Determinant statues

We all know that determinant characters do not live long after their determinant death. But what if Kenny or Jane lives for a very long time. How long do your think they will live.
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We all know that determinant characters do not live long after their determinant death. But what if Kenny or Jane lives for a very long time. How long do your think they will live.
About 20-30 minutes. Good survival time for determinant deaths over season travel. Omid wasn't even determinant and he only survived 10 minutes!
He survived almost 2 and a half episodes...
Probably not even a full episode. But if they do manage to survive more than one episode I doubt they would get much screen time.
If Kenny and Jane live longer life, they would only be guest stars or just background characters. I can imagine Kenny coming back to Wellington and being like a Mechanic and fixes cars off scene. if you killed off Kenny, you can see Jane Claiming to know you, giving you the option to either to say that she is a good friend,to Edith ,or tell Edith that she attacked your group, making Edith to tell Jane to go away
There was only one statue. It was in Amid The Ruins and it wasn't determinant.
I mean status
No clue what Omid you're thinking of. If you mean Doug and Carely, then yes, they had the best time.
What makes you think they're going to continue the story. It seemed pretty done to me.