Who do you hate more Gryff Whitehill or Nathan Prescott?

Two rich, blonde, daddy's boys who both suffer harsh beatdowns in episode 4 of their respective games. I initially felt bad for both for them but up to recent. I'm throwing caution to the wind. LET THE VOTING BEGIN

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  • I hate Nathan more because of his... hobbies.... but Gryff is soo close to. They both use their daddies for protection.

  • Definitely Gryff. Nathan has some mental issues that he clearly suffers from, which may be a reason for the way he acts, while Gryff does it because he feels like it and gets a kick out of it.

  • Gryff is a rather dashing fellow, so Nathan, even though I've never played nor will play Life Is Strange.

  • Thanks for the spoilers.

  • Gryff! Even though I hate them both the same way!

  • Episodes been out for two days now

    Drbg posted: »

    Thanks for the spoilers.

  • That doesn't mean it isn't a spoiler.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Episodes been out for two days now

  • Yeah, thanks alot.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Episodes been out for two days now

  • Gryff is a rather dashing fellow, so Nathan, even though I've never played nor will play Life Is Strange.

    You keep saying that, yet I laugh every goddamn time for some odd reason...

    Gryff is a rather dashing fellow, so Nathan, even though I've never played nor will play Life Is Strange.

  • I hate Gryff Whitehill. Nathan is just a pissed off guy, which has all the money he want, get everything he desire, but empty from the inside.

  • Gryff:7 Nathan:2

  • Gryff whitehill because..FUCK THE WHITEHILLS

  • "Hate" is a strong word, i don't hate any of them, just dislike Gryff. Judge me if you will, i actually kinda like Nathan.

  • Gryff. There is still a chance that Nathan is being forced into participating while Gryff is more than happy to join in.

  • don't hate any of them

    kinda like Nathan

    Alt text

    "Hate" is a strong word, i don't hate any of them, just dislike Gryff. Judge me if you will, i actually kinda like Nathan.

  • I hate Nathan more. Life is Strange is easier to relate to, it's much less removed from reality, and Nathan's dickishness hits closer to home.

  • Damn... I think I gotta go with Nathan. After playing both of the latest episodes, Nathan's character went from being a whiny rich-boy to someone I want to kill far more than Gryff. I already got my punches in on Gryff anyway, Nathan still has some serious payback coming to him.

  • Nathan is treated badly by his father, and disregards the fact that Nathan isn't perfect.

    I hate Gryff more, like, to the level of infinity.

  • I hate Gryff for what he's done as the bad guy character, but still think he's cool a Telltale character. Nathan is just some punk kid that can't hold a candle to characters that can be bad and feel like a threat.

  • Gryff.

    Both are horrible people, but a mitigating factor for Nathan is that he has mental health issues. Gryff is just an evil douche.

  • I think the better question now would be who do we hate more, Gryff or Mark Jefferson?

  • Maybe Ludd vs Jefferson eh?

  • Yeh I hate it when you think they act like a good guy and turn out like that, I guess I was being a tad naive thinking Jefferson's a quality guy but... yeh, so in that situation I definitely hate Jefferson more!

  • Life Is Strange because it's not on mac. :)

  • Hahaha, well... I sympathize with him, a bit.


    don't hate any of them kinda like Nathan

  • Gryff is much worse.

  • I hate Gryff more. The stuff that Nathan has done is probably because of whatever's wrong with him, mentally.

  • At this point, I hate Jefferson even more than Ramsay or any villain in TWD.

  • Thanks for posting the video, I stopped Warren in my playthrough, so I didn't know of this. Still, I've sympathized with Nathan even before seeing this, and it makes me pity him even more.

    Hahaha, well... I sympathize with him, a bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShwC_lMUXOw

  • I love them both.

  • He helps someone drug women, take pictures of them, and has posed with at least one of their dead bodies just before it's buried.

  • edited July 2015

    Nathan drugs women and poses with one of their corpses..

    YForrester posted: »

    I hate Gryff Whitehill. Nathan is just a pissed off guy, which has all the money he want, get everything he desire, but empty from the inside.

  • edited July 2015

    I don't really hate either of them because no good story is complete without an in-depth antagonist. I will say it was strongly satisfying to kick both their asses. Relentlessly.

    In grade school, I kept getting picked on untill I pulled a bully off the jungle gym by his legs, spraining his ankle and getting gravel stuck in his knees requiring stitches. He didn't rat me out because he started it... but I was never picked on again.

    Sometimes you just have to alter the "benefit/cost" ratio for bullies and make you not worth it to them, or at least let them know you can be just as psycho as them. Just so they know if they decide not to stop.

  • Nathan is a pretty fucked up rich boy that's disturbing in A LOT of ways.

    But Griff? With him, it's WAY too personal...

    Valar Morghulis.

  • He poses with Rachel's dead body so clearly he had something to do with it

  • Both have caused harm, but Nathan is worse just because of how mentally abusive, and life ruining, his actions are.

    Gryff's killed what, like 4 people? And most of the time he's just making fun of Rodrik.

  • Everyone a hate match between Mark Jefferson and Ludd Whitehill has begun. Hit it up, guys


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