The Red Ridge

Something I noticed while replaying the episodes is that an unnamed Whitehill soldier with reddish hair (hence his nick name being The Red Ridge ;))seems to have a recurring role through out making The Forresters' lives a living hell. He first appears in Lost Lords where he tells Rodrik to go around him.

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Later on in A Nest of Vipers he has a major hand in the dismantling of Asher's 10 men and the death of either Asher or Rodrik. Asher seems to recognize him (maybe they met prior to his exile)

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He also appears to try to surround Rodrik/ Asher in the battle

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He even gets a few stabs in along with the others

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Just remember the next time you say you want to kill some Whitehills, there's always..... THE RED RIDGE


  • Dem re-used Whitehill models.

  • There a few Whitehill soldiers with unique models.

  • Shame... Shame.... Shame.

  • If Only there was a scene where (Spoiler alert) if you save Rodrik You Can slash his legs and when he's reaching for his sword you can sit down in front of him and say go around and then he dies of blood loss

  • He's also in the Sword in the Darkness, and even says 'My lord..' when Gryff beats Rodrik as he keeps trying to get up.

  • Asher seems to recognize him (maybe they met prior to his exile)

    I think he just recognised the Whitehill armour.

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