Your top 5 fav and least fav

I was wondering since the last episode came, did your favorite characters list stayed still, or did it change? What about your least?
Here is mine:
Top 5 favorite:
1. Mira
2. Talia
3. Rodrik
4. Asher
5. Beshka

And now my least:
1. Gryff
2. Harys
3. Ludd
4. Sera
5. Britt

Before the 5th episode came out, the list looked the same, but now I threw the TV show characters away from the list since Ramsay would be my first least favorite and Tyrion would probably be my 3rd favorite. Beshka made it in the 5th place because of that last speech with Asher. Poor Besh, she can never catch a fucking break! I moved Harys and Sera closer to the list for obvious reasons (killing The Beast and Asher/Rodrik and leaving Mira after everything I did for that bitch). Let me see how did this affected your view of the characters.


  • edited July 2015

    1) Rodrik
    2) Asher
    3) Talia
    4) Elaena
    5) Royland

    1) Gryff
    2) Ludd
    3) Duncan
    4) Gwyn
    5) Malcolm

    1. Gared

    2. Asher

    3. Rodrick

    4. Beska

    5. Malcom

    And least would be :

    1. Harys

    2. Sword guard (the one that was in your way in ep 2. He actually is one of the ones that kills Rodrick/Asher)

    3. Gryff

    4. The traitor

    5. Lucan

  • edited July 2015

    I only like Asher, Beshka and Gared.
    My least favorite is Gryff. The rest are all the same lol
    My list stayed the same. I always liked Gared the most.

  • Favorites - 1. Asher 2. Gared 3. Rodrik 4. Mira 5. Tom

    Least - 1. Sera 2. Ludd 3. Gryff 4. Britt 5. Frostfinger

  • Least favorite character:

    1. Rodrik ( He is in dead in my playthrough..but he will never be missed :/)
    2. Asher
    3. Gared
    4. Mira
    5. Arthur..

    Least hated character

    1. Ludd
    2. Gryff
    3. Harys
    4. Gwyn (well, what a fucking useless bitch.)
  • favorites (if it's considering game-only characters): 1) asher, 2) rodrick, 3) beskha, 4) tom, 5) arthur

    favorites (if it's including show characters): 1) tyrion, 2) ramsay, 3) asher, 4) rodrick, 5) cersei

    least favorite (if it's considering game-only characters): 1&2) ludd / gryff (switches on and off depending on the scene), 3) harys, 4) sera, 5) gwyn

    least favorite (if it's including show characters): same as least favorite for rankings as above but instead of gwyn at #5 i would have to put margaery (i've said this in other posts, marg is one of my favorite female characters on the show but i can't stand her in the game)

  • edited July 2015


    1. Asher
    2. Mira
    3. Ethan
    4. Gared
    5. Rodrik


    1. Ramsay
    2. Gryff
    3. Harys
    4. Ludd
    5. Andros
  • I like:
    1 - Asher

    2 - Rodrik

    3 - Beskha

    4 - Ethan

    5 - Gared

    I hate:
    1 - Gryff
    2 - Ludd
    3 - Gryff
    4 - Ludd
    5 - All whitehill soldiers

  • edited July 2015


    1. Asher

    2. Beskha

    3. Rodrik

    4. Ser Royland

    5. Gared


    1. Ludd

    2. Gryff

    3. Gwyn

    4. Duncan

    5. Mira

  • Favourites: 1) Asher 2) Rodrik 3) Malcom 4) Gared 5) Ethan
    Dislike: 1) Ramsay 2) Ludd 3) Gryff 4) Harys 5) Cersai

  • edited July 2015


    Asher, Beskha, Rodrik, Gared, Talia, Sylvi, Malcolm, Elaena.


    Ludd, Gryff, Harys, Frostfinger, Britt, Whitehill Soldiers.

  • Favourites:

    1. Gared
    2. Rodrik
    3. Royland
    4. Asher
    5. Ethan


    1. Gryff
    2. Ludd
    3. Danny
    4. Andros
    5. Frostfinger
  • Favorite:


  • Most:1.Gregor 2.Rodrik 3.Asher 4.Beskha 5.Malcokm
    Least:1.Gryff(the most hated) 2.Harys (for coward stab in ep.5) 3.Ludd 4.Britt 5.Traitor

  • Fav = 1. Rodrik, 2. Asher, 3. Gared, 4. Ethan, 5. Mira/Arthur

    Least = 1. Gryff, 2. Harys, 3. Britt, 4. Ludd, 5. Any other background whitehill lol

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