Now the Whitehills have gone and done it....



  • That would be an interesting choice. Since I have adapted to the game the choice is clear. Kill the Whitehill babies...

    My prediction is that there will be a choice between rescuing Ryon or wiping out the Whitehills. Gywn will hopefully see her father and brother for what they are. If not, well we've already tried doing things her way.

  • She won't forgive you and hire murderers for revenge. She would have to die as well. Trust me, in this world you can't let any enemy live. Look at Arya for example ...

    Puhtis posted: »

    If you save Asher i think Asher marry Gwynn in the end of episode 6 And then there is peace between Forrester & whitehills I ki

  • You're delusional if you believe Gwyn is going to marry you after killing her family. Happy I chose to save Roderick. Now I can murder and torture every Whitehill...including Gwyn.

    Puhtis posted: »

    If you save Asher i think Asher marry Gwynn in the end of episode 6 And then there is peace between Forrester & whitehills I ki

  • Don't leave people that could strike back at you! Go ahead and murder them all!

    If Tywin Lannister isn't wiriting you a letter, telling you to calm the fuck down and stop being so extrem, after you're done, you're doing it wrong!

    ranger563 posted: »

    Tell you what. I'll save Gwyn, and if Torrhen and Ebbert are decent, I'll save them too. But Ludd and Gryff are a pair of Scumbag Steves who will never agree to any kind of peace. Screw 'em both.

  • Is there anyone who has really tried to attack Ramsay? He has the thickest titanium plot armor ever.

    I can understand that, especially if you made Rodrick soft. My Roderick is tough as hell. He has chosen violence at every opportunity, but he isn't an idiot. (for instance I didn't try to attack Ramsey).

  • I did attack ramsay damn he is truly one sadistic man he loved it <3

    Is there anyone who has really tried to attack Ramsay? He has the thickest titanium plot armor ever.

  • Not all of them, at first I did feel bad about Gryff's background, but his background is absolutely not an excuse for Asher or Rodrik to die, Asher died very innocently in my game. I only blame Ludd and Gryff for even starting it (They will fucking regret this), not the rest of the family, especially not Gwyn after everything she's done. Another thing is I didn't want Gwyn to die, but I think she will regardless of who survived in ep 5, she would be the only Whitehill I will regret killing.

  • enter image description here

    Is there anyone who has really tried to attack Ramsay? He has the thickest titanium plot armor ever.

  • I still fail to see a valid reason to kill Gwyn, being born with the name Whitehill isn't good enough for me.

    unseenclass posted: »

    I just hope they give us the option to be real horrible about it. I want Asher to kill Gwyn as she tells him she loves him and tried to stop her father. Just kill her and tell her she should have tried harder.

  • In my playthrough I tried to be nice to the Whitehills only because of Ramsay. But fuck that. Once Ramsay sayed he would stay out of it that was it, a fucking war was starting.

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