What will matter in EP6?

I was wondering what will have any consequence in episode 6?

  • the fate of the traitor?
  • the fate of blood song?
  • who stayed behind?
  • weather I slept with Eleana?
  • weather I treated the wounds of that idiot behind the wall?
  • Cersei?

What do you think will shape the story?



  • nothing. i dont know what to think of this game after EP5. i dont think i actually care, i used to play multiple times to make my choices, but at this point, i wont invest much in this. hard to say tho, really liked the game up untill ep5. oh well.

  • Killing ALL Whitehills

  • None of them will matter. Just like if you maimed Gryff: he returns without ONE SINGLE scratch.

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