Telltale trying to force ships?



  • Rhyona for life!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I went for the good ol "..." Left her talking to herself and felt a bit bad but it had to be done.

  • Sorry i shot your arm off.
    Oh also sorry i told vallory it was all your fault. Water under the bridge eh?

    Assquez posted: »

    Why would I need a new name? I mean, yeah, I am dead. That doesn't mean I need a new name tho! I was thinking about it, what about Vallory? You know, character he's using the name of gets killed uses the name of the killer, because why not?

  • You make an interesting point about personality. But still, shouldn't Rhys' personality and interest also be decided by the players? What if the player doesn't feel what Rhys feel? Then there will be a clash right there and it will be distracting.

    It is the way that the jungle scene was executed that distracted me. At the time I played it, I felt it was a strong ship tease and was there just for a Rhysha. I would have prefer it, if the dialogue was written in a better way that gives the player clearer options to be friendly, romantic and rude to Sasha.

    I just don't see Sasha in a romantic way, but I would gladly be her friend, just like how the dialogue in episode 1 gave us the option to be nice to her by giving her a pinky swear or just straight up allow her to play the stun button.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Rhys has a personality, and Rhys has an interest in Sasha. You can't change that...(only telltale) You can either flirt with her or hide tha

  • Maybe the music was also to much for some of you. I think the whole thing has to be related to the plot, or i'm wrong idk. I still don't feel like it was forced, but you're probably right about the friendly option.

    I guess we can't have the right dialogue choice every time...

    Just an example: TWAU. You could shape Bigby a little bit, but he's still the wolf, even though I tried to avoid fighting I was forced to kick some ass (don't get me wrong I enjoyed it). Also when we found Crane at the Pudding&Pie we couldn't say that we already know Crane's not the murderer. Bigby was all surprised and making a dumb face, for me that was a bit unsatisfying.

    You make an interesting point about personality. But still, shouldn't Rhys' personality and interest also be decided by the players? What if

  • I'm confused, y'all are mad about the lack of choice in a Telltale game? You're kidding right? This whole thread is an elaborate ruse, right?

    Y'all aren't seriously complaining about this now, like you're shocked about this method of storytelling, right? I didn't hear people complaining about Telltale when you were "forced" to go along with the narrative in any of their other experiences. This is a Telltale game. They're telling a story, and they give you a few options to change the method in which it is told to you, they don't give you the option to change the narrative altogether. What were you guys expecting?

  • Most the people angry are Rhyiona shippers, it would've been the same reaction if it was Rhys and Fiona in that situation.
    Honestly people are just being silly, I don't like saying this, but it's a game, chill out.

    Paraxial posted: »

    I'm confused, y'all are mad about the lack of choice in a Telltale game? You're kidding right? This whole thread is an elaborate ruse, right

  • why not? i've seen very different paths depending on who you trust at the end of episode 2, do you mean those choices won't matter in the end and the story will be the same anyways? (it's a genuine question, this is the first telltale game i play!)

    Paraxial posted: »

    I'm confused, y'all are mad about the lack of choice in a Telltale game? You're kidding right? This whole thread is an elaborate ruse, right

  • edited June 2015

    People complain because it was too cheesy and horribly written. It's like a scene from some mediocre fanfiction or a Disney movie. And for the record, I think nothing will change if you just replace Sasha with Fiona. It would still be awful and out of character, though of course some would've liked that but not that many.

    I don't understand what happened with TT writers this time. What happened with cute scenes like pinky promise or complimenting zer0? Why so goddamn boring, serious and cheesy? The contrast is killing me.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Most the people angry are Rhyiona shippers, it would've been the same reaction if it was Rhys and Fiona in that situation. Honestly people are just being silly, I don't like saying this, but it's a game, chill out.

  • I didn't even take the flower, she took the flower and it squirted on her lol

    You can choose the less romantic option like keeping the flower or saying stupid stuff like "This jungle looks..." "Jungley?"

  • I think its more or less because Telltale was teasing more than just Rhys and Sasha in the game and on twitter, just to be stuck with Rhys and Sasha

    Paraxial posted: »

    I'm confused, y'all are mad about the lack of choice in a Telltale game? You're kidding right? This whole thread is an elaborate ruse, right

  • I guess it's alright, Ken. Do you mind if I call you Ken?

    Kenny4ever posted: »

    Sorry i shot your arm off. Oh also sorry i told vallory it was all your fault. Water under the bridge eh?

  • Cheesy and horribly written? I cant believe thats true.

    DeityD posted: »

    People complain because it was too cheesy and horribly written. It's like a scene from some mediocre fanfiction or a Disney movie. And for t

  • Well don't believe then. It's not like either of us are gonna change each other's mind.

    KCohere posted: »

    Cheesy and horribly written? I cant believe thats true.

  • edited June 2015

    You dont have to have an attitude. I havent been able to get that far because my controller is fritzing out. But so far, the game has been excellent imo, so i cant believe it would sink in quality like you say, but i will see for myself when i can play again.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well don't believe then. It's not like either of us are gonna change each other's mind.

  • edited June 2015

    All I was trying to say that what's horrible for me can be cute for someone else, and there's no point in trying to explain why (especially now that I know you haven't even seen it yet) because it's a feeling, and it's not a rational thing. I'll just say it's too cute, but in a serious way and not in a way it was in ep1 or not in a way that Gortys is cute. This scene for now stands out very much, I don't think we've seen anything like this in TftB till now - it's just 1. romantic stuff without a hint of humor at all 2. it's not even subtle.

    KCohere posted: »

    You dont have to have an attitude. I havent been able to get that far because my controller is fritzing out. But so far, the game has been

  • Sure pal, i'll go with your first three letters as well. So it's ken and ass.

    Assquez posted: »

    I guess it's alright, Ken. Do you mind if I call you Ken?

  • Don't tell me you've already forgotten about "jungley" and that broken bridge scene. I'd say there's a generous amount of humor in that section =P

    DeityD posted: »

    All I was trying to say that what's horrible for me can be cute for someone else, and there's no point in trying to explain why (especially

  • It's more that the story is intended for one direction, one ultimate climax, and eventually a fixed resolution. However there are plenty of variables you can alter.

    For example, it's safe to say SOMETHING has to happen between now and Episode 5 that causes Rhys and Fiona to hate each other's guts like they do in the "present day" sequences even if you've spent the entire rest of the game so far choosing dialogue options to make them act all best buddies like. That's out of the player's control.

    A more immediate and visual example to point out from Episode 3: Vasquez dies no matter whose fault you say it is, but if you say August, Vallory breaks his nose.

    There's even more things like this in dialogue; something you say can get alluded to in the future, i.e. if you say you're a pacifist but then threaten to kill someone, you might get called out for that.

    There's also things like you alluded to: the choice of trusting Jack of Fiona. They change how the escape plays out, they alter a scene or two, but the choice won't stop Jack from later asking you to trust him. I remember with Episode 2 there were two drastically different scenes for if Rhys goes to Hollow Point to pick up Fiona (Loader Bot rescues Fiona and Sasha from Athena, scene plays out in the garrage) or if he goes straight to Old Haven (the secret entrance scene happens, THEN it goes to the Fiona-Sasha scene, and that ends with them escaping into Scooter's garrage and a beautifully awkward scene where Athena follows them in only for Janey Springs to show up, so Athena has to pretend she's not actually coming after Fiona or Sasha. You even get a chance to steal Athena's shield at the end of that scene!).

    Basically, they're not going to make twenty versions of episode 5 that are completely different from each other based on past choices, because the story has to go somewhere based on the general map they've planned out (i.e., the thing this thread was started over, Rhysha becoming a thing), but how you get there and what you go through to get to the ultimate climax changes based on your choices.

    Hope that helps clear it up.

    rhonu posted: »

    why not? i've seen very different paths depending on who you trust at the end of episode 2, do you mean those choices won't matter in the end and the story will be the same anyways? (it's a genuine question, this is the first telltale game i play!)

  • Jungley was kinda meh. The bridge scene would've been hilarious, but only without that super-serious conversation before and without that super romatic scene after.

    Mazekial posted: »

    Don't tell me you've already forgotten about "jungley" and that broken bridge scene. I'd say there's a generous amount of humor in that section =P

  • The "super-serious" convo was part of the buildup to make it so hilarious, for me. They set it up like a GoT major character death, then plop two foot drop. And I kind of saw the romance coming from Episode 1, so I was ok with it.

    Oh well. Different tastes.

    DeityD posted: »

    Jungley was kinda meh. The bridge scene would've been hilarious, but only without that super-serious conversation before and without that super romatic scene after.

  • edited June 2015

    Lmao you straight people cant deal with the fact that not everyone wants to see a forced heterosexual romance. gay/bi ppl exist, you know?? Shocking.
    Rhys and Sasha's potential relationship WAS forced and it's plain as day to see, it was unnecessary, it didn't make any sense at all and it's not ''part of their personality'' or whatever (they're characters, their 'personality' is whatever Telltale decides, they dont have an agency, for christ's sake, Telltale FORCED them into flirting), it's just Telltale catering to straight people. And it was distasteful and annoying.

  • You don't have to pick the flower at all. If you leave it, Sasha will pick it herself and say something about showing Fiona. And then she gets sprayed in the face.

    You can choose the less romantic option like keeping the flower or saying stupid stuff like "This jungle looks..." "Jungley?"

  • It was a great episode for Fiona's character development, but yeah -- Telltales was going for a forced relationship with Rhys and Sasha. It's painfully awkward and while I admit I enjoyed the responses that you get from the scenes alone, it still felt weird. Plus, lets' be honest, she's still got a thing for August.

  • That bridge thing was so funny I cried tears of laughter XD you ever see the option where Rhys can say 'you promise?' and when Sasha says she does, Rhys goes and impersonates August saying 'you shouldn't lie to me Sasha!' and she doesn't find it amusing lol.

    Mazekial posted: »

    Don't tell me you've already forgotten about "jungley" and that broken bridge scene. I'd say there's a generous amount of humor in that section =P

  • Well.

    Tensions are clearly boiling here, and even though I asked everyone not to try and kill each other in my message thread, it seems everypne decided to start firing off warning shots.

  • or maybe people are just tired of this kind of thing we see everywhere, all the time? Dont you think it's disrespectful when gay people are complaining about forcing straight stuff on them and you come in and say ''maybe we should all just calm down :)'' like..... can u not

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well. Tensions are clearly boiling here, and even though I asked everyone not to try and kill each other in my message thread, it seems everypne decided to start firing off warning shots.

  • Please tell me that you're just trolling.

    Essen posted: »

    Lmao you straight people cant deal with the fact that not everyone wants to see a forced heterosexual romance. gay/bi ppl exist, you know??

  • I really don't think it was forced. You have non-romantic options. People say that even those options were still kind of romantic, but remember you don't control Sasha like you do Fiona. I think Sasha liked Rhys, that situation is gonna be awkward if you are trying not to be flirty when she is. Besides it can get wrecked even if you do flirt with Sasha by Jack. This game is telling a tale, it's not like Dragon Age where the MC is a bisexual Don Juan who can get with any of the characters any time.

  • no, what essen said is kind of true-- representation is important and it's okay to be tired of the same old thing, that is all. it's also okay if you enjoy the same old thing. i can understand OP's point of view and that doesn't mean i hate rhysha and rhyiona, it just means i love those couples while being aware that they're not a new dynamic at all.

    there's no need to be hostile though.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Please tell me that you're just trolling.

  • I also see Essen's point of view...just uh...worded nicer? The super cool thing about the Borderlands franchise is it's wide representation, it's such a nice change from main stream media and it's overload of heterosexuality, so now seeing a very cliche romance scene put into the series (with lines we've already seen in hundreds of movies/shows before!) is kind of...disappointing. Like really? We're going there, again?

    Not to say heterosexuality shouldn't take place, of course. That would be ridiculous. My main problem with this is: the romance is forced no matter what you do (played through it 3 times now), and that is ridiculous because TFTB is game about dialogue choices.

    rhonu posted: »

    no, what essen said is kind of true-- representation is important and it's okay to be tired of the same old thing, that is all. it's also ok

  • Janey and Athena here you go you have a representation,

    rhonu posted: »

    no, what essen said is kind of true-- representation is important and it's okay to be tired of the same old thing, that is all. it's also ok

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    nice change from main stream media and it's overload of heterosexuality,

    Dude that's the exact opposite the main media are flooded by homosexuality nowadays.

    To your next point it's TT they have a certain plot pattern( Obviously leaning towards Rhysha) but you have option to avoid by being budds or a prick towards her I doubt that she will fall for you out of blue when yu play like that. We have seen such stuff in all their games you can manipulate certain events but what the TT planned will happen no matter what you chose, it's how the plot is

    I also see Essen's point of view...just uh...worded nicer? The super cool thing about the Borderlands franchise is it's wide representation,

  • LawmanZero is right and you're putting it like gay people have no choice in that matter. They can simply not play the game, go for Dragon Age I heard that you can do there whatever you want with whoever you want.
    SImple as that.

    Essen posted: »

    or maybe people are just tired of this kind of thing we see everywhere, all the time? Dont you think it's disrespectful when gay people are

  • edited June 2015

    If it wasn't forced then where's the option to flirt with a guy when playing with rhys/with a girl when playing with fiona? Simple as that.
    Alternatively, you can simply not comment if you have nothing valuable to say.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    LawmanZero is right and you're putting it like gay people have no choice in that matter. They can simply not play the game, go for Dragon Age I heard that you can do there whatever you want with whoever you want. SImple as that.

  • Maybe because Rhys and Fiona aren't gay? Like you know 90 something percent of population? And i think you should get off your high horse for a second might do you some good.

    Essen posted: »

    If it wasn't forced then where's the option to flirt with a guy when playing with rhys/with a girl when playing with fiona? Simple as that. Alternatively, you can simply not comment if you have nothing valuable to say.

  • Oh im definitely saying heterosexuality shouldn't take place. Either dont onclude heterosexuality or if u're gonna force them into hetero flirting also add gay flirting. Not just force them to be het or give them a weird akward shying away thing, which isn't saying anything else than ''they're just not attracted to each other, but they're still hetero you see! bcs u can flirt with the opposite sex!!'', im not gonna tolerate that.
    I agree though, it's a game about choices and if they added the choice to straight flirting they should have aded also the choice for gay flirting.
    P.S. I dont have to be nice to be right, especially when being nice doesnt get me anywhere either way.

    I also see Essen's point of view...just uh...worded nicer? The super cool thing about the Borderlands franchise is it's wide representation,

  • edited June 2015

    Right, you make one cute scene with someone and suddenly it's "a romance coming from the first episode". I guess zer0's offended right now.

    Though that's not the point of a whole discussion about this scene.

    Mazekial posted: »

    The "super-serious" convo was part of the buildup to make it so hilarious, for me. They set it up like a GoT major character death, then plo

  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni

    Here to confirm that her and Fiona are more Mediterranean than anything. We liked jumbling the races of the Pandorans, as it was more interesting and made sense that on an alien planet that there wouldn't be "pure breeds", so to speak.

    rivaini posted: »

    she's black, she has dreads why would she wash it?

  • oh thank you O merciful spirit, for granting us low life gays and lesbians Janey & Athena, we are at thou mercy! Can i kiss your boots now? how DARE i ask for more than 2 gay characters! woe is me! i must repent! thank you for showing me the light and kindness of your benevolence.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Janey and Athena here you go you have a representation,

This discussion has been closed.