edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

The trailer showed a knife that looks like Ramsay will flay Rodrik ;_;


pls no telltale nono





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  • There's been a theory floating around that Ramsay will kill someone on the council, not Rodrik. That makes more sense to me. I can't really see Telltale using Ramsay to kill yet another main character.

    Or maybe we're simply being too cynical and Ramsay just pricked his finger with the knife.





    There's been a theory floating around that Ramsay will kill someone on the council, not Rodrik. That makes more sense to me. I can't really



  • edited July 2015

    The Maester? N---- Oh wait. I can live with that. Never trusted the guy anyway!

  • Don't worry matey.

    Ramsay's only there for taxes. Remember in season 5 when the Boltons were having a nice father-son dinner and were talking about the Cerwyns? Maybe he's just doing his rounds and has stopped by Ironrath for a visit. The whole 'It's very important for you to see what comes of disobedience?' That's just him giving a polite warning for him to pay up by next month else he's being evicted from Ironrath.

    But then Rodrik will be all: 'But we can't pay you. We have no money. And we have no money because you took half of our forest and gave it to our enemies. And then you killed my brother which drove our army away. And then the other half of our forest got stolen because we had no army.'

    And then Ramsay will smile and be all: 'That's fine. You can pay in blood.'

    And then Rodrik is die.

    The end.


    Davissons posted: »

    Don't worry matey. Ramsay's only there for taxes. Remember in season 5 when the Boltons were having a nice father-son dinner and were tal

  • What if Rodrik is not die? illuminati confirmed!!!

    Davissons posted: »

    Don't worry matey. Ramsay's only there for taxes. Remember in season 5 when the Boltons were having a nice father-son dinner and were tal

  • edited July 2015

    I think he's just putting on a show, and then he'll stab the Whitehill soldiers, or something. He likes doing unexpected stuff.

    The Whitehills did disobey him, after all, Ramsay had ordered them to keep to their share. Ramsay might take their little stunt as a personal offense, he might think Ludd was looking down on him when he disobeyed him because he was a bastard.

    Ramsay has issues when it comes to people respecting him and his bastardry... what Ludd did almost suredly pissed him off.

    Ludd says that Roose Bolton wouldn't care...but Ramsay would.

  • These werent Whitehill soliders :/

    FishySticks posted: »

    I think he's just putting on a show, and then he'll stab the Whitehill soldiers, or something. He likes doing unexpected stuff. The White

  • I'm calling it right now, it's arthur getting flayed.

  • Those men had bolton sigils on their armor. He definitely won't kill them.

    FishySticks posted: »

    I think he's just putting on a show, and then he'll stab the Whitehill soldiers, or something. He likes doing unexpected stuff. The White

  • I agree. Or Elaena, perhaps your sentinel.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I'm calling it right now, it's arthur getting flayed.

  • Can you imagine if Ramsay makes you chose? And then you chose based on who you think is the traitor? And then you might find out you told Ramsay to kill an innocent, loyal person because your guess was wrong?

    I would love that. I wonder if the Citadel would still send me another Maester.

    There's been a theory floating around that Ramsay will kill someone on the council, not Rodrik. That makes more sense to me. I can't really

  • If thats the case and I have to chose... RIP Ser Royland. Not bc I think he is the traitor, but I just don't get attached to him :PP

    Abeille posted: »

    Can you imagine if Ramsay makes you chose? And then you chose based on who you think is the traitor? And then you might find out you told Ra

  • edited July 2015

    When Theon (a. k. a. Reek) got freed by Ramsey, Bolton soldiers went after Theon. Then Ramsey comes and "saves" Theon killing the Bolton soldiers, to get Theon trust so he would tell him everything :) So I don't think Ramsey has a problem with killing Boltons :P

    Galhaar posted: »

    Those men had bolton sigils on their armor. He definitely won't kill them.


    There's been a theory floating around that Ramsay will kill someone on the council, not Rodrik. That makes more sense to me. I can't really

  • but if Rodrik is die then who was phone?

    Davissons posted: »

    Don't worry matey. Ramsay's only there for taxes. Remember in season 5 when the Boltons were having a nice father-son dinner and were tal

  • Oh, I was right :D

    Galhaar posted: »

    I agree. Or Elaena, perhaps your sentinel.

  • Nice one.I really thought Ramsay would take an eye or something to teach Rodrik a lesson.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Oh, I was right

  • I was willing to offer Ramsay an eye in exchange for Arthur's life. Unfortunately Ramsay has a no exchanges, no returns policy on his victims, so Arthur was fucked.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    Nice one.I really thought Ramsay would take an eye or something to teach Rodrik a lesson.

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