What would you do if Gwyn (hypothetical major decision for E6)

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Question for you guys.

I have a hypothetical scenario in mind for next episode where in our darkest hour, Gwyn, disgusted by her brother and father's treachery, secretly sets Ryon free and helps him escape to Ironrath.

But then as she prepares to return to Highpoint (wether she knows she was unnoticed, or is ready to face her father's anger knowing he would never harm her), you are presented with a choice :

[allow her to leave] / [keep her as hostage].

If you kept her as a hostage it would be the worst disgrace and extremely ungrateful since she came willingly and helped you, but at last you would get some leverage against the Whitehills. And as your Sentinel reminds you, you are desperate.

What would you do?

Ashers : you would obviously jeopardize your chances of marrying Gwyn (at least consensually)

Rodricks : Eleana too, disgusted and extremely disappointed, might question her wedding with a man ready to use such vile maneuvers.



  • I think Eleana questioning her marriage would be out of character, she's the one who stood by and watched when Rodrick beat the shit out of Gryff.

    If Gywn helps us by freeing Ryon I'd certainly be more inclined to help her.

  • I'd let her go. With Ryon we have nothing holding us back from either attacking the whitehills or trying to escape with the family (a coward way but a way to protect the family).

  • I'd let her go, while I'd have the Asher scenario it wouldn't be for the marriage risk. I would simply be thinking she might be able to do more good in Highpoint for us, I mean if she's willing to get Ryon to us then who knows what other kinds of damage to could do in there before our attack.

  • edited July 2015

    Well, I don't think you can compare Gryff and Gwyn. Gryff is a notorious piece of shit, Gwyn is a good-hearted person, especially in that case when she just took a risk out of sympathy for you and a kid. Unless Eleana makes a gross generalization, she has no reason to have hard feelings against Gwyn.

    She might also be inclined to identify to another woman of the same age, empathy for another "woman victim of men's wars in medieval times", something like that.

    (But yeah I agree going as far as questioning her marriage would be a bit far-stretched. But I could totally see Telltale Games having her make such threat in such a case, wouldn't mean she would really act on it)

    I think Eleana questioning her marriage would be out of character, she's the one who stood by and watched when Rodrick beat the shit out of Gryff. If Gywn helps us by freeing Ryon I'd certainly be more inclined to help her.

  • edited July 2015

    I would like to let her go but I try to be Tywin when playing so I would take her hostage. It would be interesting to see if Ludd cares as much for his daughter as he does his sons.

  • edited July 2015

    I like your reasoning.

    Might I just ask : what if she made clear that after this, you're even and she's done with this bloody war, she wouldn't involve herself further for one side or the other and just wait until it's over, whoever wins.

    Would your choice be the same if you knew in advance it's a one shot and she'd be of no help anymore?

    I'd let her go, while I'd have the Asher scenario it wouldn't be for the marriage risk. I would simply be thinking she might be able to do m

  • I would like it if we could convince her to stay at her own free will so we can ensure her safety because while not being a hostage we could say we would hurt her despite it being a lie.

    To answer your question though I could never do such a thing so I would let her go.There are other ways to win a war.

  • Yup, as long as she doesn't do anything to hurt us then I'd be fine if she doesn't want anything more to do with this feud. All she has done so far anyway is try to help us so I'd have no reason to hold anything against her or think she owes us anything.

    I like your reasoning. Might I just ask : what if she made clear that after this, you're even and she's done with this bloody war, she wo

  • Ha ha, interesting :)

    If it came to a reversed scenario where Ludd called it a bluff and said he didn't believe you'd actually harm her, would you go as far as hurting her to show it's not a joke? (let's say, a QTE where you twist her finger the more you press, and if you press all the way you break it, lol)

    I would like to let her go but I try to be Tywin when playing so I would take her hostage. It would be interesting to see if Ludd cares as much for his daughter as he does his sons.

  • Gross :( I don't think Asher would be capable of doing that... MAYBE Rodrik.

    Ha ha, interesting If it came to a reversed scenario where Ludd called it a bluff and said he didn't believe you'd actually harm her, wo

  • if we could convince her to stay at her own free will

    Yeah, tt would be the ideal scenario. I'd like that too, especially if it depended on who is lord : if it's Asher who asks, she could agree to stay willingly (you'd still have to convince her though), if it's Rodrick there wouldn't be such a possibility.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    I would like it if we could convince her to stay at her own free will so we can ensure her safety because while not being a hostage we could

  • Fair enough!

    Yup, as long as she doesn't do anything to hurt us then I'd be fine if she doesn't want anything more to do with this feud. All she has done

  • edited July 2015

    I was thinking of that and I hope I could just get someone else to do that maybe Talia she seems eager. I did play GTAV I might not enjoy it but I think I could do it in a game again.

    Ha ha, interesting If it came to a reversed scenario where Ludd called it a bluff and said he didn't believe you'd actually harm her, wo

  • Yeah I agree,that would be a cool way to make our choice matter too.

    if we could convince her to stay at her own free will Yeah, tt would be the ideal scenario. I'd like that too, especially if it depe

  • No matter the characters, it's always up to the player. You and I both know a lot of players would go for it :D

    (I wouldn't if you wondered, I spent too much time developing my Rodrik as a man of honour and integrity)

    Miklaus posted: »

    Gross I don't think Asher would be capable of doing that... MAYBE Rodrik.

  • I might be a hopeless optimistic but I sure hope Episode 6 will be a storybranching fest.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    Yeah I agree,that would be a cool way to make our choice matter too.

  • maybe Talia she seems eager.


    Talia the Merciless. It's true she gets more and more bloodthirsty every new episode :D

    I was thinking of that and I hope I could just get someone else to do that maybe Talia she seems eager. I did play GTAV I might not enjoy it but I think I could do it in a game again.

  • It would certainly impress me if all the choices I made started to actually mean something.I'm sure everyone would love it if it was the case.Alas it would be difficult and I doubt the episode will have anything like this sadly.

    I might be a hopeless optimistic but I sure hope Episode 6 will be a storybranching fest.

  • Convince her to stay, and if that doesn't work, let her go willingly.


    I was thinking of that and I hope I could just get someone else to do that maybe Talia she seems eager. I did play GTAV I might not enjoy it but I think I could do it in a game again.

  • I Would let her go hopefully turning her into a spy like they did with the Sentinels.
    Btw is it possible to get Elena to marry Rodrick without forging a letter to the Glenmores?

  • edited July 2015




  • I know one way is to offer half of the ironwood you have but I did forge the letter and convinced her in my main save.

    angrykurd posted: »

    I Would let her go hopefully turning her into a spy like they did with the Sentinels. Btw is it possible to get Elena to marry Rodrick without forging a letter to the Glenmores?

  • I Must've missed that option during whatever scenario it came up in.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    I know one way is to offer half of the ironwood you have but I did forge the letter and convinced her in my main save.

  • No option to cut her down?

  • Um why?


  • I've got to ask, why are people so willing to kill her? She's only tried to help us and I can't find any reason beyond her namesake.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    No option to cut her down?


    Um why?

  • She isn't part of the solution so she's part of the problem.

    I've got to ask, why are people so willing to kill her? She's only tried to help us and I can't find any reason beyond her namesake.

  • How is she part of the problem? She tells us about a traitor existing in the first place, she'll be there at the funeral if Ryon can't and rely your words to him, and she does nothing but try to make peace.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    She isn't part of the solution so she's part of the problem.

  • Not her choice and not her fault she was born into a Bolton supporting family, you'd blame her for simply being born into the wrong family?


  • yeah

    Not her choice and not her fault she was born into a Bolton supporting family, you'd blame her for simply being born into the wrong family?

  • Seems pretty small thinking imo but w/e

    shayan80 posted: »


  • Yeah you're right, but I like to think that we'll have different outcomes and choices depending on which bro we've chosen at the end of episode 5. Sadly, this won't probably happen...

    No matter the characters, it's always up to the player. You and I both know a lot of players would go for it (I wouldn't if you wondered, I spent too much time developing my Rodrik as a man of honour and integrity)

  • Because she isn't part of the solution. I made that pretty clear.

    How is she part of the problem? She tells us about a traitor existing in the first place, she'll be there at the funeral if Ryon can't and rely your words to him, and she does nothing but try to make peace.

  • No you have not. Simply saying, "Not the solution, only a problem" does not answer nor justify anything. But if you can't think of a better reason then I guess this discussion is over.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Because she isn't part of the solution. I made that pretty clear.

  • She can't stop what's coming and if she's willing to turn on her family you can never trust her. She must be treated as just another Whitehill.

    No you have not. Simply saying, "Not the solution, only a problem" does not answer nor justify anything. But if you can't think of a better reason then I guess this discussion is over.

  • edited July 2015

    She didn't exactly turn on her family as much as try to keep the peace between both famillies.She might have went behind their back but all she wants is peace.I say that she doesn't deserve death for helping us.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    She can't stop what's coming and if she's willing to turn on her family you can never trust her. She must be treated as just another Whitehill.

  • I've already said how we could trust her, Gwyn a Whitehill, came to us and told us about there being a traitor and the fact that there was one makes her completely trustworthy in my book. She tried her best to stop any bloodshed so you can't blame her for that, and she wasn't/hasn't turned on her family, again this was Gwyn's attempt to get through this whole situation with as many people alive on both sides doing all that she could.

    Sorry you can't see that or refuse to.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    She can't stop what's coming and if she's willing to turn on her family you can never trust her. She must be treated as just another Whitehill.

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