the same dang thing as in TWD, but people are choosing to ignore that fact for reasons unknown to me.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Was Lee "forced" to have feelings for Carly? Nope. Depending on choices it may not happen

  • I tried my absolute hardest to not do be romantic with Sasha and I still got stuck with it.

    Yeah, just like here, you have choices as Rhys to NOT make it happen. As in, who you chose to trust in the previous episode, and how you

  • I feel you.

    Alt text

    Godamn these scenes were forced as hell. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching t

  • edited June 2015

    To me, the non-romantic options didn't feel romantic at all, especially if you choose "jungley" and don't give her the flower. I thought that path was funny and friendly, not intimate or affectionate in the least.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I tried my absolute hardest to not do be romantic with Sasha and I still got stuck with it.

  • Yeah, I really liked [Keep it] to be Rhys saying how he should have put it in Sasha's hair.

    To me, the non-romantic options didn't feel romantic at all, especially if you choose "jungley" and don't give her the flower. I thought that path was funny and friendly, not intimate or affectionate in the least.

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, that doesn't resonate as "romantic" with me, at all. Point being, the choice to culminate a romance isn't being forced on you, you just seem to dislike the idea that telltale is saying it's a strong possibility and likely outcome. As I said, telltale games have an already written and decided backbone, and Rhys being with Sasha seems to be apart of it.

    Whether or not in future episodes your choice to go with it or not will do anything to change the outcome remains to be seen, but if it's true that they do end up together, it simply means that it's part of the original storyline.

    The issue of "forcing" only seem to crop up when it comes to romantic parts of the story. No one was outraged when we were "forced" to stay behind in TWD and watch Lily drive off. No one was outraged when we were "forced" to watch Lee die, despite choosing to cut his hand off.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah, I really liked [Keep it] to be Rhys saying how he should have put it in Sasha's hair.

  • Yeah it was really annoying, I was hoping we'd get to choose between Fiona and Sasha but apparently not. So I kept the flower for myself :D

  • I didn't feel it was forced atall, I thought it was quite cute tbh, especially in a Telltale game where the characters are a little less likely to all die horribly. And this is coming from someone who didn't like Sasha in episode 1, but have found her surprisingly more and more likable in each episode. I do like the increased optimised Tales has compared to the misery fests other Telltale games could wind up wallowing in at times.

  • Or maybe it wasn't that bad after all. Sorry telltale, i was just so annoyed that you listened crazy forum fandom, but now i think that... it was pretty nice. Not force, delicated... I'm just not okay with Rhys, he's just becoming so... soft? In love, okay, but soft, less funny... dunno exactly.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    It's beacuse this stupid ships toppics... I was disgusted too.

  • edited June 2015

    i love you :D

    Aaira posted: »

    is it me or does this thead's title make it seem like TTG is attempting to sexually assault aquatic vehicles?

  • I wonder would half of these people say it was 'forced' if Rhyiona was the center of this episode...

  • Amen to that.

    I wonder would half of these people say it was 'forced' if Rhyiona was the center of this episode...

  • Trust me, you guys would feel the same way we do right now if it was the other way around.

    All we asked for was a choice between either ship, not one or nothing.

    I wonder would half of these people say it was 'forced' if Rhyiona was the center of this episode...

  • Theres still ep. 4... or Telltale simply doesn't want to do it...

    Green613 posted: »

    Trust me, you guys would feel the same way we do right now if it was the other way around. All we asked for was a choice between either ship, not one or nothing.

  • edited June 2015

    or Telltale simply doesn't want to do it...

    And how would you react if Telltale simply didn't want to do Rhysha yet they wanted to do Rhyiona?

    I hope you see what I'm getting at here.

    Theres still ep. 4... or Telltale simply doesn't want to do it...

  • Believe it or not, I wouldn't make a big deal out of it and I wouldn't make threads and comments on how its not fair and its forced and my life is over and stuff like that...

    Green613 posted: »

    or Telltale simply doesn't want to do it... And how would you react if Telltale simply didn't want to do Rhysha yet they wanted to do Rhyiona? I hope you see what I'm getting at here.

  • Okay, 1 - this is a game about choices. So... Why do I have to actively avoid the majority of the dialogue options you are presented with in the scene if I don't ship two characters? 2 - I didn't choose the way I would've acted - I chose the way 'my Rhys' would've acted, and he in my interpretation found Sasha to be annoying and immature and didn't trust her in episode one. The two barely interact at all in episode two, and now suddenly we get all this lovey-dovey crap? Scenes in which even if you stay silent the entire time there are still romantic undertones, so yes it is pretty unavoidable. Yeah that makes a whole ton of sense.

    3 - never used the word stupid lol. But anyway, as I said before, the 'trust Jack' option eventually counters all of that so hopefully no Rhysha next episode for me :)

    Cyanistic posted: »

    It's not unavoidable :P It's a situation two people find themselves in, where you get to choose how you think Rhys would have responded. No

  • Yep.

    I wonder would half of these people say it was 'forced' if Rhyiona was the center of this episode...

  • Alright : each of us made a bet and it seems the odds favor the Rhysha FOR NOW.

    So we can't change the game since we're not Telltale ( seriously?). They have a plan, a story, guys who get paid at the end of the month for this story.

    You should talk to them not to us.

    Green613 posted: »

    or Telltale simply doesn't want to do it... And how would you react if Telltale simply didn't want to do Rhysha yet they wanted to do Rhyiona? I hope you see what I'm getting at here.

  • edited June 2015

    You should talk to them not to us.

    I mean, I'm posting my complaints about it in threads where Telltale most likely will read it, I am talking to them. I'm just trying to explain to ReggiesLeftArm why a lot of us are upset, I'm not and never was saying you guys had anything to do with it. Trust me, I know that you guys had no idea it would happen like this and I know it isn't your fault.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Alright : each of us made a bet and it seems the odds favor the Rhysha FOR NOW. So we can't change the game since we're not Telltale ( se

  • Whoops. Fixed.

    Piggs posted: »

    Agreed, Rhys and Fiona are much better together than Rhys and Fiona.

  • So if Rhyiona became canon instead of Rhysha, I could be glad I have the option for Jack to possess Rhys and sexually assault Fiona?

    Godamn these scenes were forced as hell. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching t

  • OMG I HATE how Rhys' name is Rhys. This is a game about choice. I also hate how Rhys is left handed. God man! Choices telltale! Let us develop the character, not you! Heaven forbid, Rhys' RIGHT arm is robotic? No... NO! Game is ruined! This game series is "Tailored" by how you play. The game isn't just how you play it. If you want full control over things go play Roblox, Minecraft, or other sandbox games.

  • Flirting with someone has nothing to do with the personality, we can't change "Rhys" as a character, but we should be free to choose his actions.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    OMG I HATE how Rhys' name is Rhys. This is a game about choice. I also hate how Rhys is left handed. God man! Choices telltale! Let us devel

  • Dude you are free to chose, yes Rhysha is suggested but you can avoid it.

    Miklaus posted: »

    Flirting with someone has nothing to do with the personality, we can't change "Rhys" as a character, but we should be free to choose his actions.

  • I tried to, but all I got was an awkward situation or an assho*e Rhys, and I didn't want to have Rhysha as much as I didn't want to be mean to Sasha.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Dude you are free to chose, yes Rhysha is suggested but you can avoid it.

  • wow.... people in this forums just find something to bitch at..

    *sigh.. ok

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Katja actually make a statement that implies Lee has feelings for her to which Lee agrees no matter what actually.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Was Lee "forced" to have feelings for Carly? Nope. Depending on choices it may not happen

  • I highly doubt Rhys is into necrophilia so it will all work out for you in the end.

  • Yeah I know, but we haven't been given any other clues at his age that I know of. At least he's probably right around there.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Being in the same year in college doesn't automatically make you the same age, just throwing it out there.

  • edited June 2015

    Nor matter how much people are going to complain about comparing ships to others and how they want the story to go. There will always be a point in the TFTB retelling of the stories on both Rhys and Fiona sides. That they will become distrusting on each others from what we saw on how they both reacted from one other in the first episode. Something might've happened that made every ship sank to the bottom of the ocean without redemption in its final set in stone outcome. However! There might be some sort of leeway as either Rhys or Fiona are telling their 'supposed' relationship to what they like. In a ditch effort to bluff at one another. Despite how embarrassing either Rhys and Fiona would not want it. Fiona might not like what Rhys is saying (Making up the whole story as he goes) Or the other way around. So the story of developing relationships and what not is kinda being forced out at gun point don't forget. Or it might have had not happened at all!

    Just speaking my own mind here. Don't mind me! o.,..,.o

  • edited June 2015

    Nor matter how much people are going to complain about comparing ships to others and how they want the story to go. There will always be a point in the TFTB retelling of the stories on both Rhys and Fiona sides. That they will become distrusting on each others from what we saw on how they both reacted from one other in the first episode.

    Yeah and Sasha might actually die or ditch us, because she's not even here (and Fiona talks about her like she's pissed at her). So your point? We can't have nice things now because it won't last?

    RedHounds posted: »

    Nor matter how much people are going to complain about comparing ships to others and how they want the story to go. There will always be a p

  • I thought he was briliant this episode, to be honest. The jungle scenes were perfect, in my opinion and I see what you get with him looking more soft, but I actually love that as well. He seems more as the awkward 'Trying to hard to impress people', and the longer you spend with him, the more you see of his insecure side.. Like with Zer0 and Handsome Jack.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Or maybe it wasn't that bad after all. Sorry telltale, i was just so annoyed that you listened crazy forum fandom, but now i think that... i

  • 1) You don't have to actively avoid any majority of options. Only one option is straight up romantic, 1 of them is more goofy and saying 'beautiful' is neutral. If you don't pick the flower, then you got another neutral scene. The only thing Telltale could have done at this point is give you a clearer option that you can also NOT pick the flower, instead of saying 'Go on, Pick a flower!'

    2) Read point 1 again. You can go with neutral choices.

    3) Whatever words you used doesn't matter. That is kinda the message you were sending :P


    Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching three ways, one for romantic/flirty responses, one for just friendly ones and another for jerkass ones?

    This is exactly what they have done. Just go through the scene again, and I am sure you'll agree picking 'Beautiful' and having her pick the flower herself are both just 'friendly' neutral options.

    Okay, 1 - this is a game about choices. So... Why do I have to actively avoid the majority of the dialogue options you are presented with in

  • edited June 2015

    If Rhyionna became canon I'd dislike the developers, purely because they seem force themselves to change THEIR story to suit to what -some- of the public wants. And consumers preventing that sort of artistic value from producers just makes me sick :I

    ( As of right now, Telltale, I totes adore every single one of you, so don't worry~ <3 )

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So if Rhyiona became canon instead of Rhysha, I could be glad I have the option for Jack to possess Rhys and sexually assault Fiona?

  • edited June 2015

    Pretty much yeah. But anything could happen. We cannot make such affirmed assumptions just yet! ...Until the whole season ends... But hey. If it continues to be popular. Like the walking dead. Maybe they might another one? (Though I'm not holding my breath on such information as GOT might get one or TWD.- Again... Sighs Due to the increasing demands.)

    DeityD posted: »

    Nor matter how much people are going to complain about comparing ships to others and how they want the story to go. There will always be a p

  • I couldn't agree with you more, Clown.
    I hate the term 'Shipper' but I'd totally go for more Rhys/Sasha action, because I love both of the characters. I adore Fiona too, but to me it feels unnatural if that would happen.

    Neither the 'Jungley' or 'Beautiful' option are romantic, with the second being the most neutral, in my opinion. I think Telltale did great this episode seeing how they stuck with what they intended to do, but still gave us options on it.

    ...Still waiting for a thread were people are going to complain how 'Vasquezs death was forced'.. :P

    Yeah, that doesn't resonate as "romantic" with me, at all. Point being, the choice to culminate a romance isn't being forced on you, you jus

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