Anthony Burch? Seriously?



  • edited June 2015

    Yeah well so we can safely say she just doesn't hit on every woman she encounters, just the one she likes.
    So she doesn't seem that "predatory", or "frustrated" !

    I really think the writer made fun of her about her, how could I put it : candour ? ingenuousness ? And of course all the stories she writes ^_^ !

    EDIT : the crush on a scavenger we save ? Pickle's sister was it ? Been a while I haven't done that mission...

    Aaira posted: »

    i played my first playtrough as Nisha, differencies i remember are that near the very beginning when you enter her house after following her

  • no it was another mission, you investigae a distress signal, go up a hill, find a female scavenger with a sniper, defend her for a few waves, and then Janey gets her number, here's the transcript

    Shoogli posted: »

    Yeah well so we can safely say she just doesn't hit on every woman she encounters, just the one she likes. So she doesn't seem that "preda

  • Ha thanks a ton for the link :) !
    Well I'm mixing it up with Pickle's sister, but it was indeed that one I was thinking about, that ends with Boomer.

    Pickle's sister is indeed somewhere else and the story is different.but (been a while I haven't done those) it seems to me now I remember them both that Amelia and Eliza share similarities in the model maybe why I got confused. Anyway I need a new Boganella (LOL), guns that scream always crack me up, so I'll be checking soon.

    (My favorite is cutie_killer though : "kill again ???" XD !!!)

    Aaira posted: »

    no it was another mission, you investigae a distress signal, go up a hill, find a female scavenger with a sniper, defend her for a few waves

  • argumentate isn't a word. are you trying to use bigger words unnecessarily to make your argument sound smarter?

    Aaira posted: »

    don't expect me to explain why Moxxy's not complicated when you didn't explain why she is i notice the tone of your posts is changing, i guess people with no arguments must fall back on something

  • on a slightly related/unrelated topic, has doge or anything related to doge ever appeared in a borderlands game?

    because i fucking hate doge

  • Yeah, as though opinions on the Internet really are worth a damn.

    Best line ever

    SpiderTeo posted: »

    He's an SJW. Yeah, and so were Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Alfred Nobel, Mother Theresa, even

  • Good. He should keep hiding under his shame rock. What a tool.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Huh. OP's not replying here anymore. Must be hiding.

  • edited June 2015

    short answer: no

    long answer: nooooooooo

    ar you trying to discredit my arguments with unrelated stuff?

    argumentate isn't a word. are you trying to use bigger words unnecessarily to make your argument sound smarter?

  • There is a very, very, very subtle reference to it in TPS, but it's mainly a meta joke about people bitching about BL2 having too many memes (hence 'meme graveyard').

    Don't be put off by the thumbnail the actual reference is minuscule

    on a slightly related/unrelated topic, has doge or anything related to doge ever appeared in a borderlands game? because i fucking hate doge

  • seems more like a joke about how that meme has (literally) been done to death

    There is a very, very, very subtle reference to it in TPS, but it's mainly a meta joke about people bitching about BL2 having too many memes (hence 'meme graveyard'). Don't be put off by the thumbnail the actual reference is minuscule

  • edited June 2015

    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding.

    Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone as a flaming homosexual, every man as a spineless coward, every woman as a tough demigod, and he's notorious for his SJW views. His only sense of humor is making endless pop culture jokes and memes, which would make him more suited to writing one of those "Movie" Movies rather than an episodic storytelling game. He's a talentless cuckold who should not be allowed to ruin any more games. I'm by far not the only one who despises him, and for ample reason.

    And for the male posters here saying "What's wrong with him and his wife having an open relationship?", congratulations. You're part of society's problems.

    Call it parroting, but maybe if it's what most people say about him, particularly in places like both /v/'s, then maybe it's true.

  • kind of unrelated but i think you're the only person alive that still takes 4chan /v/ seriously, as far as i know the smart people left that board when moot sold out free speech for rainbow haired she-twink brownie points

    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding. Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone

  • That's why I said 'both' /v/'s. The old one and the new superior one.

    Aaira posted: »

    kind of unrelated but i think you're the only person alive that still takes 4chan /v/ seriously, as far as i know the smart people left that board when moot sold out free speech for rainbow haired she-twink brownie points

  • Burch is out on the fringe in his views, but your hyper-generalization and hyperbole on how his characters are written also seem pretty fringe. Having an open relationship is his business. It's not the kind of person I associate with, and it generally doesn't work, but like I said. Calling it party of society's problems really puts you out there on the line of hard vitriol, and being a little extremist in and of itself.

    Your posts have essentially no moderation, no realism. I feel like maybe I should introduce you to a kettle.

    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding. Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone

  • Wow, getting aggressive there, huh?

    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding. Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone

  • To almost everyone here, though, you're coming off as a tool.

    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding. Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone

  • he openly supports femfreq's twitter insanity, corrupt news sites, bashes on gg and supports the "gamers are dead" articles

    that might be relatively fringe, but it's still retarded

    Tevix posted: »

    Burch is out on the fringe in his views, but your hyper-generalization and hyperbole on how his characters are written also seem pretty frin

  • I never said it wasn't.

    Aaira posted: »

    he openly supports femfreq's twitter insanity, corrupt news sites, bashes on gg and supports the "gamers are dead" articles that might be relatively fringe, but it's still retarded

  • I love all the different versions of the caravan rooftop scene. He should become Jack's official writer in this series.

    stirpicus posted: »

    Yeah Anthony wrote the awesome Jack conversation on top of the caravan, as well as a bunch of the Athena/Fiona scenes. He did a great job and was a blast to work with!

  • yes

    Aaira posted: »

    short answer: no long answer: nooooooooo ar you trying to discredit my arguments with unrelated stuff?

  • just about tolerable i guess

    There is a very, very, very subtle reference to it in TPS, but it's mainly a meta joke about people bitching about BL2 having too many memes (hence 'meme graveyard'). Don't be put off by the thumbnail the actual reference is minuscule

  • Yeah. They make fun of each other and get into fights with each other too.

    Aaira posted: »

    outdated ideas that only THEY use now. not living near a catholic church must be nice... that aside, still better than white knights, at least neckbeards are honest to themselves

  • And for the male posters here saying "What's wrong with him and his wife having an open relationship?", congratulations. You're part of society's problems.

    The fact that you actually care that he does that proves what societies problems ACTUALLY are.

    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding. Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone

  • edited June 2015


    No, I wasn't banned, and no, I wasn't hiding. Anthony Burch has a long history of injecting his sick ideas into games; he writes everyone

  • Personally, I find it difficult to blame Burch for what he has written for Borderlands, since I don't think it's that clear what he is responsible for. I believe he did a lot of Borderlands 2 plot, as well as the Tiny Tina expansion, but I'm not sure if he did the other DLCs, or how much he was on board for The Pre-Sequel, since I believe that game had 4 writers in total.

    That's not to endorse the guy, I don't agree with alot of the stuff he spews out on his twitter, and there are a few things in the Borderlands games that really yank my chain, but I don't know how much of that was Burch's fault, or whether that was down to other writers.

  • Th real Problem here is, that some People Are taking Anthonys writing style Way to Serious. It's a Game. And to be Honest, Those People Who Are Complaining about Anthonys writing style. They just Need to Hate someone and they Want to let everyone Know their opinion. But guess what, Nobody cares about your opinion and Nobody cares about my Opinion or Anybodies opinion. This is how the World works, you Need to Grow up.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2015

    This thread doesn't seem to be promoting a lot of constructive discussion, so I'm going to close it.

This discussion has been closed.