Share your Episode 6 choices Mod Edit: Joke thread (Make Your Own Choices)

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Mod Edit: This thread was made to troll so lets turn it into a fun thread where we can guess or make fun choices for episode 6 :)

I gave Rodrik a proper burial

I killed Tom

I left Cotter to fight off the White Walkers

I spared Gryff and killed Ludd during the Celebration

I let Beshka take Ryon

Great emotional Episode so far, but I think It's bullshit that they killed off Asher and made Ryon the new lord of House Forrester, I don't like that. And I also don't think it is a good idea to give Ryon to Gwyn because she is a Whitehill and stuff.

Overall, great finale. I am looking forward to Season 2 if Telltale are making one. (I also noticed alot of Bugs and Glitches, it felt like Telltale didn't take time with this one. The Audio sometimes cuts and the people in the scenes just have their arms up and they just stand there. Which was creepy.)


  • What? how did you get Episode 6 so early?

    Yeah, this is clearly a Troll. I'll let the Mods do their thing.

  • Great emotional Episode so far, but I think It's bullshit that they killed off Asher and made Ryon the new lord of House Forrester, I don't like that. And I also don't think it is a good idea to give Ryon to Gwyn because she is a Whitehill and stuff.


  • inb4 all of these guesses are accurate

  • edited August 2015


  • It's clearly just a harmless joke. I don't see how this constitutes trolling.

    It's basically the same as those "predict what happens next episode threads."

  • Ikr? people can't take a joke...

    It's clearly just a harmless joke. I don't see how this constitutes trolling. It's basically the same as those "predict what happens next episode threads."

  • edited August 2015

    Here are my choices:

    I made a puppet with Rodrik's socks and called it Rodrik the Stuffed.

    I danced naked in the moonlight with Lord Morgryn.

    I carved Finn's face on the potato and gave it to Cotter.

    I gave Gryff the Milk of the Poppy and drew some manparts on his face while he was passed out.

    I told Beskha to take Rodrik the Stuffed instead. They got married and are expecting their second child.

    I say I really wasn't expecting the finale to take such an interesting turn, and I'm totally hyped for season 2. Awesome job, 10/10.

  • I know this is a troll thread, but it's a good troll thread. Those choices sound pretty legit.

  • edited August 2015

    I killed Asher with my white walker army as Gared

    I made Mira queen of Kings Landing

    I cut off Cotter's arm because he was bitten by a wight

    Gared found the North Grove but I had to chose to either rule an army of giants or a copy of Half Life 3

    I chose to throw the Crooked Man in the well

  • And yet still took it seriously...

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited August 2015

    This is clearly a joke thread so lets use it to make fun or crazy choices :P

    Edit: If anyone is wondering why the OP is banned it has nothing to do with these fake spoilers so don't worry about being spoilt.

  • If anyone is wondering why the OP is banned it has nothing to do with these fake spoilers so don't worry about being spoilt.

    Alt accounts? :P

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This is clearly a joke thread so lets use it to make fun or crazy choices :P Edit: If anyone is wondering why the OP is banned it has nothing to do with these fake spoilers so don't worry about being spoilt.

  • edited August 2015

    Awesome. Your fucking username is awesome too!

  • Mira:

    • you saved Tom and let Sera die
    • you didn't come clean about the murder of Damien
    • When Cersei asked you what was to be done with Andros, you chose to kill him (rather than imprison or exile)
    • You accepted Morgryn's proposal (if they don't end up together Imma be really pissed! Even more so than when Lee died, or Ethan, or Rodrik or Asher or Carley!!!)


    • You didn't try to save Cotter
    • You hid in the cave when the storm started
    • When you had to choose between getting to the North Grove or saving Sylvi, you chose the former

    Asher/Rodrik (common):

    • You prioritised vengeance over Ryon's safety
    • You saved Beskha and let your Sentinel die
    • You murdered both Ludd and Gryff


    • You still were able to marry Elaena
    • You didn't force the Glenmores to help you
    • You won the respect of the pit fighters (by killing the whitehill scout)


    • You didn't convince Gwyn to marry you (after I murdered her entire family, no shit)
    • You didn't earn the respect of the people (because you killed the whitehill scout)
    • You named Rodrik as Rodrik the Unbroken
  • the Whitehills win so your choices don't mattr HAHAHAHAAH

  • Hahahaha I enjoyed the second choice the most! :)

    Abeille posted: »

    Here are my choices: I made a puppet with Rodrik's socks and called it Rodrik the Stuffed. I danced naked in the moonlight with Lord M

    • You and 50% of players stopped to help Beska/You and 50% of players didn't stop to help Beska
    • You and 50% of players killed the horse/You and 50% of players didn't kill the horse
    • You and 50% of players accepted Cotter's apology/You and 50% of players didn't accepted Cotter's apology
    • You and 50% of players gave water to the dying Tom/You and 50% of players refused to give water
    • You and 50% of players went with Beska/You and 50% of players went with The Sentinel

    • You and 50% of players took the blame for Lucan's fart/You and 50% of players blamed someone else.
    • You and 50% of players sat with Tom at dinner/You and 50% of players sat with Sera at dinner
    • You and 50% of players told Gwyn the truth abou Gryff/You and 50% of players lied to Gwyn
    • You and 50% of players convinced Gwyn to forgive Beska/You and 50% of players failed to convince Gwyn
    • You and 50% of players went to find Cotter/You and 50% of players surrendered

    • You and 50% of players helped Margaery with her chores/You and 50% of players did your own work
    • You and 50% of players told Sera about Tom/You and 50% of players hid the truth
    • You and 50% of players admited to steal the bread and salt/You and 50% of players didn't admited to steal the bread and salt
    • You and 100% of players watched Beska smash Ludd's face like it was a potato/You and 0% of players didn't watched.
    • You and 50% of players choped off Cotter's arm/You and 50% of players killed the wight

    • You and 50% of players left Amaya at the ambush port/You and 50% of players saved Amaya
    • You and 50% of players robbed Sera/You and 50% of players didn't robbed Sera
    • You and 50% of players crawled through the ice crack/You and 50% of players let Silvy crawl through
    • You and 100% of players held the baby Bacon/You and 0% of players didn't hold the baby Bacon
    • You and 50% of players shot Finn (with your bow) after he turned into a wight/You and 50% of players called for help

    • You and 100% of players protected the baby Bacon/You and 0% of players went for cover
    • You and 50% of players tried to help Cotter in the ice lake/You and 50% of players didn't try to help Cotter
    • You and 50% of players asked to leave with Silvy/You and 50% of players didn't asked to leave with SIlvy (and stood with the baby Bacon :))
    • You and 50% of players shot Beska/You and 50% of players watched Beska kill The Sentinel
    • You and 20% of players are with Margaery/You and 20% of players are with Tom/You and 20% of players are with Sera/You and 20% of players are with Cersei/You and 20% of players have no alies (haha you're screwed)

    This is my predictions 100% legit.


    Hope you enjoyed :)

  • It was a really liberating scene and I'm glad they included it. It was beautiful. Best part of the game.

    IbaMelly posted: »

    Hahahaha I enjoyed the second choice the most!

  • edited August 2015

    You and 100% of players fucked the potato.

    You and 100% of players saved the baconwood grove by sacrificing Talia and Ryon.

    You and 50% of players used Asher's grin to destroy Whitehill's army/You and 50% of players used Rodrick's singing to destroy Whitehill's army.

    You and 99% of players spent night with Morgryn/You and 1% of players should visit a doctor, something is definetly wrong with you.

    You and 100% of players didn't save house Forrester from ruin, because choices do not matter, and this is game of thrones, valar morghulis, lol.

    Jokes aside, my predictions about last episode's choices are something like:

    1. You and 50% of players refused to return Elaena to Rillwater Crossing and did not get backup from lord Glenmore/You and 50% of players agreed to return her and were given the elite guard back.

    2. You and 33% of players did not get executed by Cersei with Margery's help/You and 33% of players did not get executed with Lyman's help/You and 33% of players had to use Tom's help to kill Lucan and avoid being executed.

    3. You and 50% of players were able to stay in King's landing and become Morgryn's partner/You and 50% of players were forced to flee King's Landing.

    4. You and 25% of players sacrificed Gared's life to get acces to the North Grove/You and 25% sacrificed Cotter/You and 25% sacrificed Sylvi/You and 25% did not make a sacrifice and did not get access to the North Grove.

    5. You and 50% of players spared Gryff in exchange for Ryon's life/You and 50% of players executed Gryff and Gwyn fled with Ryon.

    6. You and 50% of players saved house Forrester from ruin (either by getting access to the North Grove or by both getting help from lord Glenmore and sparing Gryff)/You and 50% of players did not save house Forrester from ruin.

  • edited August 2015
    • You and 5% of players told off Cersei

    • You and 99.5% of players killed Gryff with the potato

    • You and 10% didn't kill the pig for bacon

    • You and 100% of players did a jig on Gryff's grave

    • You and 25% of players didn't find the North Grove

    Who is still alive?

    • Ethan is dead

    • Mira is dead

    • Rodrick is dead

    • Gared is dead (inside)

    • Asher is the new lord

  • Ouch, that 5th choice

    Krapinka posted: »

    You and 100% of players fucked the potato. You and 100% of players saved the baconwood grove by sacrificing Talia and Ryon. You and 50

  • edited August 2015

    You and 90% of players killed Beskha because you wanted to kill someone for fun.

    You and 60% of players told Cersei to f*** off.

    You and 10% slapped Tom for not appearing in episode 5.

    You and 99% of players made Gryff suffer.

    You and 40% of players let Ryon die because he can't do anything.

    Okay, jokes are over. Here are some serious choices:

    You and 57% of players saved Beskha/Elaena from suicide.

    You and 60% of players allied with Cersei and betrayed Margaery.

    You and 10% of players spared Gryff.

    You and 45% of players brought Ryon back alive.

    You and 99% of players didn't save the Forresters from destruction. (Because it's GoT. Duh.)

  • What's wrong with that one?

    Ouch, that 5th choice

  • But how can 100% do a jig on Gryff's grave if 0.5% didn't kill him?

    * You and 5% of players told off Cersei * You and 99.5% of players killed Gryff with the potato * You and 10% didn't kill the pig for

  • I married Talia off to Ludd Whitehill
    I adopted Gryff as my son
    I killed Sera as an offering to Cersei
    I defeated the White Walker king by forcing him to fuck a potato
    I won the game

  • This is bloody beautiful. Kinda sad, that Sera is dead, but marrying Talia to Ludd and adopting Gryff can make up for anything.

    DariusAngel posted: »

    I married Talia off to Ludd Whitehill I adopted Gryff as my son I killed Sera as an offering to Cersei I defeated the White Walker king by forcing him to fuck a potato I won the game

  • The other 0,5% also killed Gryff, but instead of a potato they used a boring sword...

    Krapinka posted: »

    But how can 100% do a jig on Gryff's grave if 0.5% didn't kill him?

  • It all makes sense now.

    The other 0,5% also killed Gryff, but instead of a potato they used a boring sword...

  • Nothing is wrong with it, it's just that (for me at least) it would be a very hard decision to make

    Krapinka posted: »

    What's wrong with that one?

  • edited August 2015


    You and 98% of players encouraged Cotter to marry the potato. OR You and 2% of players stole the potato from Cotter.

    You and ?% of players found the North Grove, which was filled with pigs and potatoes. OR You and ?% of players did not find the North Grove.

    You and ?% of players ate the pigs. OR You and ?% of players ate the potatoes.

    (EDIT) (If you didn't find the North Grove.) You and ?% of players decided to head back to Ironrath, (And if Cotter was encouraged to marry the Potato, you can offer to him to have his wedding there.) OR You and ?% tried to head North, but Sylvi manages to make you head to Ironrath.

    You and ?% of players saved Cotter's potato. OR You and ?% of players rescued Cotter.

    You and ?% of players adopted the dog, who was named Dogmeat. (Fallout reference.) OR You and ?% of players decided to let Cotter adopt it, who named it Potatomeat. OR You and ?% of players let Ms. Potato adopt it, who names it Cottermeat. OR You and ?% of players let Sylvi adopted the dog who names it Fishmeat.

    (IF FINN WAS BROUGHT THE PREVIOUS EPISODE) You and ?% of players revived Finn by doing the Asher-Fucking-Grin. He then goes with you. OR You sang in Rodrik's voice, making Finn get up and kick you in the balls. He then goes with you.

    You and ?% of players are at Ironrath. OR You and ?% of players are at the North Grove.


    You and ?% of players seduced Gwyn with your grin. OR You and ?% of players walked away from Gwyn.

    You and ?% of players decided to flay Ludd. OR You and ?% of players decided to flay Gryff.

    You and 100% of players shitted on Ludd/Gryff's grave. OR You and 0% of players walked away..

    You and 100% of players grinned at Rodrik's grave, reviving him. OR You and 0% of players decided to let him rest.


    You and ?% of players had a round two with Elaena. OR You and ?% of players decided to walk away this time.

    You and ?% of players saved Ryon. OR You and ?% of players saved Talia.

    You and ?% of players told Ramsay to fuck off with his Plot Armor. OR You and ?% of players stabbed Ramsay, and the knife broke through the plot armor.

    You and ?% of players revived Asher Forrester by managing to do his grin correctly. OR You and ?% of players failed to do the grin, and Asher is still dead.

    You and ?% of players flayed Ludd. (If Asher was revived, he flays Gryff.) OR You and ?% of players flayed Gryff. (If Asher was revived, he flays Ludd.)

    (Couldn't think of any spoof Mira choices.)

  • You and 0% went after ludd/ you and 0% went after gruff

    You and 0% tortured the prisoner/ you and 0% reasoned with the prisoner
    You and 0% entered the north grove/ you and 0% had cotter and Sylvi enter the north grove first
    You and 0% left Tom and went with Morgyn/ you and 0% left Morgyn and went with tom
    You and 0% sent ludd/gryff to the wall/ you and 0% executed the prisoner/ you and 0% tortured the prisoner and left him to die from starvation,dehydration/bloodlost

  • edited August 2015

    Doesn't seem too hard for me, but, I guess, it could be pretty hard for most of players.

    ...Wait, no, most of players don't give a damn about Ryon, they only want revenge. You're one of those few, who would actually hesitate before making the choice.

    Nothing is wrong with it, it's just that (for me at least) it would be a very hard decision to make

  • I would spare Gryff so I will get Ryon back home. That was my plan in the beginning. Revenge is not always a good decision.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Doesn't seem too hard for me, but, I guess, it could be pretty hard for most of players. ...Wait, no, most of players don't give a damn a

  • Same here. I have no interest in revenge at all, I just want my family to survive.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I would spare Gryff so I will get Ryon back home. That was my plan in the beginning. Revenge is not always a good decision.

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