Favourite parts of episode 5

As post episode discussion is often negative what were some parts of episode 5 that you liked?

For me I liked pretty much everything from Gareds, Finn's death wasnt that bad for a determinant character, hes always been a bit of a knucklehead so it wasnt really out of character what he did and at least he died on screen in a fight.

However the wights attack was the best, especially the wight I shot for the onions actually did feel quite horrific .

Asher's pit fighting was fun, as was killing that annoying oberyn carbon copy.

Final decision was actually very difficult and looks to have some consequence.


    1. Pit fighting
    2. Gared vs Wights
    3. Dealing with the traitor
    4. Elaena and Rodrik bedtime
    5. The brothers are finally meeting each other
    1. Hunting with Silvy
    2. Last scene
    3. Gared vs Wights
    4. Talking with Cotter about his family
    5. Beska "forgiving" you
    1. The traitor reveal scene had my heart beating really fast. Many people didn't like it, I personally loved it and how much emotions and effort the voice actors showed during the scene. Also the ending with Rodrik throwing his cane to the fight and declaring that they need to prepare for war.

    2. Asher's fight in the pit are really awesome and how he rallied them by appealing to their blood lust.

    3. Rodrik and Asher finally reuniting.

  • I only liked the end really. Some of the hate it gets is understandable to me

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