Finn's Death

For those who didn't bring Finn/Didn't encounter Finn then turn away but for those who did bring him:

Is anyone quite upset with the way Finn died, I know he got a spear straight through him but surely he could have survived to the final episode, I mean I thought he would die in the same episode as his determinant status but he was LUCKY to survive Episode 4, I knew he'd die in Episode 5.

It's just a waste of his character and he should have came regardless, there should have been no choice bringing Finn, he should've come regardless.

Frostfingers words to everyone at the wall: "The man standing next to you could very well save your life one day", and either Finn or Cotter will look at you (depending who you sided with).

I guess he did kind of save Gared's life.. but not much at all.

It just seems that they thought "Oh well only 4.6% of players sold Cotter out, let's just make the story about Cotter and Gared and make a decision to bring Finn along".

I was expecting his death this episode, would've been nice to see him go out on a high maybe even at the end of Gared's chapter in EP5 when they are being chased by the wights, You (Gared) past decisions with Finn/Cotter determines who stays behind to save your life. However if Cotter stays then Sylvi stays also.

You either are with Finn ALONE or with Cotter&Sylvi. If with Finn, you keep heading north not knowing where to go and obviously where to go if with Cotter and Sylvi.

Now that would've been brilliant, proving Finn wrong about TNG.

What are your thoughts on Finn's death and would my choice of been better?


  • Almost as bad as Nick in a fence. It was terrible

  • Yeah it was dumb to have him die in episode 5 considering Garred part was only like 7 mins tops

  • edited July 2015

    Yup it was ridiculous

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  • I was disappointed with his sudden death but he got used more than most determinant characters, he was never in the background he was always involved somehow, so I'm prettty happy with how Finn was used, still wish we got more though.

  • At least he... mattered. I mean, he actually TALKED. Still, it's bullshit. I brought him along. I CHOSE to have him with me. Determinant disease.

  • It's especially awful since Gared's story had jack all happening to it this Episode. It's almost like the sole purpose of Gared's parts were to take Finn out of the picture because Finn dying is the only thing that really happens. Gared's story went nowhere. It was the Episode that required the very least amount of effort to make Finn feel involved but they decided to take him out. Ugh, it's stupid.

  • He had such a lame death, almost the lamest of all. (Nick's is still number 1)

  • Very disappointing death to be honest like I totally agree with you, It would have been much better if Finn died on a high like if he didn't have a spear in him but he is somewhat injured and as you said when you white walkers came he could have stayed and held him off now that would've made the scene alot of moving and better but they just decide to kill him off like that? very disappointing.

  • it's telltale, nothing matter in their games.

  • I have a feeling we will see him again, only not as alive...

  • It is a shame since Finn is the only guy who I trusted in Gared's story. I love Cotter and Sylvi, but Sylvi distrusts me and Cotter constantly lies, at least with Finn if you made friends with him, he is honest with Gared, he even left the Night's Watch for him. I expected the choice in the finale to save Finn, Cotter or Sylvi in the end from Whitewalkers and whoever survives goes to North Grove with you. And yes, his death is just as dissapointing as Nick's in Amid the Ruins.

  • The title has big spoliers though...

  • Death is too often romanticized. Sometimes it's just pointless. I like when this happens.

  • That is my guess as well, almost like Brie in TWDS1.

    I have a feeling we will see him again, only not as alive...

  • That's going to be a big wight.

    I have a feeling we will see him again, only not as alive...

  • Am I the only one here who didn't hate Finn's death? I mean come on! Did he strike you as the sort of guy that would go out in a blaze of glory saving your life? And to those that said this is worse then Nick in TWD S2, really? I mean really? A dumb death that happened off screen with no emotional weight after he said no lines and was barely around in the previous episode is worse then dying on camera after talking a bit? Also Nick was more likable then Finn, and I liked Finn, at least that's my opinion, you can disagree all you like when it comes to who was more likable. I just feel it was fine the way it was, it could have been so much worse, and there are more legitimate things to complain about like the Tyrion scene and the traitor reveal.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I do like the cruel irony of him yelling "anything can be killed!" only to get skewered and die literally 10 seconds later

  • It was almost as bad as Nicks. Just unlike Nick, Finn was actually likable and didn't deserve it.

  • Finn's death really isn't as bad as Nick's death in TWDS2. That said, having a better death than Nick is not something to be praised. You would consciously have to try to make a death worse than Nick's because it was so awful. Just because Finn's death isn't quite as bad as Nick's doesn't make it a good death, especially after how well Finn was handled in the previous Episode. He actually had a presence and contributed in Episode 4. But now in Episode 5 he gets three lines and is immediately stabbed, and none of the other characters even seem to care all that much. Maybe you could argue it was worse than Nicks, though I wouldn't, because after Finn became determinant he did stuff, unlike Nick. He fought with you, you could talk to him, he felt like he was really supposed to be there and then he's disposed off in the same offhand and uncaring manner as Nick after being handled so well. Just with a couple lines of dialogue first.

    Am I the only one here who didn't hate Finn's death? I mean come on! Did he strike you as the sort of guy that would go out in a blaze of

  • At the very least, you can say his own death felt like classic Finn, acting like a tough guy only to be proven to be a bit of a coward at heart that doesn't know shit about fighting.

    Deltino posted: »

    I do like the cruel irony of him yelling "anything can be killed!" only to get skewered and die literally 10 seconds later

  • It's not saying much I know, but really determinant character rarely ever go out in a spectacular fashion, some are just really lazy, this was fine to me. We knew he would die, he died acting like a tough guy like he always was, and didn't act like he was part of the background. It was good enough for me to not complain.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Finn's death really isn't as bad as Nick's death in TWDS2. That said, having a better death than Nick is not something to be praised. You wo

  • Why even bother putting a spoiler warning in the discussion if the title already spoils it?

  • I didn't care because the way it was done made me not care.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    classic Finn

    Sounds like the name of a sitcom.

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    At the very least, you can say his own death felt like classic Finn, acting like a tough guy only to be proven to be a bit of a coward at heart that doesn't know shit about fighting.

  • Why not? As long as it comes right after my Breaking Bad Huell spin off, Huells Rules, then i'm okay with it.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    classic Finn Sounds like the name of a sitcom.

  • I forgot all about him, that's how bad it was.

  • He's going to come back as a wight. And wights remember...

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