Determinated thing

So here's me again. And stupid mine theories, but...
If characters that are determinate either way are going to die, Isn't same with the traitor? maybe they're both traitors? what u guys think?
Also where the mother was? sleeping with Ludd or what?


  • The mother is at Ironrath. Rodrik said "Prepare the horses" means they're going to White Harbour, But Elissa didn't come with them so..yeah.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm sad both would just sell us out like that. I just want to kick them both off my council. Good riddance to both. I actually like the maester more now. He was naive, but he was nice and faithful to the house (i think).

  • Man, the only determinate characters who survive to the end of the season are in TWAU, if I recall correctly. :v If you visit Prince Lawrence first, he can be saved and he won't die later on.

    And then there is one of the Tweedle twins, I'm fairly certain if you spare him, he doesn't die at the encounter in episode 5.

    I may be wrong, it's been a while, but why is it TWAU is the only game that makes your choice of who lives and who doesn't matter?

  • edited July 2015

    Mother is second traitor I think

  • That town definitely wasn't White Harbor. According to the books, White Harbor is massive with busy ports and Manderly knights everywhere. That wasn't White Harbor.

    Killah posted: »

    The mother is at Ironrath. Rodrik said "Prepare the horses" means they're going to White Harbour, But Elissa didn't come with them so..yeah.

  • If they were at White Harbor Gryff and his men would have been rekt by the Manderlys the moment they started something.

    Killah posted: »

    The mother is at Ironrath. Rodrik said "Prepare the horses" means they're going to White Harbour, But Elissa didn't come with them so..yeah.

  • I kinda feel like they need to make dialogue choices more important. Like I personally make it a habit to treat you a certain way I don't want the game to reject that. So far the game has been doing fairly well with that but only in minor doses.

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