What the hell happened with it?
Did it really change like 2 lines of not even important dialogue?
And why did we leave it in Dany's camp? Or does Asher have the gold in his pockets? Maybe he took some pocket carrying lessons from Lee, i dunno...
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They spent it on whores and ale propably.
Nah, he probably took the lessons from CJ.
It's determinant so it was probably afraid of being killed onscreen.
Probably was afraid of dying a crappy death like all of telltale determinant characters.
Where was that gold from?
From Daenerys after Mereen
Either i was too drunk to notice it when she gave it to us, or she did not give it at all. She sounded pissed about Meeren and did not keep her promise.
And you have your answer, you probably killed the Beskha's master.
Yeah i figured as much.
No regrets though!
u can kill him and still get the gold if u reveal Beskha was a slave
Is there a video on that?
i don't think so, the secret is letting the gal kill the guy, then telling Dany that Beskha was a slave. Dany will say something like "u disobeyed my orders, but had good reason too, tho i can't spare my second sons, i will give u this shitload of gold"
I assumed the gold was used to buy a ship and maybe even sweeten the deal for the pit fighters but seeing as how you have no problem with either without it... I've got no clue what good it did for us. And I didn't see anyone carrying the chest when we got to Westeros so now I'm really starting to regret not killing Beshka's master since nothing changed.
I let Beskha kill Dezor and I told Danny Beskha's past and I got the gold.
Agreed. So glad I did let her do it in my canon gameplay. Didn't kill Dezor in my alternate one only to see if it would make any significant difference, and it basically didn't since we could convince the pit fighters all right even without the massive chest of gold. The only thing I appreciated from the alternate dialogue was Asher cheekily flirting with Dany for a moment
They left it behind like nothing just like the RV from TWDG S1 EP3 if you left Lilly.
Aye I see, I actually found a video for anyone else interested
starts at 29:00
This is a little different tho
You're right...maybe Asher placed the gold in his pockets? Eh, I don't know
I also told her to "deal with it" after she groaned about the way I "sold her out." I mean, come on, I had your back when you needed to kill the Master; the least you could do is have mine. They're just words, Beshka.
And words are wind
Beskha's the best, I felt sorry for telling Dany about her past, but it was a good cause.
Well, as Lee put that board back in episode 2 into his... Well, I couldn't imagine him putting it into his pockets, so... He slapped it into his... Well... Yeah.
That board we cut into half to repair the swing at the St. John's... Still a mistery. It was either black magic or Lee has a dark past we don't know about...
If you got the gold, you see two soldiers with helmets carry it onto the ship. After they landed idk. But Amaya did they that they were already paid with the gold. idk where the gold went or if it ever reached Ironrath. What happened to gold is just like saying what happened to Bowen, Erik, and Bloodsong if we didnt see them die. If only there were more character bio entries.