Things we MUST see in ep6



  • I actually agree with those statements for to be made in Episode 6
    I want to see at least the Glenmores helping the Forresters one last time, and I want to see Gwyn and Elaena have some sort of role in this conflict.
    I want to see some major asskicking to the Whitehills either Ludd or Gryff.
    Some type of closure for the whole Bowen choice.

    1. Not likely
    2. Most Likely
    3. Most Likely
    4. Uncertain
    5. Maybe
    6. 100 percent sure
    7. Hopefully
    8. Lol no
    9. I can see that. Deciding who punishes.
    10. :(
  • Fuck that, we have to see Rodrik/Asher do an invisible stripper pole dance.

    If Telltale doesn't pull off another "Randy Tudor" joke and include an easter egg scene in the final episode where that Shia LaBeouf motivational talk parody from Twitter is added in game, I will be heavily disappointed. Are you listening, Telltale?

  • I'm pretty sure you're in the entirely wrong universe (meaning the ASOIAF) universe for happy endings. There are no happy endings in Westeros.

    Platypuses posted: »

    I want to see something going right for once. This game is making me miserable. Every time things are looking up, Ramsay comes around or som

  • edited July 2015

    10 . ;)

    tintin1029 posted: »

    * Not likely * Most Likely * Most Likely * Uncertain * Maybe * 100 percent sure * Hopefully * Lol no * I can see that. Deciding who punishes. *

  • Don't lie, all of us want that

    IvySketches posted: »

    Reads to 10 Wait, what? XD

  • edited July 2015

    You're wrong if you believe this is a story where the bad guys always win. There are choices that are made and their consequences. In this game it doesn't matter what you do, the outcome is the same.

    ender278 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure you're in the entirely wrong universe (meaning the ASOIAF) universe for happy endings. There are no happy endings in Westeros.

  • Awwwww yeeeeaaah, Gwyn is ready.

    Adrian14 posted: »

    10 .

  • edited July 2015

    Also, Daenerys appears in the title art for Ep 6, so hopefully we'll see some action in Essos.

    Could be that we play as Malcolm, but I think that would totally be out of place, since this mission has nothing to do with our story. This image of Daenarys says: "They can LIVE in my new world, or DIE in their old world." Could be a bad foreshadowing that the Forresters will lose and most of them die.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Mira * Tom's masters revealed * Lord Tarwick to help Mira (if you told him Sera was a bastard). At the very least see this choice mean

  • edited July 2015

    I think that someone will find all her items in her room: the decree, the knife, the key and the seal. Depending on what you picked up or still have you will be blamed for murder, stealing and/or working with a the "traitor" Tyrion Lannister. And I think there will be the possibility (maybe with Toms help) to hide all this things in Seras room and she will be the one who will be punished.

    What about Mira's key she could have taken all the way back in episode 1? I hope to god that comes up this coming episode.

  • I think Gwyn will free Ryon.

  • edited July 2015

    I don't think well see Erik (Wall Erik) again till season 2 but we might see the other 2 versions

    A closure to Erik choice Death of Ludd and Gryff Atleast one more song thats all i got for now...

  • For me it's gotta be Gryff vs Rodrik/Asher in the great hall. One-on-one.

    Gryff gets the upper hand, pins Rodrik/Asher to the ground. Seems like Rodrik/Asher is gonna die.

    Gryff gloats and says some shit like "you're not the first Forrester to die on this floor, and you won't be the last."

    Something impales Gryff through the back, saving Rodrik/Asher.

    If it's Gryff, Talia is shown holding a bloodied blade, shoulders heaving as she has some sort of panic attack due to the fact she just killed someone.

    That's all I want. Talia needs her moment, y'know? I feel like her arc is building towards her killing someone.

  • I agree with Gryff vs Asher/Rodrik but I imagined it taking place in the Grove and have it dark and rainiing.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    For me it's gotta be Gryff vs Rodrik/Asher in the great hall. One-on-one. Gryff gets the upper hand, pins Rodrik/Asher to the ground. See

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Asher shirtless

    Well I suppose if someone saved Rodrik the Whitehills could drag the shirtless corpse of Asher around.

  • Ouch

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Asher shirtless Well I suppose if someone saved Rodrik the Whitehills could drag the shirtless corpse of Asher around.

  • I am ok with that too.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Asher shirtless Well I suppose if someone saved Rodrik the Whitehills could drag the shirtless corpse of Asher around.

  • I really want to see some strong interaction with Asher, Elissa and Talia.

  • F**k that guy on the right he's the one who closed the gate and made us choose... :(

    The deaths of these two recurring Whitehill soldiers.

  • Alt text

    Platypuses posted: »

    I want to see something going right for once. This game is making me miserable. Every time things are looking up, Ramsay comes around or som

  • Well...A brother just died (and in my playthrough that was Asher) so....Round 2 with Elaena? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I'm kidding...sort of.

  • When I saw him my reaction was, "Well, shit." and I knew things were about to get bad. I thought TellTale would let us kill at least one of the two men pictured above in my comment, but the best we got was being able to punch the guy on the left. We better be able to kill them next episode...

    F**k that guy on the right he's the one who closed the gate and made us choose...

  • I hope so...but this is a reused model, unfortunately. It was used at Highpoint when we visited, I think. But I do think it's interesting how this soldier was in Episode 1 as well, when Ramsay confronted Ethan. In Episode 3 he says to Rodrik, "I'd be happy to dirty my blade with your blood. You should have seen it. Your brother... He acted like a true lord. Right up to the moment Bolton's bastard put that knife in his neck."

    But yeah, he should die.

    And this one too

  • edited July 2015
    1. Talia skirtless.

    ...What...what have I done? Oh no...!

  • i swear if i dont get to kill gryff then i wont be satisfied

  • I want to crush the Whitehills, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.

  • I think Asher may be dead for him.

    Adrian14 posted: »

    10 .

  • I hope so too because this game is frustrating me I need to end somebody because Ramsay is protected Gryff apparently had a senzu bean on him and Ludd is kind of untouchable right now too

    When I saw him my reaction was, "Well, shit." and I knew things were about to get bad. I thought TellTale would let us kill at least one of

  • Yeah that 's my old pal from the walking dead fun thread rright here ! Love you buddie ;D

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Fuck that, we have to see Rodrik/Asher do an invisible stripper pole dance.

  • Isn't Morgryn basically just a Poor Man's Littlefinger?

    Mira getting Lord Andros or Lord Morgryn (don't trust that man) or Sera killed.

  • edited July 2015


    Hbh128 posted: »

    * Talia skirtless. ...What...what have I done? Oh no...!

  • From the beginning, all I've cared about is getting Ryon home. If he doesn't come home, I'm going to kill someone (preferably Gryff and the Whitehills).

    And my Mira storyline is so screwed up that I really don't care what happens. I falsely put my trust in too many people. However, I do trust Tom. I hope I trust him correctly for ONCE

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited July 2015
    1. Naked woman.

    Damn, 5 episodes without it. What kind of GoT is this? For republicans?

  • Guys, Margaery's key from Episode 1. It still hasn't come up.

  • An Asher x Gwyn scene

  • Alt text

    To kill this giant tower of metallic shit.

  • I know right? We should've at least seen Elaena naked.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    * Naked woman. Damn, 5 episodes without it. What kind of GoT is this? For republicans?

  • Actually this isn't that bad an idea, considering GRRM wrote about 13 year old girls being raped.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    * Talia skirtless. ...What...what have I done? Oh no...!

  • I whould LOVE Asher to survive but well... Telltale + Game of Thrones
    I think the Forresters and the Whitehills will die in a great battle

  • Writing about something ≠ endorsing it. Pedo fanservice is in no way comparable to writing about rape. I know you're probably joking but it's hard to tell on the internet (and a touchy subject)

    Barthanax posted: »

    Actually this isn't that bad an idea, considering GRRM wrote about 13 year old girls being raped.

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