What do you guys want to see for Episode 4
Hi guys my name is ZombiesDecay17 on Xbox Live and I always feel like this is a great time after a new episode to ask others on there opinion what do they want to see for Episode 4 out of 5 in the Tales From the Borderlands series. Do realize that there are going to be spoilers in the discussions so please play Episode 1-3 to not ruin the fun and please go all out on it I can't wait to see your guys responses
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Rhyiona obvs...
Best game ship ever
I wasn't gonna comment on this but...
Wow this place quickly devolved into shipping.
Well, I want to know what happened to my bro Vaughn, hopefully some Rhys and Fiona moments so everyone can get balanced out, and for more amazing gortys moments!
Can we shoot august's arm off?
No, but Vallory can rekt his nose
It's funny because I never ship game characters, but this game really has me shipping Rhys and Sasha hard.
More acknowledgement of the forums
Hehe canon in my play through. I actually threw him under the bus on accident, but it all worked out for the best. I realized later its better for Rhys if he isn't a friends of the crew.
Oh hell yeah look how Purple Skull is getting it on with Less Purple Skull. And Corner Skull is just like "Dafuq you doin' brah. Dat my chick." But Corner Skull is scared to say this because think how much bigger Less Purple Skull is. This love triangle must continue. It's what I want to see in episode 4. Man I totally agree with you. This is the best game ship ever.
Yea More Rhysha
I hope Rhys can explain himself to Sasha about Jack's actions
yes rhyiona please
Vasquez not dead and actually completely 100% alive and well like I know he is.
He doesn't have too in mine. I mean come on, it's Handsome Jack, one of the evilest most manipulative characters of all time. I love that hes around in Rhys' head, but why would you give him control? lol
Since Jack can now take over Rhys completely if you trusted him, I'd love to see him have a body fight with Rhys. Like, they reach a disagreement on something, so Jack just starts tossing Rhys around the room, making him slam into walls and flip himself over tables and stuff while Rhys tries to regain control over himself.
More Yvette. Like... a lot more.
And maybe a comment or two regarding the Hyperion informant the BL2 crew were beating up during Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep? I don't even know if that would fit into the timeline.
I want to see how Vaughn became Stranger and Vault Hunters attack on Helios which was their plan in the ending of Assault on Dragon Keep DLC.
I want to see Rhys being a badass. Considering it will take place in Helios, Rhys will be in his element.
What I want to see:
You're everywhere:)
Also some reference/acknowledgement of Angel's fate from Jack, and more JackApedia (just imagine the insider gems we'd get scanning the halls and personnel of Helios)!
More opportunities to make Jack proud. Handsome Rhys. Just Jack-love in general.
More Jack. Duh
Guys, maybe expect something else than Rhysha or Rhyiona?
I, for one, would like a scene where Jack takes over Helios and shows his true power in this form. Imagine Rhys/Jack controlling everything there is to control there...
My list contains the following:
Well obviously
I'm just going to say what I would like to see in Episode 4 and 5:
Some heart-breaking stuff and tough choises which probably will tear my soul apart and make me question everything I've done. More Jack messing with Rhys' cybernetics. Maybe an answer about Rhys robo-parts and tattoos. More awesome stuff.