Anthony Burch? Seriously?



  • What an answer! Truly, you have shown your brilliance and attention to detail on what Moxxy says and does throughout the 3 games. Have an A for effort!

    Oops, sorry. Seems i accidentally dropped it in to a hole. Be a dear a pick up your A from the hole would you?

    Aaira posted: »

    complicated my perfectly well shaped ass

  • Well, it's true, though. These days, homosexuals appear to be added into games just for the heck of it. It feels bland and unnecessary and I can't help but always think it's just meant to be a sign that says "look how supportive we are, we added gays in our game." It's not needed. If that's the work of this Anthony Burch fella, I can sort of get behind the hate, I guess.

    ActionHank posted: »

    I'm surprised Janey gets so much damn flak. She's irritating as shit because she regurgitates WAAAAY too much personal information all th

  • Oddly enough, she's probably the nicest person on Elpis.

    Sad that people completely forgot about that.

    ActionHank posted: »

    I'm surprised Janey gets so much damn flak. She's irritating as shit because she regurgitates WAAAAY too much personal information all th

  • Cukcold is an insult in the same category as bastard used to. Pedophile on the other hand is a medical term. And you just compared getting cheated on to pedophilia. Want me to get you a shovel, because i think you can still dig yourself deeper in the mud here.

    Aaira posted: »

    but cuckold isn't an insult if a known pedo were to write a book i'm pretty sure not a lot of people would give it the benefit of the doubt, even if every character in it is a 90 years old giraffe, that's because people hate pedos

  • What I almost love about Janey is the fact that the writers are very clearly proud of finally having a lesbian character in their game, set her up with Athena... and then make her act like a pervert. Badgering Athena, reveal she is casually stalking Moxxi, and have her hit on another woman we never see again in front of Athena. It really felt like they really wanted to hammer in how much of a lesbian she was, but in the process, accidently make her out to be a pretty big pervy douchebag.

    Well, it's true, though. These days, homosexuals appear to be added into games just for the heck of it. It feels bland and unnecessary and I

  • Or maybe they went a bit too overboard.

    Keep it subtle or something, next time.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    What I almost love about Janey is the fact that the writers are very clearly proud of finally having a lesbian character in their game, set

  • It's still hard to add a homosexual character even if you WANT that to be part of your narrative.

    "It doesn't affect you if a character happens to be gay and game stories can't move on without being free to do this." "What's the point of the character being gay, it has no holding on the story and should be there."

    This is the exact argument that happens every single time a homosexual character is in a game. And yet this conversation doesn't happen to any OTHER topic. Just annoying.

    Well, it's true, though. These days, homosexuals appear to be added into games just for the heck of it. It feels bland and unnecessary and I

  • You should see Reddit, it got quite vicious.

    ActionHank posted: »

    It's still hard to add a homosexual character even if you WANT that to be part of your narrative. "It doesn't affect you if a character h

  • I don't even want to IMAGINE.

    I just think the deal is that instead of being "Oh god, look at that creepy character." It's gone "Ugh, look how much of a creepy lesbian she is." If she acted like she does now, AND straight. No one would bring the orientation up.

    ... In fact, people would probably be fine with it because "AW YEH SLUTTY CHICKS FOR DUDES" or something.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    You should see Reddit, it got quite vicious.


    ...What happened to "Let's talk about guns, and how OP this particular one is, and how we can use it to try and wipe out all those mooks over there?"

    ActionHank posted: »

    I don't even want to IMAGINE. I just think the deal is that instead of being "Oh god, look at that creepy character." It's gone "Ugh, loo

  • i don't think anyone had any problems with Hammerlock so you can write a good character that is also gay

    people get up in arms about this kind of thing in particular as a reaction to... movements that seek to use our favourite media for things that have nothing to do with it, SJWs are their own worst enemy, kind of like furries a decade ago.

    ActionHank posted: »

    It's still hard to add a homosexual character even if you WANT that to be part of your narrative. "It doesn't affect you if a character h

  • You know, we don't really need relationship stuff too. And yet, we have it in every possible thing, a game, a movie, a series. Why? It's not like there's something new they can show, just two people dating each other.

    This logic...

    Well, it's true, though. These days, homosexuals appear to be added into games just for the heck of it. It feels bland and unnecessary and I

  • edited June 2015

    SJWs and Bronies are pretty much the worst enemies for everyone. Sad, because I have Brony friends. Fortunately they keep quiet about it and only stick to discussing episodes and identifying easter eggs.

    There's also kids who use mics, but that was established already.

    Aaira posted: »

    i don't think anyone had any problems with Hammerlock so you can write a good character that is also gay people get up in arms about this

  • Borderlands does handle it WELL. Many characters with this as their variety piece, and Janey is just the REALLY LOUD one. Borderlands isn't the best EXAMPLE of that argument.

    Aaira posted: »

    i don't think anyone had any problems with Hammerlock so you can write a good character that is also gay people get up in arms about this

  • edited June 2015

    don't expect me to explain why Moxxy's not complicated when you didn't explain why she is

    i notice the tone of your posts is changing, i guess people with no arguments must fall back on something

    What an answer! Truly, you have shown your brilliance and attention to detail on what Moxxy says and does throughout the 3 games. Have an A

  • That guy should discover text roleplaying habits.

    If I wanna throw Janey into some lovin', I can make a bisexual profile for her. Hell, it would even work if you go ahead and assume that she said she doesn't like guys just to get them off her back.

    LawmanZero posted: »


  • And that's the other thing the argument boils down to as well. "We don't need gay people." "Well then we don't need this!"

    DeityD posted: »

    You know, we don't really need relationship stuff too. And yet, we have it in every possible thing, a game, a movie, a series. Why? It's not like there's something new they can show, just two people dating each other. This logic...

  • I suppose making her bi would be a better choice, as long as it's kept subtle.

    That's what they missed out. Hammy only offhandly mentions he has an ex-boyfriend and that's out.

    There's no need to jump ship and go "LET'S PUT IT EVERYWHERE", because getting overexcited will result in some nasty backdrafts at times.

    ActionHank posted: »

    That guy should discover text roleplaying habits. If I wanna throw Janey into some lovin', I can make a bisexual profile for her. Hell, i

  • All these things being said, a Telltale kind of game actually is a PERFECT place for a character like Janey. These games are all about story, and characters themselves. Not the violence and such.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I suppose making her bi would be a better choice, as long as it's kept subtle. That's what they missed out. Hammy only offhandly mentions

  • Am I the only one who don't find Janey annoying at all? Like, what the hell? She's just talking to us and nothing else, it's not like she's being horribly stupid or talking about herself 100% of time. But then again, some people find Angel annoying so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

    ActionHank posted: »

    I'm surprised Janey gets so much damn flak. She's irritating as shit because she regurgitates WAAAAY too much personal information all th

  • Here's the thing....If Janey was a heterosexual male there would have been no reaction. Hell, there would have been a nod and a wink from the old boys club. And that there, ladies and gentlemen, is a big goddamn problem. It tells that the old attitudes are still there, they've just been driven to hiding.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    What I almost love about Janey is the fact that the writers are very clearly proud of finally having a lesbian character in their game, set

  • I think she's annoying. But not in a HATE way.

    Tiny Tina is pretty irritating on my nerves, but I wouldn't want her to NOT be there.

    DeityD posted: »

    Am I the only one who don't find Janey annoying at all? Like, what the hell? She's just talking to us and nothing else, it's not like she's

  • edited June 2015

    Apparently, we don't need anything at all. Just some mute white staright character who shoot things in silence.

    ActionHank posted: »

    And that's the other thing the argument boils down to as well. "We don't need gay people." "Well then we don't need this!"

  • edited June 2015

    cuckold is a word that means a certain something, if you think cuckold is an insult you're basically saying being a cuck is bad

    i didn't compare cuckolds to pedos, i just made a similitude, the point (which you missed) was that the characteristics of the writer can turn off people from reading their work.i could've used other things people hate, i used pedophilia bcause most people hate it, just switch pedophile with christian if it makes you unconfortable

    Cukcold is an insult in the same category as bastard used to. Pedophile on the other hand is a medical term. And you just compared getting c

  • Personally, the only thing I find odd about Tina is the way she sounds... you know, like she's at least twice her real age. I'm always confused by that, especially when I can't see her and can only hear.

    ActionHank posted: »

    I think she's annoying. But not in a HATE way. Tiny Tina is pretty irritating on my nerves, but I wouldn't want her to NOT be there.

  • could you post some examples? i remember some people hating Sera (dragon age inquisition), but that was because she was really childish

    ActionHank posted: »

    Borderlands does handle it WELL. Many characters with this as their variety piece, and Janey is just the REALLY LOUD one. Borderlands isn't the best EXAMPLE of that argument.

  • You mean why character who has manipulated vault hunters to her own ends, spread her influence through her family and personal relationship far and wide, including the entire catch-a-ride system, is a technical wizard and a lot older than she looks warrants a bit more than a 'slut'? And how she always seems to end up either completely escaping retaliation or ending up in a better position as a result of her schemes? Sorry, thought you played the games. My mistake.

    I've seen you for what you are, sunshine. Thats all.

    Aaira posted: »

    don't expect me to explain why Moxxy's not complicated when you didn't explain why she is i notice the tone of your posts is changing, i guess people with no arguments must fall back on something

  • edited June 2015

    I personally think Angel is beautiful.

    And no, I do not find Janey annoying. I don't even find Pickle annoying. Instead, I find Customs Claptrap irritating. Just him. That's all.

    • Here's the list of people I find irritating in terms of dialogue:
    • PISTON.
    • Dave.
    • Jack occasionally.
    • Claptrap whenever he says "Just follow the soothing sound of my voice!"
    • Flyboy.
    • Hartchek
    • Captain Flynt
    • Sparky Flynt
    • Will the Bandit. (It's a trap, of course, I CAN SEE IT COMING FROM 700 MILES AWAY, I'M NOT STUPID YOU DOLT.)
    • That black knight in Dragon Keep who killed some poor player for the lulz.
    • Customs Claptrap.
    • Nappykins Lunestalker.
    • Lunestalker Senior.
    • Those scavs who mock you in the Titan Robot Facility.
    • Vasquez.

    That's about it, actually.

    DeityD posted: »

    Am I the only one who don't find Janey annoying at all? Like, what the hell? She's just talking to us and nothing else, it's not like she's

  • Like the Space Marine from Doom, and his mighty shotgun.

    DeityD posted: »

    Apparently, we don't need anything at all. Just some mute white staright character who shoot things in silence.

  • pretty sure that was a troll or not serious

    there's some sort of war going on in gaming communities (especially reddit), arguably spawned by the rise of people fucking with games

    funnily enough, sjw/feminism made writing a popular gay/strong female character harder

    LawmanZero posted: »


  • And then there's the whole "Gamergate" thing, which is too complicated and too controversial to speak of.

    Heck, it spawned several subreddits and the bloodiest comment war that ever saw.

    Aaira posted: »

    pretty sure that was a troll or not serious there's some sort of war going on in gaming communities (especially reddit), arguably spawned

  • edited June 2015

    a complicated character is a character with complicated personality traits, do you seriously find a manipulative slut complicated? because that's all you described.

    You mean why character who has manipulated vault hunters to her own ends, spread her influence through her family and personal relationship

  • Slight nitpick, you two:

    It's "Moxxi."

    Aaira posted: »

    don't expect me to explain why Moxxy's not complicated when you didn't explain why she is i notice the tone of your posts is changing, i guess people with no arguments must fall back on something

  • So you're saying someone who is clearly highly intelligent, can and does maintain a completely separate public personality, has a soft spot for robots and AI's and is generally clearly not as simple as she wants everyone to think is still just a 'manipulative slut'.
    Sure, sunshine.

    Aaira posted: »

    a complicated character is a character with complicated personality traits, do you seriously find a manipulative slut complicated? because that's all you described.

  • You're not the only one to not find Janey annoying at all :) !

    I'll go even further as to say I also like the character, especially all the silly stories she writes :D those always make me laugh.

    I never found Angel annoying either.
    Then again I also like Pickle a lot, and to my surprise there are tons of people who hate him... Never understood why.

    In fact there are no character that annoys me, BUT there are those 2 parts I'd like to discuss with you people. No clue if they have been written by Burch and anyway it doesn't matter since I don't want to enter that controversy...

    See in the Torgue campaign there are 2 lines that I found extremely irritating and stupid and thought they ruined the previous joke. Both are from Moxxi.

    1) There is this one that almost ends up by "blah blah blah... third base" which was funny until 2 seconds after Moxxi adds "this is a sex thing" (or something like that). Why add this last part ? Is there anyone on earth that didn't get the first innuendo ? Why hammer it afterwards ? Are we gamers supposed to be idiots ? OR is there something else I didn't understand and that's supposed to be somehow more funny by adding the last part (english not being my native tongue, but still I knew about 3rd base) ?

    2) When she talks about Motor Momma and there is the "noone but me eats my girlfriend" line which was funny until well, AGAIN, 2 seconds later we get the whole "puke in my mouth" / "sorry innuendo" / "defense mechanism" monologue that, for me, ruined it all... I would have loved to get just a "Hahem..." and then she goes on trying to pretend nothing happened or something like that, but really this whole overdone monologue right after that really really irritated me as well and I thought to myself this was extremely bad writing.
    Or again, was there supposed to be something funny about it that I didn't get ?

    DeityD posted: »

    Am I the only one who don't find Janey annoying at all? Like, what the hell? She's just talking to us and nothing else, it's not like she's

  • edited June 2015

    I believe Anthony also wrote (at least) some of Jack's scenes because Dameon Clarke posted on Twitter that he recognised his writing during the recording for Catch A Ride (and he wouldn't have been shown the JackApedia entries as he didn't need to voice them).

    It should also be noted how amazing each of the Jack scenes were...

    This is all I'll say on the matter, because as soon as I saw that OP's argument boiled down to three keywords "cuckhold", "memes" and "SJWism" (which are the nonsensical buzzwords of Anthony's haters that are acrimoniously spurted without any semblance of a real argument as to why his writing is actually "bad") I realised that it wasn't worth anyone's time.

    So OP, if you ever want to have a real discussion deconstructing Anthony's writing based on your own thoughts (AKA not just parroting the vitriol of the sad keyboard warriors who get some sort of pathetic thrill out of trolling Anthony), then I'll gladly engage.

    EDIT: Just found out Anthony wrote the Athena eyeball joke - which, IMO was one of the funniest moments of the episode.

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes, I'm fairly certain that's all he wrote. Thread link:

  • edited June 2015

    Yup, agreed.

    From a writer's perspective, everything's been done before, leading to plenty of stuff being called cliche, which is apparently bad. When all that matters is how a story's told and the effect it has on you. And of course, everything is poorly written or 'lazily done' too. There's always someone that will say that, though it's subjective and it's not phrased as such.

    DeityD posted: »

    Apparently, we don't need anything at all. Just some mute white staright character who shoot things in silence.

  • edited June 2015

    I'll be honest, Pickle has a TERRIBLE cockney accent, and...well...Americans didn't like THAT all that much. I can understand. Also, they hate how he pinches money from your pockets every single time you talk to him, and apparently he's a small annoying creature, according to some.

    Still like him, though. I got the E-Gun and it was so epic.

    Well, the first one is...uh...Captain Obvious. Irritating.

    The second one, in many player's opinions, isn't annoying, as we get to see beneath the sultry exterior that is Moxxi Hodunk. Then again, each to his own.

    Shoogli posted: »

    You're not the only one to not find Janey annoying at all ! I'll go even further as to say I also like the character, especially all the

  • Hiding? Hiding? Pah.

    Look at them neckbeards, so desperate to get a girl that they've degenerated into misogynic bastards who cling onto outdated ideas that only THEY use now.

    Here's the thing....If Janey was a heterosexual male there would have been no reaction. Hell, there would have been a nod and a wink from th

  • Also, they hate how he pinches money from your pockets every single time you talk to him. Yes. The devs did that.

    Lol no way :D !!! Ha ha ha ha : awesome !
    Never noticed lol !

    On the other hand, about Moxxi Hodunk don't we get other clues in the main game ?
    Well no matter, it irritates me nonetheless and I still think it ruins the joke, so to speak.

    Also I just remembered, there is that character that I find is overdone and there is a hammering on his personality that is irritating too : it's the old guy that is creepy on Captain Scarlett :

    What it always felt to me about this character, and again, no matter who wrote about him, is that it really seems a personal vendetta from the person who wrote his lines and interactions. In other words I suspect he's a real world character from one of the writer's life and the writer takes revenge by "writing" him how he is, I also suspect the model looks like the real world person.
    I'm not sure, it's just and odd feeling I had, it really seemed like a scenarist's real world revenge to me.
    Sure some of the echos are funny, especially the snorring one, but when you look at the entire matter and how defined the character is on so many aspects for such a short appearance : it's suspicious. See what I mean ?

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I'll be honest, Pickle has a TERRIBLE cockney accent, and...well...Americans didn't like THAT all that much. I can understand. Also, they ha

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