Which Death was Canon (Episode 5)?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

In the final decision we have to choose one brother to save another - Asher or Rodrik - one of them lives to lead their House - while the other sacrifices himself and dies a horrible death. While the outcome is player-driven, what do you guys think - if the story of House Forrester wasn't a game but an actual TV series (the GoT spin-off we'll never have) - in that moment, realistically speaking who would be left behind to save the other?

Asher the exiled second son returning from Essos and making the noble sacrifice of saving the Forrester Lord at the cost of his own life - or Rodrik the current head sacrificing himself to save Asher? Who do you think was truly meant to die in that scene? Personally I've tried to picture the canon death to be Asher - it just doesn't feel right to kill Rodrik off at this point in the story - after all he had been through with the Whitehills it only makes sense that he should use the death of his younger to drive his resolve forward, to end this war with the Whitehills once and for all.

It was a painful choice either way - but storywise now Rodrik has incurred yet more tragedy because of the Whitehills - it should all be pushing towards a climax of sorts, building up with all that's happened with him at Ironrath so far. Still a lot of folks chose to sacrifice Rodrik - while I do personally like Asher more than Rodrik - storywise it just felt wrong to deprive Rodrik of the final battle against the Whitehills that his story seemed to be building up towards.


  • edited July 2015

    There is no canon.

  • If it was a TV show both would be dead.

  • Asher's doesn't seems to make any sense: he just returns with army of pitfighters then dies after 5 mins like...seriously?

    Rodrik's makes sense: Rodrik and Gryff hates each other, plus the WhiteHills target is the Lord of Ironrath. Rodrik Forrester. Also the traitors called him weak and failed to save his house, it's time for him to prove to these traitors that they are wrong if they're imprisoned. He should die like a true lord, The Forresters also planned to let Asher take the lead but when Rodrik returned, their plan is to stop the whitehills.

  • Rodrik. Because how Gryff looks at him , how he's hitted in an eye. And how they stab at the end ( Referrence to Jon Snow death btw)

  • For real knowing Roders as we know do you think he would let his little brother sacrifice himself for him? No, he would stop Asher and gladly give his life (at least my Rodrick would do this if Asher made such propose).

  • Yeah I agree. And Asher is shown in the main menu after this episode and Rodrik isnt. But no matter what they will probably both die.

    PCGaming posted: »

    Rodrik. Because how Gryff looks at him , how he's hitted in an eye. And how they stab at the end ( Referrence to Jon Snow death btw)

  • Both deaths make sense for the story, imo Ashers sacrifice is more heartbreaking, after four years of being exiled he finally returns home only to immediately sacrifice himself for the people that exiled him, plus Beskha's reaction. Rodrik went to the coast with the intent of defending Asher it makes sense for him to stay behind for him especially since in my playthrough the traitor Royland said "You must save Asher, save the true Lord of this House".

    Rodrik's sacrifice is my Canon outcome it just makes sense for Asher to save the House it would be disappointing for him to die after just coming home. If you think about it both outcomes are really sad for Asher even if he lives it won't be the home he remembers, two of his brothers are dead, his father is dead and the Boltons are the Wardens of the North.

  • edited July 2015

    I left Asher behind and he was still in the menu, thats why I said that

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