Is there a chance (spoiler)

You think there is a chance that Rodrik/Asher may still be alive? I'm think its unlikely but stilla possibility? Maybe I'm too hopeful


  • Asher/Rodrik was stabbed like 10 times, their eye punched out and an arrow through their neck.. we don't know until we either see a dead A/R on a cart or about to be killed at the start of Episode 6.

  • Rodrik's already survived one impossible situation, if he survives another it'd be a joke

  • It would be the worst writing ever if they came back. It would make the traitor seem like a good fleshed out storyline....

  • Unless the Brotherhood without banners happen to stroll through then no there is no way.

  • The only way either could survive is if they pull a Lady Stoneheart.

    And I swear I'll flip my desk if that happens.

  • Nope. Man, an arrow in his throat, stabbed in the kidneys, stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen, there's not a single chance.

    It was a clear, unambiguous on screen death.

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