Lilly's return

Lily has been unknown for almost three years and we have no idea what happend to her. She is unreleated to the comic book lily because Robert Kirkman wrote a book about the original lily caul and they are unreleated. What if lily returned in season 3 as an antagonist or possibly even a protagonist
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Lily was never an antagonist
Lily could be, she did betray the group and if you left her, might be out for revenge
Against who? Lee's dead, Ben's dead, Kenny and his family are dead. There's no one left for her to be pissed at. I think her betrayal of the group is her way of saying my dad is dead and I'm with a sinking ship. May as well save yourself
What if lily appeared in the with aj at Wellington ending. It would make sense. Kenny would go and lily would come in.
Major Lilly fan (and not ashamed to admit it) I hope she will return and hope her character has a good long run in the series.
Plus, I can NEVER picture her as an antagonist.
Hello, my name is MaconMajr and I'm a Lilly fan.
Too much of a coincidence
There is so much foreshadowing towards it. If you helped lily saved her dad and said they should stay. Kenny wil say that you (lee) and lily will make a huge wall (I think) around the entire motel. Does'nt Wellington have a lot of fortress. Lily was untrustworthy of new survivors and said that after they fix the guy in episode 2 they have to leave. The Milatary around Wellington. Lily was working at Warner robins
I don't think Lilly was ever an antagonist. She clashed with Kenny, yeah, but ultimately she wanted good for the group. Also, everyone she'd been mad at is dead now, and she has no reason to be upset with Clem if they were to meet. Therefore, her being the bad guy against us wouldn't make much sense. Her return is definitely something I'd like to see though. Lilly for the win.
I approach such prospects with caution nowadays. While I do think Lilly is definitely deserving of a comeback, given that her story was wrapped up not because it was finished but because she was supposed to go on to be the comic Lilly which ultimately didn't pan out anyway, I'd be wary of how she could potentially be portrayed. I wouldn't want writer bias getting in the way like it did with Kenny and having the novelty of a season 1 returning character overshadowing newer ones, nor would I desire them turning her into a baby-punching, kitten-kicking antagonist. A healthy balance is always possible, but frankly, season 2 has left me with expectations so critically low they need a metric assload of green herbs to recover.
If anyone should return, it's Christa. Lilly's departure may have felt abrupt and unsatisfying, but it was at least open ended and left a big enough impact that I didn't feel cheated while playing. Unlike Christa's departure following an interesting setup that went nowhere, or, while I'm on the subject, the idiotic heel turns of Mike and Bonnie.
No Lily. Yes she was a pretty good character. I never got along with her but she had good development. But Shes a character the should remain unknown.
Honestly I've always wanted to there to be a comeback where Molly and Lily are together I wanted that to be a DLC or Christa' s story as a DLC when she lost Clem
Yes Lily was untrustworthy of new survivors and didnt really trust alot of people. So why is Weligton full of people and not just the people she cares about if she is afraid of new survivors. Plus Kenny is kind of pissed at her to for what she did to Lee and Kenny (Killed Carley/Doug and possibly took the RV) So no Lilly.
Yeah, I really want to see christa's fate revealved, but I don't think it will happen. If you save her you hear her scream and than a gunshot rings out. If you walk away, dhe gets pushed to the ground and you hear a gunshot. She presumably died because how could they get clementines bag. And why are they not running after christa. But I still think it is a possibility because she could be in Wellington with a fake name.
I dont think Molly can come back because her voice actress changed to Bonnie.
enter link description here
This is amazing
You are amazing
And I've got plenty of other videos on mi channel
That is an amazing video. And to be honest. Does anyone else think the speech dream Lee gave Clem in Season 2 suited Lilly more than Kenny?
Lilly wasn't an antagonist or even a contagonist. I thought her slide into madness and murder from episode one to three was really well done to be honest. She stared off as a competent no nonsense leader and the apocalypse just drove her insane.
I dunno, Gavin Hammond did like half the voices in TWAU.
The Telltale people outright said they intentionally didn't do a Christa callback because "sometimes you don't know what happens to someone."
And the Mike and Bonnie thing made sense to me. Mike was all emo about that little Russian bastard and at least in my playthrough Bonnie hated me, personally.
They're the well-intentioned "moral" morons who get everyone killed. If you say "that's all our stuff" they share a little look that says, Jesus, we never even thought about that.
I know that, and it's still complete horse manure. After Kenny's inexplicable return and highly unrealistic meeting with Clementine in another state from where they started, I flat out refuse to accept that reasoning regarding Christa, a character whose story was not yet fully told, was in the same region as Clementine, and the complete disregard of that same rule as it applies to Kenny, a character whose story was finished. It's not even so much that they cut Christa out of the narrative, but that her entire story was just flat out ignored after episode 2, even during Rebecca's delivery, a moment where it would have been the most logical from a narrative standpoint to finally explain more of the background between Clementine and Christa during the 16 months. But nope. We're just supposed to pretend that 16+ months with Christa is largely inconsequential to Clementine. Sorry Telltale, but I refuse.
There's nothing "emo" about protecting a grieving human being from getting beaten up by a dipshit who just wanted to bully someone, regardless of their previous actions, which I would remind you can be 100% justified in certain playthroughs where he was legitimately robbed. It highlights the main problem with the stupid inconsequential choice system Telltale has.
And whatever Bonnie's feelings were on you are irrelevant to the fact that she makes it clear she's sticking with you and the group no matter what you do, and that both she and Mike sacrificed as much as anyone else to protect AJ up until that point, but out of fucking nowhere decided that leaving him behind and taking all the supplies was the right thing to do. As I've said before, if they had just offered to take Clementine and AJ away with them, that entire moment could have been salvaged and would actually have been an interesting moment of measuring their genuine compassion for Clementine against Kenny's genuine compassion for Clementine.
Which is funny, because episode 4 Mike and Bonnie were the most logical and clear-minded of the group, and seemed like the people who were least likely to get the group killed. I still remember how they were the big favorites after that episode, because everyone else was either an idiot, a callous asshole, or dead. And that continued even in episode 5 until we got to the cabin, which must have been housing a nest of brain parasites that infected them because they suddenly became stupid for the singular purpose of making Kenny look good and absolving him of any transgressions of his up until that point, which is itself just done for the purpose of propelling us towards an inevitable contrived choice.
Yor'e right, season 2 was good, but the choices were contrived and really had no effect on the story, they were not difficult choices either. They were so bad that they did not make sense. You had the choice to kill of people. Also, the episodes had forced relationships. A season that was good but could have been so much better.
Fuck Arvo. Seriously. That little bastard set us up to die horribly and in my playthrough I didn't even steal from him. I was perfectly okay with Kenny wanting to kill him at first and just didn't care enough about him play beating his ass later. After he found the house, he was disposable. You really want to talk unrealistic characterizations, Mike coming to that little douchebag's defense not sixty seconds after his pals had just engaged them in a point black gunfight that got him shot in the arm and Luke in the leg was nonsense.
And Mike and Bonnie were so awesome and sensible and level-headed they were leaving you as Clem and an infant to die in that house so they could save the Russian that had just tried to kill them a couple days before. They were taking the only vehicle and all the supplies. My one regret, since I now know Bonnie was a determinant character, was that I couldn't put a round in her head before Arvo shot me. Because people conveniently leave out that that's the second time she betrays you.
If I can ask, how? She killed either Carly or Doug (While aiming for Ben)...If anything she killed someone while attempting to defend the group. If she shot Carly, it was an honest mistake based on a recent nerve racking experience with Carly obviously making herself stand out while attempting to act tough. If she killed Doug, well, she was aiming for the actual traitor but Doug became a hero and saved Ben sacrificing himself...Another honest mistake, this time not even on Lilly.
I don't know who created this, don't know if it's been posted, don't know if the end part is sarcasm, but it's awesome. Why couldn't Kenny have stolen the RV when he first had it working? He was always complaining about staying at the Motor Inn and was always complaining about Lilly. I miss her. She's my favorite. Hope to see her in S3.
I wanted to tell Kenny so bad what Rick told his group at the end of Season 2: "Go on, there's the door. You can do better. Let's see how far you'd get."

I know but I get tired of the same voices for some characters. For others its fine.
It's' the it weird that Nikki rap, the voice actor for lily, has not voice a telltale character since lily and she has been teasing her return.
It was not an honest mistake. They all just went through that experience and nobody else executed anybody in cold blood. Both Carly and Doug did the right thing and they both died as a result.
Carly wasn't acting tough. She stood between a lunatic and her target. That is genuine toughness.
I think you're forgetting how unstable Lilly was.
I know how unstable she was which is why I referred to her as a lunatic - that doesn't make her shooting of Doug or Carly an honest mistake.
It does however, under the circumstances of the situation. The murder of the wrong party was an honest mistake on her part due to the incidents going up to it. Carly drew attention to herself and confronted an unstable Lilly heavily too aggressively leading her to believe she was the traitor resulting in an execution. In the Doug part, Doug sacrificed himself to save the traitor. It was an honest mistake.
Lilly was in the wrong on Carley/Doug/Ben but she shouldn't be an antagonist. She already left the group/abandoned depending on how you shape up Lee's character.
I´m sure someone else noticed it, but I realised it just during looking at the picture of magicalmachine (so it maybe could be dume)
But Kenny and Lilly could have been nearly the same character, Kenny is in Season 2 in the same situation, in wich Lilly is in the first season - in my first playtrough i let both of them alive, Lilly stole the RV and I haven´t shot when Kenny killed Jane - even when it felt wrong, i trusted him to protect me.
So I have to change my mind about Lilly - 15 minutes before I thought that there isn´t a reason to use Lilly´s char in S3, but-under thecircumstances that there is a good point for Lilly and Clem to be at the same place at the same time- it would be an interesting relationship between them...and maybe between Kenny if he´s alive at the end...
Agreed. Her dad was killed against her will. She should've been the one to do that. Saying goodbye is her right. Larry had to be taken care of, but can't blame her for trying to save him first. Andrea sat there holding Amy's hand until daylight way back in Season 1 (TV show). When she opened her eyes, she didn't immediately lunge for Andrea. Every situation is different, but it's not like we know for sure they're going to re animate within 2-3 minutes. Then the bandits, the power struggle with Kenny, the missing medicine... A person can only be pushed so much.
It was murder - plain and simple. She made a unilateral decision on flimsy evidence to kill another person in her group. That is not an honest mistake.
Everybody was under stress. Everybody in the group has suffered. She is not special.
It was an honest mistake, it was murder too. Everyone was under stress but not as much as her, especially with her stress levels so high. The only thing she had was the group and she wanted to protect it at all costs, even murder.
The weird thing is that I think clementine in the first season liked lily more tahn Kenny and seems to be with her and socialize with her more than kenny
Me too, I loved Lily and thought her and Lee could make a good couple. I hope we get to see her again in Season 3 along with Christa if she's a live.
Mike and Bonnie hit us with a Seth Rollins!