Walking Dead 400 days Trailer!
Hey everyone! So basically I've decided to make a trailer for the Walking Dead Game DLC 400 days. It's video I made for fun and would like to share with you! Hope you'll enjoy it
WARNING! If by any chance you haven't played the DLC and fear for spoilers, don't watch it. I love to keep my videos spoiler free and even try to make up a different looking story to make things even more interesting. So again, if you fear for spoilers too much, don't watch it. If you haven't played the DLC yet and don't really afraid of spoilers, take a look. Maybe it'll push you on trying the game
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You're two years too late.
I think you might have stumbled into a time machine because it's 2015. Joking aside that's a nice fanmade trailer.
Cool trailer, alittle late though.
Hey thank you for replies
Ye, I know it's too late
it's just a fun video I made in a trailer style since I had free time on my hands ^^
I liked it
That. Was. Awesome! Great job!
It is a shame that the 400 Days DLC had so little connection to the sequel. As fun as the DLC was, it was largely pointless in the big picture.
This was really good! I didn't enjoy 400 days that much but this makes me want to play it again now.
Damn good trailer dood! I make fan trailers on my ps4 and this was seriously inspiration
I'm super glad that a lot of you if not all enjoyed my work! Super glad that my video effected (even if slightly) view on the game or inspired you!
@Scaeva I honestly will say that after playing 400 days, I wanted season 2 to be about these characters or at the very least about one of them. I really wanted to get to know some of the characters better and even still believe that giving at least 1 episode for each other them would have been a good idea.
Great job! I wish I had video editing skills that good