i'm sure the bird one would have made me wet my pants as well, but i missed it
Next time i'll make sure i click at least a hundred time on EVERYTHING before moving on.
I laughed at the Voodoo lady saying "Only fools tell people their name!" to a certain mighty pirate who throws his name at every stranger he can possibly find.
i thought the last two lines would have made a great blogpost when everyone was waiting for the game and spamming the blog's comment section last night
"Don't open that! That's where I keep my... unmentionables."
(Horrified shudder)
(Name of closest changes to: "The Most Horrifying Closet In The World")
As usual, I'm a sucker for the pop culture references. D'Oro the explorer, I'll try to fashion some kind of rudimentary lathe, "Clever boy" ala Jurassic Park when you knock Winslow off his ship. The ones listed above are all great, too.
Actually, this is the only game we get to know Voodoo Lady's private life a bit. Anyone catch the connection between her and Tia Dalma from The Pirates of Carribean? That locket love-affair was pretty obvious
Actually, this is the only game we get to know Voodoo Lady's private life a bit. Anyone catch the connection between her and Tia Dalma from The Pirates of Carribean? That locket love-affair was pretty obvious
Yeah pretty much. I bet they thought if PoTC can borrow stuff from MI, then MI can borrow stuff from PoTC.
Well, not exactly a 'line', but I laughed at the 'Altar of Nor Treblig' (Ron Gilbert backwards) =P
...also, the Youtube (U-tube) references amused me=)
omg yes.
Also, I can't remember the exact wording, but when the Marquis de Singe goes to sharpen his blades and Guybrush asks why, the general idea was
de Singe: Would you like me to amputate your hand with a dull knife?
Guybrush: I see your point.
I've got no shame in having some of the same favourites as the rest of you!
But I really liked the row boat on the beach straight away. It changes it's name every time you examine it. Eventually becoming something along the lines of a 'fascinating yet pointless rowboat'. I enjoyed that
My favorite wasn't actually a line. After you learn about the contents of the Voodoo lady's closet, its subtitle is changed from just "Closet" to "The Scariest Closet in the World."
I can't remember the precise line, but the one that made me laugh the most was when you blow the captain off the ship and he congratulates you, then says:
'Now, if you'll excuse me I have some massive internal haemorrhaging to deal with'
Also dug the Jurassic Park reference at that point.
If I had a few dozen years to study at university then I might know how to combine those chemicals into a powerful acid that will eat through these bonds.
"It'll be a snap! ...No, a snap! A sna-" *PUNCH* "OW!" I was laughing so hard I missed the chapter title screen.
"So ye'd like to buy a vowel?" and then they called it a U-tube and I just lost it. The "...LIKE A VOLCANO!" scene was priceless, too.
But I think my absolute favorites are "Bananas from heaven! Thanks, banana god!" and "And now my cheese is staring at me." (and the Wallace reference right before it)
Next time i'll make sure i click at least a hundred time on EVERYTHING before moving on.
And I was laughing when Guybrush did Wallace's (from Wallace & Gromit) cheese hand-motion.
"Don't open that! That's where I keep my... unmentionables."
(Horrified shudder)
(Name of closest changes to: "The Most Horrifying Closet In The World")
- Horrfying closet
- And when you ask about locker from the voodoo lady
- I loved the parrot too
Only best when punctuated by being punched by your own cursed hand.
It was at Deep Gut's shack, before you know the password, just keep trying to get in.
I also loved the references to Murry and "the guy with the plaid shirt that kept waving his arms".
Actually, this is the only game we get to know Voodoo Lady's private life a bit. Anyone catch the connection between her and Tia Dalma from The Pirates of Carribean? That locket love-affair was pretty obvious
Yeah pretty much. I bet they thought if PoTC can borrow stuff from MI, then MI can borrow stuff from PoTC.
...also, the Youtube (U-tube) references amused me=)
omg yes.
Also, I can't remember the exact wording, but when the Marquis de Singe goes to sharpen his blades and Guybrush asks why, the general idea was
de Singe: Would you like me to amputate your hand with a dull knife?
Guybrush: I see your point.
And every time de Singe said "Zut alors!"
Guybrush: If evil's always evolving, why can't it evolve into something less butt-ugly?
LeChuck: *hurls Guybrush against the mast*
It was a funny line in of itself, and it was great to see the snarky Guybrush again.
"You've got some spunk, kid. Pirate spunk!"
One of my biggest laugh out loud moments along with the D'Oro the explorer part.
i also got a laugh out of the u-tube, murray?, and the referance to the salesman with the flailing arms xD
WHY didn't i think of that :eek::eek:
I've got no shame in having some of the same favourites as the rest of you!
But I really liked the row boat on the beach straight away. It changes it's name every time you examine it. Eventually becoming something along the lines of a 'fascinating yet pointless rowboat'. I enjoyed that
And Hey, an electromagnetic monkey!
Neither do I! I think we're doomed!'
Quality voice acting...
'Now, if you'll excuse me I have some massive internal haemorrhaging to deal with'
Also dug the Jurassic Park reference at that point.
But I'm I pirate so I'll just go "ARRRRR"
"So ye'd like to buy a vowel?" and then they called it a U-tube and I just lost it. The "...LIKE A VOLCANO!" scene was priceless, too.
But I think my absolute favorites are "Bananas from heaven! Thanks, banana god!" and "And now my cheese is staring at me." (and the Wallace reference right before it)