It's actually cute...

I find it kind of cute when people in this forum say "i'm gonna kill every whitehill, not even children would be safe" or "Ludd and Gryff are dead man walking". Oh my sweet summer children... do you really think TT will let you do that?

Because to me it looks like we'll get a cookie while our lowback area gets ravaged. Which means a little satisfaction will go paired to a pain in the ass.



  • If that's the case they can alienate even more players. Cool with me. I am just waiting on TWAU season 2. If I don't get to see Ludd and Gryff die, then this is just another pointless season. Much like TWD season 2.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, we won't get to exact revenge. There is season 2 after all.

  • Officially confirmed?

    Drbg posted: »

    Yeah, we won't get to exact revenge. There is season 2 after all.

  • Telltale has a multi season deal. They will milk this series for all it's worth.

    Officially confirmed?

  • You're correct to an extent. There's no way the Forresters are just going to kill the Whitehills, and everything is going to be happy-dandy. Because that's not how Game of Thrones, or Telltale work.

    But all the same, there's no way a Forrester doesn't get to kill either Gryff or Ludd in Episode 6. Why? Because in no story does an antagonist defeat, and defeat and defeat a protagonist, without getting any sort of defeat of their own, in one form or another. It doesn't happen. And especially considering TellTale's track record as well.

    The villain of the Wolf Among Us? Get's the upper hand of Bigby all through Wolf Among Us, right until the end, when he gets defeated.

    The villain of The Walking Dead Season 1? Same thing. Gets the upper hand of Lee, right until the end, when he gets defeated.

    Mark my words, the same will be in true in Episode 6 of GoT. Revenge will have a high cost, and probably still result in defeat for the Forresters, but there's no way--after all this--they won't get it, somehow. Gryff IS a dead man walking, even if that is true of Rodrik / Asher as well.

  • I just wish we weren't forced to one House.
    HBO could've used the oppertunity to explain some things that they ignored.
    Play as one of the Ironborn houses, a vassal to house Harlaw maybe? Maybe someone who was at Deepwood Motte, Winterfell, but escaped in the process?

  • I wouldn't say that just because there is a season 2 that the Whitehills will have any role in it. I have a feeling it could focus on another House than the Forresters

    Drbg posted: »

    Yeah, we won't get to exact revenge. There is season 2 after all.

  • Which isn't much if you think about it. The last season of the show turned a lot of people off and it's already beginning to fade away. All shows have their moment in the sun, but it's rare they look after it enough to last that long.

    Drbg posted: »

    Telltale has a multi season deal. They will milk this series for all it's worth.

  • Yeah blame the Ds

    It's going to be hard to avoid spoilers while boycotting the show next year...

    Revec posted: »

    Which isn't much if you think about it. The last season of the show turned a lot of people off and it's already beginning to fade away. All shows have their moment in the sun, but it's rare they look after it enough to last that long.

  • lmao, if you think this show is currently fading then you're delusional. Next season? Possibly, but it's easily the show I hear most brought up in public. People being butthurt about their favorite characters dying is nothing new.

    Revec posted: »

    Which isn't much if you think about it. The last season of the show turned a lot of people off and it's already beginning to fade away. All shows have their moment in the sun, but it's rare they look after it enough to last that long.

  • edited July 2015

    On that note, i think one of gryff's other brothers is meant to be at highpoint. Wonder if they'll show him. The only other one alive is at the citadel.

    If that's the case they can alienate even more players. Cool with me. I am just waiting on TWAU season 2. If I don't get to see Ludd and Gryff die, then this is just another pointless season. Much like TWD season 2.

  • They're losing most of us book readers but even then, we're just a tiny fraction of the fanbase.

    lmao, if you think this show is currently fading then you're delusional. Next season? Possibly, but it's easily the show I hear most brought up in public. People being butthurt about their favorite characters dying is nothing new.

  • And I've heard quite a lot of people say they've lost interest after the events of last season.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    They're losing most of us book readers but even then, we're just a tiny fraction of the fanbase.

  • Meh, I and a lot of other book readers are cool with everything. I wasn't happy about Stannis burning his daughter, but Martin specifically told them to do it. So clearly it's important to the plot. As you said, we make up a small fraction of the people watching the show.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    They're losing most of us book readers but even then, we're just a tiny fraction of the fanbase.

  • Cool with EVERYTHING ? On i haven't seen someone who did not complain at least about either Dorne or Stannis

    Meh, I and a lot of other book readers are cool with everything. I wasn't happy about Stannis burning his daughter, but Martin specifically

  • Yeah, Jon snow fangirls. Oh, how will the show survive!!!!!

    Revec posted: »

    And I've heard quite a lot of people say they've lost interest after the events of last season.

  • Jaime is my favorite character, I know his story already from reading the books. I was fine with him and Bronn traveling together. He will be where he is suppose to be eventually.

    Yes I just said I wasn't a fan of Stannis burning his daughter, but apparently it will happen in the books too. Martin pushed D&D to do it.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Cool with EVERYTHING ? On i haven't seen someone who did not complain at least about either Dorne or Stannis

  • If they're killing off the characters that's been with them though out the adventure, not long. I haven't watched the show in ages as it's the same thing over and over, but has Jon died now I take it?

    Yeah, Jon snow fangirls. Oh, how will the show survive!!!!!

  • lol, the show has never been for people who cry about their "favorites" dying. If you want a show where characters have plot shields and never die, then watch Walking Dead. Rick, Daryl, etc. are untouchable and it's boring as hell. GoT plays it like real life, people die and it sucks.

    Revec posted: »

    If they're killing off the characters that's been with them though out the adventure, not long. I haven't watched the show in ages as it's the same thing over and over, but has Jon died now I take it?

  • I am the same. I am a DC comic guy, so the show is just an "earth two" for me. I like being surprised from time to time.

  • *Mel will burn her

    Jaime's my favourite character as well. He's just fascinating. His Riverlands plot in AFFC was very good development. I was fine with him going to Dorne at first but now... That plot was a fine ass madness

    Jaime is my favorite character, I know his story already from reading the books. I was fine with him and Bronn traveling together. He will b

  • No, it's a show/book that's got great promise, but a poor overarching plot. A story where the lead characters die etc, is fine, but this has nothing but misery in it. Look at TWDS1 by Telltale for an example on how you do it right.

    lol, the show has never been for people who cry about their "favorites" dying. If you want a show where characters have plot shields and nev

  • You're too soft, I understand.

    Meh, poor example in my humble opinion.

    Revec posted: »

    No, it's a show/book that's got great promise, but a poor overarching plot. A story where the lead characters die etc, is fine, but this has nothing but misery in it. Look at TWDS1 by Telltale for an example on how you do it right.

  • Being soft has nothing to do with it. It's poorly written.

    You're too soft, I understand. Meh, poor example in my humble opinion.

  • No, it really isn't. If you think a TTG video game has better writing than ASOIAF then you're delusional. It clearly just goes over your head.

    Revec posted: »

    Being soft has nothing to do with it. It's poorly written.

  • lol how has it? A story where everyone is awful, all characters are killed leading to no character growth and no real overarching story is hilarious bad. It's like paying to go into a museum and being shown the exit.

    No, it really isn't. If you think a TTG video game has better writing than ASOIAF then you're delusional. It clearly just goes over your head.

  • No character growth? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Stopped reading right there. You have no clue what you're talking about. Peace!

    Revec posted: »

    lol how has it? A story where everyone is awful, all characters are killed leading to no character growth and no real overarching story is hilarious bad. It's like paying to go into a museum and being shown the exit.

  • Sorry, you're right. There is character growth. It's just a shame they kill them before it gets anywhere.

    No character growth? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Stopped reading right there. You have no clue what you're talking about. Peace!

  • TWAU2 will never happen.

    If that's the case they can alienate even more players. Cool with me. I am just waiting on TWAU season 2. If I don't get to see Ludd and Gryff die, then this is just another pointless season. Much like TWD season 2.

  • Shame if that's the case, it's the strongest game they made.

    short_stack posted: »

    TWAU2 will never happen.

  • Are they? Im a book reader and I still like It. Its a little diferent just that. It will be fun to watch the diferences between the books and the serie.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    They're losing most of us book readers but even then, we're just a tiny fraction of the fanbase.

  • Poorly written????!!! lol... Ok... U rly dont understand nothing about sagas. U just like that the "hero"' never dies. Wake up. Thats not the real life

    Revec posted: »

    Being soft has nothing to do with it. It's poorly written.

  • forum is where all the purists are so of course everyone complains there, why do you think someone who enjoys the show would be a second there with all that bitching? There are other sites where people, yes also bookreaders, can talk about it without someone screaming how D&D are demons that "ruin" the books.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Cool with EVERYTHING ? On i haven't seen someone who did not complain at least about either Dorne or Stannis

  • I couldn't say really. Reddit and are mostly the sole ASOIAF forums where I hang out forum is where all the purists are so of course everyone complains there, why do you think someone who enjoys the show would be

  • edited July 2015

    Not at all. There are no hero's in GoT and I'm fine with that.

    Look, if you're interested in characters that have cheap endings, a story heading no where and are a teenage who loves blood and nudity, I can see the appeal of GoT, but I don't fit in that demographic, so deal with it.

    Poorly written????!!! lol... Ok... U rly dont understand nothing about sagas. U just like that the "hero"' never dies. Wake up. Thats not the real life

  • It's the worst one, objectively

    Shame if that's the case, it's the strongest game they made.

  • Um, hate to break it to you, but it does and has happened, all the way up to the big screen. It's called 'bad writing'

    Family guy is also one of the worst written shows ever in comedy, and look how successful it is, fact of life my friend...

  • The first Game of Thrones video game took an interesting route where you played as two characters sworn to House LANNISTER. For separate reasons they are both disillusioned by the Lannisters tyranny but remain loyal to the house, it's an interesting dynamic.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I just wish we weren't forced to one House. HBO could've used the oppertunity to explain some things that they ignored. Play as one of the

  • I wouldn't say they're losing people, I'd say they're losing people's interest. Like, I used to be a die hard Game of Thrones TV Show fan. I was extremely disappointed with Season Five, but that doesn't mean I'll quit watching, it's just that I watch it a lot more casually now.

    TWOW > GOT S6

    lmao, if you think this show is currently fading then you're delusional. Next season? Possibly, but it's easily the show I hear most brought up in public. People being butthurt about their favorite characters dying is nothing new.

  • I wouldn’t call it their strongest, but is certainly a great one. It will be a shame if they never return to that.

    Shame if that's the case, it's the strongest game they made.

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