My spin on Carver's back story
Ok I have been posting bit by bit my fan fiction about my version of the second season and I wanted to add a spin on Carver's back story and what lead him to be a cold, calculating survivor.
Prior to Season 2
Prior to the events of Season 2 a military base was discovered by Carver, his wife Charlotte and his two kids Calvin and Cherish (my version). Over the course of 2 years Carver gained over 100 survivors into his community along the likes of Pete and the cabin group. He and Pete stepped up as the two community leaders of the stronghold. During this Nick and Cherish began growing feelings for one another and would often go on scouts together much to Carver's worry. One day under unknown circumstances his daughter was bit and left behind by Nick who was chased off and forced into the woods in hiding by walkers. Hours later Carver, Pete and Luke went out to scavenge for them. Carver is broken to find his daughter now zombified right before his eyes. They return to the stronghold with Carver or his family refusing to speak to anyone in days. Finally Carver, getting all of the residents in the stronghold to force Pete and the cabin group in the yard. Carver abducts Nick's mother and has throws her in a garage for a week with no food or water to die. After a week he releases her and brings her to Nick as a form of psychological torment. Nick is shattered and Carver forces him to kill his undead mother. His wife and child aren't necessarily supporting him but are too broken to argue with him. The cabin group plot an escape plan after being imprisoned and having one of theirs killed by him. In the night of the break out Calvin and Charlotte block the way of Carlos and Pete who are trying to escape and with Carver's heavily armed men on their trails and neither one allowing them to leave, Pete shoots Charlotte and with Calvin calling out for the guards is pistol whipped by Carlos who unknowingly kills him. The two agree never to speak of it and escape.
Have you read Rise of The Governor?
Yes. Still all villains should have build up to what lead them to be that way
I'm thinking Carver lost his family and became ruthless in order to survive but not blame it on Pete. He hates Alvin vehemently though. Interesting read.
Pretty good. Are you going to explain the George character that Alvin and Carver mention?
but in my version Alivin and Rebecca are replaced by Christa and Omid and Carver seeing Christa after the loss of his own children becomes fascinated and shows immediate jealousy and resentment for him and care for Christa. His intent of tracking them down is to kill them for what they took from him
Sorry lolz
It's alright I had to make a funny x)
What if?
Carvers wife caught a disease in camp, and Carver entrusted Carlos to save her, only to find out Carlos isn't a real doctor. And when she died, he never forgot
Still trying to figure out the Alvin and Luke hate, but I'll get there.