Iron From Ice

Having drowned in manly.... tears.... I am ready for revenge.

Screw the Whitehills, I'm going to kill every last one of them, including Harys but I doubt we won't be given that chance.

It just makes me sad/angry knowing they just killed a lord/heir. They will pay in blood.

It took me one week to make that final decision... one hell of a week I just kept going through my reasons why one should survive over the other.

I am truly sorry Asher, I loved spending the time with you.. a remarkable hero to go out like that, he went out knowing he got people for his house anyway despite the number that accompanied Asher (although there could be more pit fighters in the ship still).

Rodrik's story could not end there, I just couldn't have Gryff smirking over his corpse knowing "he won", he had to use daddy's army to kill him rather than face him head on.

Asher.. I'm sorry.

For the first time I am saying this..

Iron From Ice.


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