A full garrison of Frost and Locke men followed Dormund down the Sheepshead hills. Dormund was accompanied by Lord Eddon Frost an… mored Lord Adam Locke. Adam Locke looked a ferocious man, though was actually quite charismatic and inspirational. His right eye was missing, which was plain to see as he never covered it. His nose had been broken several times from the looks of it as well. He had a short beard which was not connected to a mustache. He wore his long brown hair with gray strands in a pony tail. Dormund shifted his attention towards Hornwood, which was now coming into view as they descended the hills. Dormund saw movement among the small castle in the distance.
“Do you expect the Hornwood’s to join us in battle, Prince Dormund?” Dormund shrugged, the Hornwood’s reputation was known to be slow.
“Ha! Bloody Hornwood’s probably aren’t even out of their beds yet!” Lord Adam chuckled to himself, though as he did Dormund saw a … [view original content]
At least in my opinion, Tobas seems to be alright, while I got the impression that Edwyn is a bit of a dick, even for Bolton standards. Besides, I like Dormund and he will most likely be heir to the Dreadfort if Edwyn dies here.
A full garrison of Frost and Locke men followed Dormund down the Sheepshead hills. Dormund was accompanied by Lord Eddon Frost an… mored Lord Adam Locke. Adam Locke looked a ferocious man, though was actually quite charismatic and inspirational. His right eye was missing, which was plain to see as he never covered it. His nose had been broken several times from the looks of it as well. He had a short beard which was not connected to a mustache. He wore his long brown hair with gray strands in a pony tail. Dormund shifted his attention towards Hornwood, which was now coming into view as they descended the hills. Dormund saw movement among the small castle in the distance.
“Do you expect the Hornwood’s to join us in battle, Prince Dormund?” Dormund shrugged, the Hornwood’s reputation was known to be slow.
“Ha! Bloody Hornwood’s probably aren’t even out of their beds yet!” Lord Adam chuckled to himself, though as he did Dormund saw a … [view original content]
[Save Tobas]
At least in my opinion, Tobas seems to be alright, while I got the impression that Edwyn is a bit of a dick, even for Bolton standards. Besides, I like Dormund and he will most likely be heir to the Dreadfort if Edwyn dies here.
A full garrison of Frost and Locke men followed Dormund down the Sheepshead hills. Dormund was accompanied by Lord Eddon Frost an… mored Lord Adam Locke. Adam Locke looked a ferocious man, though was actually quite charismatic and inspirational. His right eye was missing, which was plain to see as he never covered it. His nose had been broken several times from the looks of it as well. He had a short beard which was not connected to a mustache. He wore his long brown hair with gray strands in a pony tail. Dormund shifted his attention towards Hornwood, which was now coming into view as they descended the hills. Dormund saw movement among the small castle in the distance.
“Do you expect the Hornwood’s to join us in battle, Prince Dormund?” Dormund shrugged, the Hornwood’s reputation was known to be slow.
“Ha! Bloody Hornwood’s probably aren’t even out of their beds yet!” Lord Adam chuckled to himself, though as he did Dormund saw a … [view original content]
A full garrison of Frost and Locke men followed Dormund down the Sheepshead hills. Dormund was accompanied by Lord Eddon Frost an… mored Lord Adam Locke. Adam Locke looked a ferocious man, though was actually quite charismatic and inspirational. His right eye was missing, which was plain to see as he never covered it. His nose had been broken several times from the looks of it as well. He had a short beard which was not connected to a mustache. He wore his long brown hair with gray strands in a pony tail. Dormund shifted his attention towards Hornwood, which was now coming into view as they descended the hills. Dormund saw movement among the small castle in the distance.
“Do you expect the Hornwood’s to join us in battle, Prince Dormund?” Dormund shrugged, the Hornwood’s reputation was known to be slow.
“Ha! Bloody Hornwood’s probably aren’t even out of their beds yet!” Lord Adam chuckled to himself, though as he did Dormund saw a … [view original content]
A full garrison of Frost and Locke men followed Dormund down the Sheepshead hills. Dormund was accompanied by Lord Eddon Frost an… mored Lord Adam Locke. Adam Locke looked a ferocious man, though was actually quite charismatic and inspirational. His right eye was missing, which was plain to see as he never covered it. His nose had been broken several times from the looks of it as well. He had a short beard which was not connected to a mustache. He wore his long brown hair with gray strands in a pony tail. Dormund shifted his attention towards Hornwood, which was now coming into view as they descended the hills. Dormund saw movement among the small castle in the distance.
“Do you expect the Hornwood’s to join us in battle, Prince Dormund?” Dormund shrugged, the Hornwood’s reputation was known to be slow.
“Ha! Bloody Hornwood’s probably aren’t even out of their beds yet!” Lord Adam chuckled to himself, though as he did Dormund saw a … [view original content]
A full garrison of Frost and Locke men followed Dormund down the Sheepshead hills. Dormund was accompanied by Lord Eddon Frost an… mored Lord Adam Locke. Adam Locke looked a ferocious man, though was actually quite charismatic and inspirational. His right eye was missing, which was plain to see as he never covered it. His nose had been broken several times from the looks of it as well. He had a short beard which was not connected to a mustache. He wore his long brown hair with gray strands in a pony tail. Dormund shifted his attention towards Hornwood, which was now coming into view as they descended the hills. Dormund saw movement among the small castle in the distance.
“Do you expect the Hornwood’s to join us in battle, Prince Dormund?” Dormund shrugged, the Hornwood’s reputation was known to be slow.
“Ha! Bloody Hornwood’s probably aren’t even out of their beds yet!” Lord Adam chuckled to himself, though as he did Dormund saw a … [view original content]
The Ranged Formations and hired archers filled the night sky with light while firing their arrows to sea. The cliffs were tall and the winds were harsh, making it especially difficult to keep a steady aim. Nalia knelt down and watch the flaming arrows flying aimlessly into the sea. This is useless, we need a better vantage point! Nalia got up and made her way to General Glenmore’s position, higher up the cliff.
“Nalia, where are you going?!” Nalia turned to see Raven crouched and behind her.
“We’re achieving nothing, we need to move into a better position. Come on!” Raven quickly followed Nalia further up the cliff. Daniel Glenmore, Simon Holt and some mercenary archers fired arrows across the sea and towards the shores where the Andal’s had landed.
“General! We need to move, we’re wasting effort and ammunition from where we are.” Daniel looked over to Nalia, barely understanding what she said over the howling winds. Nalia pointed to her formation, which had arrows flying everywhere in the wind. Daniel nodded and pulled Simon aside.
“Holt, get down there and move the archers to the next checkpoint as we planned.” Simon nodded and moved away.
“You two, we haven’t seen the Bolton archers since the battle begun. Find them!” Nalia hesitated, but saw no point in arguing. Raven on the other hand was not impressed.
“Fuck the Bolton’s! We can do without them.” Daniel shook his head.
“You see those ships heading up the river? They’re gonna land where the Second Infantry Battalion is, we need ranged support their immediately. Get to it ladies!” Nalia nodded and Raven grunted.
Nalia pulled Raven along and they quickly ran down the steep back of the cliff into the forest.
Nalia and Raven ran through the forest, searching for where the Bolton’s may be. Raven grabbed Nalia and stopped her.
“What is it?” Raven knelt down and pointed at the muddy ground. Foot steps.
“Our Bolton’s must be close, or these tracks would have washed away.” Nalia nodded and continued on through the woods.
The smell of smoke entered Nalia’s nostrils, Raven pointed out smoke in the air. Unaware of whether it was the Bolton’s or something else, they drew their weapons and silently approached. Through the woods, they came across a small encampment with a small campfire. Huddling around it were men in red tunics and bronze armour. At least it’s not the Andal’s. Nalia stood up and sheathed her sword.
“Archers!” The men turned and looked at her, one of them being Rechar Greenwood.
“Ah, the little Stark bitch. Well isn’t this a surprise.” Nalia turned, Raven was nowhere to be seen.
“Rechar, why are you and your men here? We were all ordered to be on the cliffs.” Rechar laughed and approached Nalia, his mean slowly circling around her.
“Aye, well I guess we Bolton’s don’t like taking orders from Stark shits. Anyhow, we received orders from King Rogar saying we must wait here.” Rechar smirked at Nalia.
“Nonetheless Rechar, We need to go. We are needed elsewhere.” Rechar chuckled to himself and unsheathed his sword, his men who had encircled her had done the same.
“Oh Nali, is that your name? Did I not just tell you I don’t take orders from Stark shits? Boys, have your fun with her, then kill her.” The men laughed, one threw her to the ground and began pulling her pants down. Nalia screamed and tried to pull herself away from the perverted men.
“Easy now missie, we won’t take long.” One of the men said laughing. He walked towards her while unbuckling his belt.
Once he was in front of her he stopped and blood sprayed over Nalia’s face. The man fell to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his back. Nalia looked for the mysterious ally, but saw nothing. The men grabbed for their blades, but before they could pick them up, a quick figure knocked them off their feet. Raven! Nalia had not felt so happy to see her. Raven lodged her dagger into one of the Bolton’s throats, though was kicked in the ribs by another. Nalia stood up, half naked, and grabbed her sword. She stuck it in the back of one of the distracted men, Raven got up and stuck the man behind her with her other dagger. Once the men were dead, Nalia looked at Raven and smiled, though Raven on the other hand showed fear.
“Nalia look out!” Raven ran to Nalia and pushed her over. Before Nalia had realised what had happened, Raven had fallen on her with an arrow through her throat. Nalia gently shoved Raven off of her, and held her. Tears streamed down her face.
“It- It’s okay Raven, h-h-hang in there, I’ll get help.” Raven lifted her hand and touched Nalia’s face, Nalia watched Raven gurgle on her own blood until she drowned in it. Nalia gently placed her down and saw Rechar standing above her.
“Always messing things up, you Starks. As touching as that was, I cannot let you live.” Rechar kicked Nalia in the face, making her spit out some teeth. He knelt down next to her and place his dagger to her belly.
“You have a pretty face now, shame no one else shall see it. Do you have any last words?” Nalia spat in the man's face.
“Winter is coming for you.” With that, he lunged his dagger into her stomach. Darkness crept around her vision, her life quickly leaving her. Nalia titled her head towards Raven, whose brown eyes stared straight through her until Nalia could see nothing more. Her final thoughts were of the words of her house. None Shall Know.
Once Chapter 2 is finished, I will focus on chapter 1 of this new fan fiction, then come back here to continue Chapter 3. Sorry if this is of an inconvenience to you guys, message me if you have questions!
The Ranged Formations and hired archers filled the night sky with light while firing their arrows to sea. The cliffs were tall and … morethe winds were harsh, making it especially difficult to keep a steady aim. Nalia knelt down and watch the flaming arrows flying aimlessly into the sea. This is useless, we need a better vantage point! Nalia got up and made her way to General Glenmore’s position, higher up the cliff.
“Nalia, where are you going?!” Nalia turned to see Raven crouched and behind her.
“We’re achieving nothing, we need to move into a better position. Come on!” Raven quickly followed Nalia further up the cliff. Daniel Glenmore, Simon Holt and some mercenary archers fired arrows across the sea and towards the shores where the Andal’s had landed.
“General! We need to move, we’re wasting effort and ammunition from where we are.” Daniel looked over to Nalia, barely understanding what she said over the howling winds. Nalia p… [view original content]
Holy shit, Nalia and Raven! I did not see that coming That makes me wish I had chosen for Alara to beat this asshole Rechar up, even though it would have likely made her a target of his as well.
The Ranged Formations and hired archers filled the night sky with light while firing their arrows to sea. The cliffs were tall and … morethe winds were harsh, making it especially difficult to keep a steady aim. Nalia knelt down and watch the flaming arrows flying aimlessly into the sea. This is useless, we need a better vantage point! Nalia got up and made her way to General Glenmore’s position, higher up the cliff.
“Nalia, where are you going?!” Nalia turned to see Raven crouched and behind her.
“We’re achieving nothing, we need to move into a better position. Come on!” Raven quickly followed Nalia further up the cliff. Daniel Glenmore, Simon Holt and some mercenary archers fired arrows across the sea and towards the shores where the Andal’s had landed.
“General! We need to move, we’re wasting effort and ammunition from where we are.” Daniel looked over to Nalia, barely understanding what she said over the howling winds. Nalia p… [view original content]
The Ranged Formations and hired archers filled the night sky with light while firing their arrows to sea. The cliffs were tall and … morethe winds were harsh, making it especially difficult to keep a steady aim. Nalia knelt down and watch the flaming arrows flying aimlessly into the sea. This is useless, we need a better vantage point! Nalia got up and made her way to General Glenmore’s position, higher up the cliff.
“Nalia, where are you going?!” Nalia turned to see Raven crouched and behind her.
“We’re achieving nothing, we need to move into a better position. Come on!” Raven quickly followed Nalia further up the cliff. Daniel Glenmore, Simon Holt and some mercenary archers fired arrows across the sea and towards the shores where the Andal’s had landed.
“General! We need to move, we’re wasting effort and ammunition from where we are.” Daniel looked over to Nalia, barely understanding what she said over the howling winds. Nalia p… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he knew he did not have to fight alongside the invaders. Jorio loudly muttered under his breath.
“Typical Braavosi, staying as far from the battle as they can.” Clearly it was too loud, as Harlan’s face flushed red with anger and embarrassment. Harlan rushed down to the soldiers level, he was a lot shorter than everyone else.
“Who said that! I swear I will have that man’s tongue!” Harlan looked at Davios, seeming convinced it was him. He quickly walked to Davios, who was standing around a foot or two taller than Harlan. Before he could say anything, Jorio intervened.
“I called your kind craven, was I wrong?” Jorio laughed, but Harlan was far from amused. He pulled a dagger but before he could even touch Jorio he was on the ground. His crew had personally pulled him down.
“Save it for the Northerners, Harlan.” Davios said, silent enough that only Harlan could hear. Davios walked to the bow of the ship, making himself taller than the rest. He looked down at his fellow crew members. Small Mykal held his sword but was shaking, Orodos was pacing from port side to starboard side and back again. Piggy silently stared towards the coast, fear in his eyes. The Valyrian couple held each other dearly. Hughie cleaned his sword, and for Jorio, well he read his book. What is in that book? Davios wondered.
“Alright lads and lass, come close and hear me, for I will only say this once.” Everyone stopped what they were doing and walked over to Davios, who attracted more of a crowd than he had hoped. Harlan was still pinned to the ground.
“I know you’re scared, I am too. Though let me tell you, if we’re going to die today, we’ll die fighting!” A small cheer rose from the crowd, filling Davios with an unknown energy to continue.
“Brothers and sisters, if these ‘First Men’ will not join our faith and submit their lands, then they will die with their old gods! Today is the beginning of the end for the First Men!” A bigger cheer aroused from the men and women in the crowd, though some were not convinced.
“Piggy, those bastards want a slice of your bacon. Will you give that to them willingly?” The man laughed and shook his head, Davios was satisfied with his answer. The ‘Friendship’ drew closer and closer to the shores, arrows began to fly around them. One hitting a crew member and killing him instantly, causing panic on the deck.
“Come now, with me! Let’s go show the First Fuckers who they’re messing with!” A final cheer came from the crowd.
Davios turned and jumped off the ‘Friendship’ and into the shallow waters, others following him as he did. Davios turned back to see everyone in the water, though Small Mykal lay face first in the shallow red water, an arrow sticking out of his back. Davios cleared his mind.
“Everyone, with me!” Davios led the remaining invaders towards the First Men army.
The first man Davios came across was a tall and lean man who wore bronze armor and a sigil with a wolf. Davios struck the man down in one blow and pulled his sword out to defend himself from another attack, this time a man wearing a sigil of a key. Davios parried the man’s attack and stabbed him in the gut. Davios pulled out his sword and looked around him. To his right he saw Jorio and Hughie Arryn fighting a large man with a greatsword. To his left he saw Orodos fighting a bearded man with a hatchet, before Orodos could give the finishing blow, he was stabbed in the back by a man with a spear. There was nothing Davios could do for him. Davios was caught off guard, a tall man - but shorter than Davios - hand swung his sword at Davios’ chest. Davios dodged the blow and caught the next blow with his own sword. Davios got a good look at the man, he was bald and had dark blue eyes. He wore a crest of a man being flayed on his bronze armour. You sick bastard. Davios swung his sword over his head and down towards the man, who parried the blow but was knocked back. Davios continuously kept striking at him until he disarmed the man, who now lay on his back with a sword pointing at his throat. The man took grip of Davios’ blade, making it cut into his hands.
“I die for my father and the gods. What will you die for Andal?” Before Davios could think of a reply, the bald man pulled Davios’ blade into his throat, killing himself.
Davios watched the man gurgle on his own blood when he pulled his sword free. He watched with curiosity, it had felt like the world around him had slowed down. Why would he do that? Suddenly, everything clicked back into motion, and Davios stood in the middle of a battle field. A man pounced on Davios, this one wore the sigil of a moose. The man pulled a bronze dagger and tried to stab Davios with it. Davios grabbed the man’s one arm with both hands, desperately trying to fight his magnificent strength. The man’s other hand found its way to Davios’ neck and began to strangle him. This is the end, may the Seven take me. As Davios was about to submit, the tension around his neck quickly loosened, and the man above him went limp and fell beside him. Davios looked up to see The Cobra, holding his Valyrian steel spear, Davios nodded at him, though before he could reply he suddenly stopped. Blood sprayed on Davios as he watched the Valyrian man take a sword through his back.
“NOOO!” Davios grabbed for his sword and killed the Valyrian’s opposer. Davios caught The Cobra, and held him during his final moments, his lover was nowhere to be seen.
“Davios-” Davios shook his head.
“Don’t talk, you’re losing blood.” The Cobra laughed, feeling the pain as a consequence.
“I know that, and my gods will take me. I ask you to look after Vysela for me. She’s-” The Valyrian began to cough up blood until all his life was gone.
Davios gently placed him down as the battle was fought around him. A sudden and unexpected pain hit Davios in his back left shoulder, he turned to see a sword had hacked through his plated armor and into the back of his shoulder. He screamed in agony but managed to kill his opposer. Davios removed the bronze weapon, throwing the bloody blade onto the pebbly ground. Davios turned and saw that the majority of the Andal’s on the shore were being beaten. Davios shrieked under the intense pain that his shoulder put on him. Davios swung his blade at a person who grabbed his arm, to his surprise he found it was Jorio - who had dodged the attack.
“Davios, we need to leave! We’re being hammered out here!” Davios turned to see Andal’s falling all around him. Davios was still compelled to fight, despite his injury. Davios also took notice that the Andal warlords were dead, meaning the Andal’s would fight until death if they were not ordered to retreat. It was time for Davios to take action.
We know, the Weeping Water ends with a First Men victory and it really does not look good for the Andals. There's no point in throwing his life away, so a retreat sounds like the best course of action for everyone.
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms… more fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he kne… [view original content]
Droplets of rain evolved into a pouring downfall. The men and women of the Second Infantry Battalion stood ready on the muddy shore, awaiting the Andal foes to land. Alara stood next to Brodin, who was knocking an arrow into place.
“See that ship with a giant seven-pointed star on its sail? That’s the flagship.” Alara spotted the ship, it was bigger than the others.
“You think their leader will be on that boat?” Brodin shrugged, staring at the ship.
“I’m more concerned about whether we’ll live to drink more mead!” The man laughed to reassure himself, Alara tried to clear her thoughts of death. Steffon walked next to them with Athena and Kailan behind him. Brodin turned to Steffon.
“Any news on the shores, brother?” Steffon shook his head.
“Haven’t heard. Orders from General Cerwyn are to keep the Andal’s from landing, that is our main priority. Athena, Kailan and myself will join the soldiers and mercenaries on the frontline defense. If they break through, you and Alara will ditch your bows and back us up. Any questions?” Alara shook her head, Brodin chuckled.
“Aye aye, General.” Steffon rolled his eyes and led Athena and Kailan down to the banks. Athena sending a fake smile to Alara as she walked with Kailan. Once they were gone, Alara turned to Brodin.
“Those two are young, seventeen for her and nineteen for him.” Brodin laughed loudly.
“And as are you, missie. Let’s hope that young blood puts some energy into this battle, gods know we’ll need it.” Brodin focused his attention on the five ships, which were now only ten metres from landing. General Cerwyn’s voice roared through the rain and wind.
“Soldiers, mercenaries and sellswords! Today you fight for the North, to protect our lands and blood!” The General had left his speech too late, as the Andal’s had landed. “Defensive formations!”
Shield Men and spearmen aligned themselves in front of the Andal opposers, forming a solid wall. Kailan was apart of the wall, whereas Athena and Steffon were behind him with their swords drawn. Brodin, Alara and the rest of the archers drew back their arrows. All awaited the orders of the General.
“Hold, HOLD! LOOSE!” With the order, the archers let their arrows fly. The Andal’s charged right into the shield wall, desperately trying to avoid the raining arrows.
The shieldwall was strong and seemed unbreakable, but Alara noticed a problem. The Andal’s began throwing themselves over the soldiers and stabbing them in the backs. The shieldwall broke and began to fall back. Steffon’s formation charged towards the enemy to assist the broken wall. Firing arrows was now difficult as the soldiers entangled with each other and the likelihood of hitting a friendly was now high. Brodin and Alara put away their bows.
“Let’s go kick some steel arse!” Brodin unsheathed his hammer, Alara rolled her eyes and unsheathed her longsword.
The archers charged down towards to shore, screaming off the top of their lungs. Alara pointed her sword forward, ready to lunge into the first man she hit. Alara collided with a tall man with short brown hair, he wore armor with a tabard showing a seven-pointed star. Alara swung at his legs and brought him to her level. Once he was on the ground, she lunged her sword through his chest. Another man came charging towards her, but was bowled over by a Stark soldier and killed. Alara spotted a hired sellsword taking on three Andal’s. The man wore bronze armour and the sigil of House Gardener. Alara made her way towards the man, killing two Andal’s on the way. When she reached the man, she stabbed one of the Andal invaders in the back. Though the man was still outnumbered, and was struck down. Fuck! Alara ran towards the man and tackled him to the ground, completely forgetting there was the other Andal to deal with. Alara firstly pulled an arrow from her quiver and stabbed the Andal she had knocked over in the throat with it. Though the other Andal picked her up and punched her in the eye. Alara desperately tried to fight the man’s strength, but it was no use. The man pulled an iron dagger from his belt. Before he could get it any higher than his elbow, he fell to the ground. Alara found her saver pulling her axe out of the man’s thigh and then stabbing him through the back of the head with her shortsword. Such violence for a seventeen year old. Alara nodded thankfully to Athena.
“I saw Kailan was in trouble, come on!” Alara followed the girl through the warzone until they found Kailan, lying on the ground and being decapitated by a tall brute of a man with long black hair and a black bushy beard.
“NO!” Athena screamed and charged towards the man, but he instantly back handed her to the ground.
Alara grabbed her blade with two hands, slowly circling the man. The man wore steel armor with golden lining. His tabard was different to the rest of the invaders. The man swung his greatsword at Alara, but she manage to dodge it in time and throw a punch to his face - which seemed to affect her more than it did him. Alara’s vision in her right eye was beginning to fade as it swelled. The man swung his sword down at her, forcing Alara to parry. A giant noise came from her sword, and when she looked at her opposer, she noticed that his sword had shattered to pieces. Alara took the opportunity to strike the man down. She ran towards him as he backed away and jumped, holding her sword above her. Alara pierced the man’s chest, making him fall to the ground as she landed on him. The life slowly left the man, all he could do was stare into Alara’s deep-set blue eyes. Alara saw fear. The fighting all seemed to cease around her, and then she heard the sound of running footsteps and cheers.
“They’re retreating!” A stark soldier said, raising his sword in the air. Alara moved her focus forward, watching the men climb onto their ships and drift off. Some ships were abandoned as there were not enough men to man them.
Alara pulled her sword out of her enemy, pulling the blade close to her good eye to inspect it for damage. To her surprise, there was nothing. Alara was somewhat shocked, she had expected that the bronze would have bent or been destroyed after the impact with the steel. Steel Breaker. Alara thought to herself, a name fit for her blade. General Cerwyn approached her and stared at the body.
“By the gods, you killed him! You killed Argos Sevenstar, the chief Andal warlord!” Alara looked at the General and raised an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?” The General shook his head.
“I can’t believe it!” The General knelt down and looked at the man, Alara decided to leave.
Soldiers and mercenaries helped pull the dead into a pile. Alara saw a face she recognised. The sellsword from House Gardener. The boy looked to be only eighteen, and now he lay bloody amongst a pile of dead men and women. Alara looked away, and found Steffon hovering over Athena, who was holding a body. Oh no. Alara quickly walked over to Steffon, and froze with terror when she saw who Athena was holding. Kailan. And next to him lay the body of the soft hearted blacksmith, Brodin.
Wow, that was a great part! Alara just slew a pretty tough enemy, that was awesome. The battle in general was awesome Poor Kailan and Brodin though, I liked them. Especially Brodin was a cool guy. I also just realized that Athena lost both of her friends now, while Steffon lost both of his family members in this battle.
Droplets of rain evolved into a pouring downfall. The men and women of the Second Infantry Battalion stood ready on the muddy shore… more, awaiting the Andal foes to land. Alara stood next to Brodin, who was knocking an arrow into place.
“See that ship with a giant seven-pointed star on its sail? That’s the flagship.” Alara spotted the ship, it was bigger than the others.
“You think their leader will be on that boat?” Brodin shrugged, staring at the ship.
“I’m more concerned about whether we’ll live to drink more mead!” The man laughed to reassure himself, Alara tried to clear her thoughts of death. Steffon walked next to them with Athena and Kailan behind him. Brodin turned to Steffon.
“Any news on the shores, brother?” Steffon shook his head.
“Haven’t heard. Orders from General Cerwyn are to keep the Andal’s from landing, that is our main priority. Athena, Kailan and myself will join the soldiers and mercenaries on the fro… [view original content]
Yeah, it should be interesting now for Steffon as I'm making him a PoV (right now he doesn't know his daughter is dead so once he finds out he'll be broken). So to see him evolve from a quiet and loving man to a now broken man filled with hatred and lust for blood... Should be interesting to say the least.
Wow, that was a great part! Alara just slew a pretty tough enemy, that was awesome. The battle in general was awesome Poor Kailan and Brodi… moren though, I liked them. Especially Brodin was a cool guy. I also just realized that Athena lost both of her friends now, while Steffon lost both of his family members in this battle.
Yeah, it should be interesting now for Steffon as I'm making him a PoV (right now he doesn't know his daughter is dead so once he finds out … morehe'll be broken). So to see him evolve from a quiet and loving man to a now broken man filled with hatred and lust for blood... Should be interesting to say the least.
Once Chapter 2 is done I'll write up the decisions thing like I did in Chapter 1. BUT, this was a hard decision as....
If Alara, Athena and Kailan had 'showed them lesson' in the previous chapters, they would have become Rechar's targets and Nalia and Raven would have been safe. So it was a shit decision either way.
I'm looking forward for him, that's definitely going to be very interesting. This Rechar asshole is so going to die, I hope
By the way, … moreone question. Was there any way to avoid the deaths of Nalia and Raven? That was easily the saddest moment of the story so far
I agree, that is a pretty tough decision either way. But in my eyes, we made the right decision. Of course, my opinion is completely biased in favour of Alara, as I would always decide in her favour, but still, hard decision. I liked Nalia and Raven a lot. On the other hand, the reveal that he could have ended up killing Alara makes me hate Rechar even more.
Once Chapter 2 is done I'll write up the decisions thing like I did in Chapter 1. BUT, this was a hard decision as....
If Alara, Athena a… morend Kailan had 'showed them lesson' in the previous chapters, they would have become Rechar's targets and Nalia and Raven would have been safe. So it was a shit decision either way.
Yeah, fucking Bolton's.... Gotta love em. Anyway, next part will be a Samira part. Then there are only three or four more parts left in this chapter? I think. A couple of things may happen which may surprise everyone aha.
I agree, that is a pretty tough decision either way. But in my eyes, we made the right decision. Of course, my opinion is completely biased … morein favour of Alara, as I would always decide in her favour, but still, hard decision. I liked Nalia and Raven a lot. On the other hand, the reveal that he could have ended up killing Alara makes me hate Rechar even more.
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on their conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a young lass like you. This is for her to try and gain the King’s interest again, isn’t it?” Samira was confused, but did her best not to show it.
“Yes, that’s right.” Samira put on a big smile, which sure enough convinced the old crones to let her into the chambers.
The Queen lay in her bed asleep, Samira looked around for quick escape routes. The window is an option, also the balcony... Once Samira was reassured, she silently approached the Queen. The woman slept in her rich gown which was covered in her House’s sigil. Samira grabbed one of the Queen’s pillows and gently placed it on the woman’s face. She applied more pressure, pinning down the now waking lady, until she was suffocated. Samira removed the pillow and shut the eyes of the Queen. One down, one to go. Samira place the pillow neatly next to the Queen, made sure that she looked presentable and then exited.
The King sat in his throne as those from the Barrowlands entered one at a time tell him of their problems and requesting his aid.
“Great king, the lands have been dry for months now. None of our crops grow, and we can no longer trade anything at the markets because of the taxes. We only ask that you lift a few off of us until we can get back onto our feet.” King Dustin looked tired and bored.
“No means no. I’m afraid if I lifted the taxes then I would have demands from the rest of my people wanting equal rights.” The farmer snorted.
“Maybe you should just lift the damn taxes then!” The king stood, making the farmer fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness. King Dustin looked at his guards.
“We’re done for today, get him out of here.” The guards obeyed his orders and removed the farmer.
Samira approached the king, trying to come off as seductive as she could. It had worked, as the King had now got his eye on her.
“Well hello there beautiful. Could I help you with something?” Samira giggled, trying to keep herself in character as best she could.
“Your grace, you humble me. Perhaps only a few minutes of your time? Somewhere… Private?” The King chuckled to himself.
“Please, follow me to my quarters.” The King slapped Samira on the arse, to which she giggled and followed him.
A soldier stood guard at the King’s quarters, instantly bowing in the King’s presence.
“I have official business with miss-” The King paused, waiting for Samira to fill the gap.
“Flint, Aya Flint.” Samira curtsied and smiled at the guard.
“Miss Flint, would you please keep anyone from entering? You know, the usual.” The guard nodded and opened the door. Samira followed King Dustin into his quarters.
The room was large, in the corner was a cabinet full of runes and mead. The room was full of windows and unlit candles. The King lay on his throne sized bed, Samira joined him. Samira placed herself on top of the King, laying kisses on the old man’s cheeks. The King grabbed her chest and rolled her over. He placed his hand on her leg and slid his hand up her thigh until he felt one of her daggers. Shit.
“What the-” Samira slapped him in the face, digging her nails into his head. The King fell off of her, and grabbed his face, which now began to bleed.
“You bitch!” Samira pulled out her daggers and stabbed the man in the chest multiple times until he was dead. Blood stained her hands, bring back memories of her family back at the colony all those years ago.
It all suddenly went quiet. The King’s struggling had left him, and he lay on his bed bleeding on his rich sheets. Samira breathed heavily, that had not gone as she had planned. A knock on the door disturbed her thoughts. Fuck.
“Your grace, is everything alright?” Samira had to do something, that guard was going to enter if she didn’t.
[Kill the guard once he enters] [Moan loudly as if having sex] [Escape through the open window]
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on thei… morer conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a yo… [view original content]
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on thei… morer conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a yo… [view original content]
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on thei… morer conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a yo… [view original content]
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on thei… morer conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a yo… [view original content]
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on thei… morer conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a yo… [view original content]
This is a pretty hard choice, but...
[Save Tobas]
It's nice to see my character introduced btw, thank you!
Pleasureeeee, submit more if you want ;P
I will.
[Save Tobas]
At least in my opinion, Tobas seems to be alright, while I got the impression that Edwyn is a bit of a dick, even for Bolton standards. Besides, I like Dormund and he will most likely be heir to the Dreadfort if Edwyn dies here.
Inhales dramatically We'll see haha XD
[Save Tobas] Seems a nice guy
Nice build-up for the battle, hype is real ^^ [Save Tobas] cause it's winning anyway ;D
[Save Tobas]
[Save Tobas]
Vote closed! Dormund will choose to save Tobas
Next part is a Nalia part, and like the rest of this battle, you'll probably not like it. Either through boredom or aggrovation...
The Ranged Formations and hired archers filled the night sky with light while firing their arrows to sea. The cliffs were tall and the winds were harsh, making it especially difficult to keep a steady aim. Nalia knelt down and watch the flaming arrows flying aimlessly into the sea. This is useless, we need a better vantage point! Nalia got up and made her way to General Glenmore’s position, higher up the cliff.
“Nalia, where are you going?!” Nalia turned to see Raven crouched and behind her.
“We’re achieving nothing, we need to move into a better position. Come on!” Raven quickly followed Nalia further up the cliff. Daniel Glenmore, Simon Holt and some mercenary archers fired arrows across the sea and towards the shores where the Andal’s had landed.
“General! We need to move, we’re wasting effort and ammunition from where we are.” Daniel looked over to Nalia, barely understanding what she said over the howling winds. Nalia pointed to her formation, which had arrows flying everywhere in the wind. Daniel nodded and pulled Simon aside.
“Holt, get down there and move the archers to the next checkpoint as we planned.” Simon nodded and moved away.
“You two, we haven’t seen the Bolton archers since the battle begun. Find them!” Nalia hesitated, but saw no point in arguing. Raven on the other hand was not impressed.
“Fuck the Bolton’s! We can do without them.” Daniel shook his head.
“You see those ships heading up the river? They’re gonna land where the Second Infantry Battalion is, we need ranged support their immediately. Get to it ladies!” Nalia nodded and Raven grunted.
Nalia pulled Raven along and they quickly ran down the steep back of the cliff into the forest.
Nalia and Raven ran through the forest, searching for where the Bolton’s may be. Raven grabbed Nalia and stopped her.
“What is it?” Raven knelt down and pointed at the muddy ground. Foot steps.
“Our Bolton’s must be close, or these tracks would have washed away.” Nalia nodded and continued on through the woods.
The smell of smoke entered Nalia’s nostrils, Raven pointed out smoke in the air. Unaware of whether it was the Bolton’s or something else, they drew their weapons and silently approached. Through the woods, they came across a small encampment with a small campfire. Huddling around it were men in red tunics and bronze armour. At least it’s not the Andal’s. Nalia stood up and sheathed her sword.
“Archers!” The men turned and looked at her, one of them being Rechar Greenwood.
“Ah, the little Stark bitch. Well isn’t this a surprise.” Nalia turned, Raven was nowhere to be seen.
“Rechar, why are you and your men here? We were all ordered to be on the cliffs.” Rechar laughed and approached Nalia, his mean slowly circling around her.
“Aye, well I guess we Bolton’s don’t like taking orders from Stark shits. Anyhow, we received orders from King Rogar saying we must wait here.” Rechar smirked at Nalia.
“Nonetheless Rechar, We need to go. We are needed elsewhere.” Rechar chuckled to himself and unsheathed his sword, his men who had encircled her had done the same.
“Oh Nali, is that your name? Did I not just tell you I don’t take orders from Stark shits? Boys, have your fun with her, then kill her.” The men laughed, one threw her to the ground and began pulling her pants down. Nalia screamed and tried to pull herself away from the perverted men.
“Easy now missie, we won’t take long.” One of the men said laughing. He walked towards her while unbuckling his belt.
Once he was in front of her he stopped and blood sprayed over Nalia’s face. The man fell to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his back. Nalia looked for the mysterious ally, but saw nothing. The men grabbed for their blades, but before they could pick them up, a quick figure knocked them off their feet. Raven! Nalia had not felt so happy to see her. Raven lodged her dagger into one of the Bolton’s throats, though was kicked in the ribs by another. Nalia stood up, half naked, and grabbed her sword. She stuck it in the back of one of the distracted men, Raven got up and stuck the man behind her with her other dagger. Once the men were dead, Nalia looked at Raven and smiled, though Raven on the other hand showed fear.
“Nalia look out!” Raven ran to Nalia and pushed her over. Before Nalia had realised what had happened, Raven had fallen on her with an arrow through her throat. Nalia gently shoved Raven off of her, and held her. Tears streamed down her face.
“It- It’s okay Raven, h-h-hang in there, I’ll get help.” Raven lifted her hand and touched Nalia’s face, Nalia watched Raven gurgle on her own blood until she drowned in it. Nalia gently placed her down and saw Rechar standing above her.
“Always messing things up, you Starks. As touching as that was, I cannot let you live.” Rechar kicked Nalia in the face, making her spit out some teeth. He knelt down next to her and place his dagger to her belly.
“You have a pretty face now, shame no one else shall see it. Do you have any last words?” Nalia spat in the man's face.
“Winter is coming for you.” With that, he lunged his dagger into her stomach. Darkness crept around her vision, her life quickly leaving her. Nalia titled her head towards Raven, whose brown eyes stared straight through her until Nalia could see nothing more. Her final thoughts were of the words of her house. None Shall Know.
No decision this time.
Hey guys, I'm currently in the making of a new story called 'The Northern Chill' which can be found here > > though I'm currently writing the prologue as we speak so it may not be ready until a few hours
Once Chapter 2 is finished, I will focus on chapter 1 of this new fan fiction, then come back here to continue Chapter 3. Sorry if this is of an inconvenience to you guys, message me if you have questions!
Omg noo my ship! So sad.. May they rest in peace
Holy shit, Nalia and Raven! I did not see that coming
That makes me wish I had chosen for Alara to beat this asshole Rechar up, even though it would have likely made her a target of his as well.
Omg!!! Plot twist!!!
I can't believe believe this!!!
R.I.P Nalia and Raven, I'm not crying!!!
Bah, i missed last vote and now poor Nalia and Raven... ehhh, did not expect that at all!
Hey bud, yeah I got a bit quick with closing the votes, sorry! And I hope you're feeling better! With the cold and everything
The ‘Friendship’ sailed towards the eastern shores of the North. Davios stood at the bow of the ship watching his brothers-in-arms fight against the First Men. Davios turned around to see his brothers and sisters in their armour and physically ready for battle, though some were not mentally ready for battle. Davios walked to the port side of the ship, to where all of his fellow warriors sat, either readying their weapons or praying to their gods. Harlan stood at the wheel of the ship, wearing his steel capped helmet and chainmail.
“Alright soldiers, Form up!” Everyone heard Harlan’s voice, but were hesitant to follow it. “I said form up you deaf fools!” This time everyone did as he ordered.
“Today we will achieve great victory! The plan is, our soldiers will join the landing forces, and I and the rest of the crew will stay onboard and rain the shores with arrows.” Harlan wore a cheery smile on his face, probably because he knew he did not have to fight alongside the invaders. Jorio loudly muttered under his breath.
“Typical Braavosi, staying as far from the battle as they can.” Clearly it was too loud, as Harlan’s face flushed red with anger and embarrassment. Harlan rushed down to the soldiers level, he was a lot shorter than everyone else.
“Who said that! I swear I will have that man’s tongue!” Harlan looked at Davios, seeming convinced it was him. He quickly walked to Davios, who was standing around a foot or two taller than Harlan. Before he could say anything, Jorio intervened.
“I called your kind craven, was I wrong?” Jorio laughed, but Harlan was far from amused. He pulled a dagger but before he could even touch Jorio he was on the ground. His crew had personally pulled him down.
“Save it for the Northerners, Harlan.” Davios said, silent enough that only Harlan could hear. Davios walked to the bow of the ship, making himself taller than the rest. He looked down at his fellow crew members. Small Mykal held his sword but was shaking, Orodos was pacing from port side to starboard side and back again. Piggy silently stared towards the coast, fear in his eyes. The Valyrian couple held each other dearly. Hughie cleaned his sword, and for Jorio, well he read his book. What is in that book? Davios wondered.
“Alright lads and lass, come close and hear me, for I will only say this once.” Everyone stopped what they were doing and walked over to Davios, who attracted more of a crowd than he had hoped. Harlan was still pinned to the ground.
“I know you’re scared, I am too. Though let me tell you, if we’re going to die today, we’ll die fighting!” A small cheer rose from the crowd, filling Davios with an unknown energy to continue.
“Brothers and sisters, if these ‘First Men’ will not join our faith and submit their lands, then they will die with their old gods! Today is the beginning of the end for the First Men!” A bigger cheer aroused from the men and women in the crowd, though some were not convinced.
“Piggy, those bastards want a slice of your bacon. Will you give that to them willingly?” The man laughed and shook his head, Davios was satisfied with his answer. The ‘Friendship’ drew closer and closer to the shores, arrows began to fly around them. One hitting a crew member and killing him instantly, causing panic on the deck.
“Come now, with me! Let’s go show the First Fuckers who they’re messing with!” A final cheer came from the crowd.
Davios turned and jumped off the ‘Friendship’ and into the shallow waters, others following him as he did. Davios turned back to see everyone in the water, though Small Mykal lay face first in the shallow red water, an arrow sticking out of his back. Davios cleared his mind.
“Everyone, with me!” Davios led the remaining invaders towards the First Men army.
The first man Davios came across was a tall and lean man who wore bronze armor and a sigil with a wolf. Davios struck the man down in one blow and pulled his sword out to defend himself from another attack, this time a man wearing a sigil of a key. Davios parried the man’s attack and stabbed him in the gut. Davios pulled out his sword and looked around him. To his right he saw Jorio and Hughie Arryn fighting a large man with a greatsword. To his left he saw Orodos fighting a bearded man with a hatchet, before Orodos could give the finishing blow, he was stabbed in the back by a man with a spear. There was nothing Davios could do for him. Davios was caught off guard, a tall man - but shorter than Davios - hand swung his sword at Davios’ chest. Davios dodged the blow and caught the next blow with his own sword. Davios got a good look at the man, he was bald and had dark blue eyes. He wore a crest of a man being flayed on his bronze armour. You sick bastard. Davios swung his sword over his head and down towards the man, who parried the blow but was knocked back. Davios continuously kept striking at him until he disarmed the man, who now lay on his back with a sword pointing at his throat. The man took grip of Davios’ blade, making it cut into his hands.
“I die for my father and the gods. What will you die for Andal?” Before Davios could think of a reply, the bald man pulled Davios’ blade into his throat, killing himself.
Davios watched the man gurgle on his own blood when he pulled his sword free. He watched with curiosity, it had felt like the world around him had slowed down. Why would he do that? Suddenly, everything clicked back into motion, and Davios stood in the middle of a battle field. A man pounced on Davios, this one wore the sigil of a moose. The man pulled a bronze dagger and tried to stab Davios with it. Davios grabbed the man’s one arm with both hands, desperately trying to fight his magnificent strength. The man’s other hand found its way to Davios’ neck and began to strangle him. This is the end, may the Seven take me. As Davios was about to submit, the tension around his neck quickly loosened, and the man above him went limp and fell beside him. Davios looked up to see The Cobra, holding his Valyrian steel spear, Davios nodded at him, though before he could reply he suddenly stopped. Blood sprayed on Davios as he watched the Valyrian man take a sword through his back.
“NOOO!” Davios grabbed for his sword and killed the Valyrian’s opposer. Davios caught The Cobra, and held him during his final moments, his lover was nowhere to be seen.
“Davios-” Davios shook his head.
“Don’t talk, you’re losing blood.” The Cobra laughed, feeling the pain as a consequence.
“I know that, and my gods will take me. I ask you to look after Vysela for me. She’s-” The Valyrian began to cough up blood until all his life was gone.
Davios gently placed him down as the battle was fought around him. A sudden and unexpected pain hit Davios in his back left shoulder, he turned to see a sword had hacked through his plated armor and into the back of his shoulder. He screamed in agony but managed to kill his opposer. Davios removed the bronze weapon, throwing the bloody blade onto the pebbly ground. Davios turned and saw that the majority of the Andal’s on the shore were being beaten. Davios shrieked under the intense pain that his shoulder put on him. Davios swung his blade at a person who grabbed his arm, to his surprise he found it was Jorio - who had dodged the attack.
“Davios, we need to leave! We’re being hammered out here!” Davios turned to see Andal’s falling all around him. Davios was still compelled to fight, despite his injury. Davios also took notice that the Andal warlords were dead, meaning the Andal’s would fight until death if they were not ordered to retreat. It was time for Davios to take action.
[Continue fighting] [Call a retreat]
We know, the Weeping Water ends with a First Men victory and it really does not look good for the Andals. There's no point in throwing his life away, so a retreat sounds like the best course of action for everyone.
[Call a retreat]
[Call a retreat]
First Men wins Battle of Weeping Water, but i would like to know how will you continue the story with Andals still fighting, so - [Continue fighting]
[Continue fighting]
[Call a retreat]
[Call a retreat]
Vote closed! Davios will call everyone into a retreat
Next part will be the final part of the battle, and probably a sad part too. It features Alara and the Second Infantry Battalion
Droplets of rain evolved into a pouring downfall. The men and women of the Second Infantry Battalion stood ready on the muddy shore, awaiting the Andal foes to land. Alara stood next to Brodin, who was knocking an arrow into place.
“See that ship with a giant seven-pointed star on its sail? That’s the flagship.” Alara spotted the ship, it was bigger than the others.
“You think their leader will be on that boat?” Brodin shrugged, staring at the ship.
“I’m more concerned about whether we’ll live to drink more mead!” The man laughed to reassure himself, Alara tried to clear her thoughts of death. Steffon walked next to them with Athena and Kailan behind him. Brodin turned to Steffon.
“Any news on the shores, brother?” Steffon shook his head.
“Haven’t heard. Orders from General Cerwyn are to keep the Andal’s from landing, that is our main priority. Athena, Kailan and myself will join the soldiers and mercenaries on the frontline defense. If they break through, you and Alara will ditch your bows and back us up. Any questions?” Alara shook her head, Brodin chuckled.
“Aye aye, General.” Steffon rolled his eyes and led Athena and Kailan down to the banks. Athena sending a fake smile to Alara as she walked with Kailan. Once they were gone, Alara turned to Brodin.
“Those two are young, seventeen for her and nineteen for him.” Brodin laughed loudly.
“And as are you, missie. Let’s hope that young blood puts some energy into this battle, gods know we’ll need it.” Brodin focused his attention on the five ships, which were now only ten metres from landing. General Cerwyn’s voice roared through the rain and wind.
“Soldiers, mercenaries and sellswords! Today you fight for the North, to protect our lands and blood!” The General had left his speech too late, as the Andal’s had landed. “Defensive formations!”
Shield Men and spearmen aligned themselves in front of the Andal opposers, forming a solid wall. Kailan was apart of the wall, whereas Athena and Steffon were behind him with their swords drawn. Brodin, Alara and the rest of the archers drew back their arrows. All awaited the orders of the General.
“Hold, HOLD! LOOSE!” With the order, the archers let their arrows fly. The Andal’s charged right into the shield wall, desperately trying to avoid the raining arrows.
The shieldwall was strong and seemed unbreakable, but Alara noticed a problem. The Andal’s began throwing themselves over the soldiers and stabbing them in the backs. The shieldwall broke and began to fall back. Steffon’s formation charged towards the enemy to assist the broken wall. Firing arrows was now difficult as the soldiers entangled with each other and the likelihood of hitting a friendly was now high. Brodin and Alara put away their bows.
“Let’s go kick some steel arse!” Brodin unsheathed his hammer, Alara rolled her eyes and unsheathed her longsword.
The archers charged down towards to shore, screaming off the top of their lungs. Alara pointed her sword forward, ready to lunge into the first man she hit. Alara collided with a tall man with short brown hair, he wore armor with a tabard showing a seven-pointed star. Alara swung at his legs and brought him to her level. Once he was on the ground, she lunged her sword through his chest. Another man came charging towards her, but was bowled over by a Stark soldier and killed. Alara spotted a hired sellsword taking on three Andal’s. The man wore bronze armour and the sigil of House Gardener. Alara made her way towards the man, killing two Andal’s on the way. When she reached the man, she stabbed one of the Andal invaders in the back. Though the man was still outnumbered, and was struck down. Fuck! Alara ran towards the man and tackled him to the ground, completely forgetting there was the other Andal to deal with. Alara firstly pulled an arrow from her quiver and stabbed the Andal she had knocked over in the throat with it. Though the other Andal picked her up and punched her in the eye. Alara desperately tried to fight the man’s strength, but it was no use. The man pulled an iron dagger from his belt. Before he could get it any higher than his elbow, he fell to the ground. Alara found her saver pulling her axe out of the man’s thigh and then stabbing him through the back of the head with her shortsword. Such violence for a seventeen year old. Alara nodded thankfully to Athena.
“I saw Kailan was in trouble, come on!” Alara followed the girl through the warzone until they found Kailan, lying on the ground and being decapitated by a tall brute of a man with long black hair and a black bushy beard.
“NO!” Athena screamed and charged towards the man, but he instantly back handed her to the ground.
Alara grabbed her blade with two hands, slowly circling the man. The man wore steel armor with golden lining. His tabard was different to the rest of the invaders. The man swung his greatsword at Alara, but she manage to dodge it in time and throw a punch to his face - which seemed to affect her more than it did him. Alara’s vision in her right eye was beginning to fade as it swelled. The man swung his sword down at her, forcing Alara to parry. A giant noise came from her sword, and when she looked at her opposer, she noticed that his sword had shattered to pieces. Alara took the opportunity to strike the man down. She ran towards him as he backed away and jumped, holding her sword above her. Alara pierced the man’s chest, making him fall to the ground as she landed on him. The life slowly left the man, all he could do was stare into Alara’s deep-set blue eyes. Alara saw fear. The fighting all seemed to cease around her, and then she heard the sound of running footsteps and cheers.
“They’re retreating!” A stark soldier said, raising his sword in the air. Alara moved her focus forward, watching the men climb onto their ships and drift off. Some ships were abandoned as there were not enough men to man them.
Alara pulled her sword out of her enemy, pulling the blade close to her good eye to inspect it for damage. To her surprise, there was nothing. Alara was somewhat shocked, she had expected that the bronze would have bent or been destroyed after the impact with the steel. Steel Breaker. Alara thought to herself, a name fit for her blade. General Cerwyn approached her and stared at the body.
“By the gods, you killed him! You killed Argos Sevenstar, the chief Andal warlord!” Alara looked at the General and raised an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?” The General shook his head.
“I can’t believe it!” The General knelt down and looked at the man, Alara decided to leave.
Soldiers and mercenaries helped pull the dead into a pile. Alara saw a face she recognised. The sellsword from House Gardener. The boy looked to be only eighteen, and now he lay bloody amongst a pile of dead men and women. Alara looked away, and found Steffon hovering over Athena, who was holding a body. Oh no. Alara quickly walked over to Steffon, and froze with terror when she saw who Athena was holding. Kailan. And next to him lay the body of the soft hearted blacksmith, Brodin.
No decision this time.
Wow, that was a great part! Alara just slew a pretty tough enemy, that was awesome. The battle in general was awesome
Poor Kailan and Brodin though, I liked them. Especially Brodin was a cool guy. I also just realized that Athena lost both of her friends now, while Steffon lost both of his family members in this battle.
Yeah, it should be interesting now for Steffon as I'm making him a PoV (right now he doesn't know his daughter is dead so once he finds out he'll be broken). So to see him evolve from a quiet and loving man to a now broken man filled with hatred and lust for blood... Should be interesting to say the least.
I'm looking forward for him, that's definitely going to be very interesting. This Rechar asshole is so going to die, I hope
By the way, one question. Was there any way to avoid the deaths of Nalia and Raven? That was easily the saddest moment of the story so far
Once Chapter 2 is done I'll write up the decisions thing like I did in Chapter 1. BUT, this was a hard decision as....
If Alara, Athena and Kailan had 'showed them lesson' in the previous chapters, they would have become Rechar's targets and Nalia and Raven would have been safe. So it was a shit decision either way.
I agree, that is a pretty tough decision either way. But in my eyes, we made the right decision. Of course, my opinion is completely biased in favour of Alara, as I would always decide in her favour, but still, hard decision. I liked Nalia and Raven a lot. On the other hand, the reveal that he could have ended up killing Alara makes me hate Rechar even more.
Yeah, fucking Bolton's.... Gotta love em. Anyway, next part will be a Samira part. Then there are only three or four more parts left in this chapter? I think. A couple of things may happen which may surprise everyone aha.
The Queen’s two handmaiden’s quietly talked outside the Queen’s chambers. Samira quietly walked over to them to eavesdrop on their conversation. The two handmaiden’s were elderly, both in their mid sixties at least.
“...I’ll say, I do feel sorry for the Queen though.” The other girl wore a puzzled look.
“Why’s that?” The woman yawned.
“Because she cannot have children. The King has practically lost interest in her and is fucking other young women, creating bastards everywhere in the North.” The two girls sighed and continued talking. Young women ay? Samira showed herself to the handmaiden’s, who both looked interested to know who she was.
“Oh, hello? What’re you doing up here ma’am?” Samira put on her Northern accent.
“My name is Aya Flint. I am a newly appointed handmaiden to the queen and have been sent to meet her right away.” The other woman raised an eyebrow.
“Newly appointed- why would she… Oh I get it, a young lass like you. This is for her to try and gain the King’s interest again, isn’t it?” Samira was confused, but did her best not to show it.
“Yes, that’s right.” Samira put on a big smile, which sure enough convinced the old crones to let her into the chambers.
The Queen lay in her bed asleep, Samira looked around for quick escape routes. The window is an option, also the balcony... Once Samira was reassured, she silently approached the Queen. The woman slept in her rich gown which was covered in her House’s sigil. Samira grabbed one of the Queen’s pillows and gently placed it on the woman’s face. She applied more pressure, pinning down the now waking lady, until she was suffocated. Samira removed the pillow and shut the eyes of the Queen. One down, one to go. Samira place the pillow neatly next to the Queen, made sure that she looked presentable and then exited.
The King sat in his throne as those from the Barrowlands entered one at a time tell him of their problems and requesting his aid.
“Great king, the lands have been dry for months now. None of our crops grow, and we can no longer trade anything at the markets because of the taxes. We only ask that you lift a few off of us until we can get back onto our feet.” King Dustin looked tired and bored.
“No means no. I’m afraid if I lifted the taxes then I would have demands from the rest of my people wanting equal rights.” The farmer snorted.
“Maybe you should just lift the damn taxes then!” The king stood, making the farmer fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness. King Dustin looked at his guards.
“We’re done for today, get him out of here.” The guards obeyed his orders and removed the farmer.
Samira approached the king, trying to come off as seductive as she could. It had worked, as the King had now got his eye on her.
“Well hello there beautiful. Could I help you with something?” Samira giggled, trying to keep herself in character as best she could.
“Your grace, you humble me. Perhaps only a few minutes of your time? Somewhere… Private?” The King chuckled to himself.
“Please, follow me to my quarters.” The King slapped Samira on the arse, to which she giggled and followed him.
A soldier stood guard at the King’s quarters, instantly bowing in the King’s presence.
“I have official business with miss-” The King paused, waiting for Samira to fill the gap.
“Flint, Aya Flint.” Samira curtsied and smiled at the guard.
“Miss Flint, would you please keep anyone from entering? You know, the usual.” The guard nodded and opened the door. Samira followed King Dustin into his quarters.
The room was large, in the corner was a cabinet full of runes and mead. The room was full of windows and unlit candles. The King lay on his throne sized bed, Samira joined him. Samira placed herself on top of the King, laying kisses on the old man’s cheeks. The King grabbed her chest and rolled her over. He placed his hand on her leg and slid his hand up her thigh until he felt one of her daggers. Shit.
“What the-” Samira slapped him in the face, digging her nails into his head. The King fell off of her, and grabbed his face, which now began to bleed.
“You bitch!” Samira pulled out her daggers and stabbed the man in the chest multiple times until he was dead. Blood stained her hands, bring back memories of her family back at the colony all those years ago.
It all suddenly went quiet. The King’s struggling had left him, and he lay on his bed bleeding on his rich sheets. Samira breathed heavily, that had not gone as she had planned. A knock on the door disturbed her thoughts. Fuck.
“Your grace, is everything alright?” Samira had to do something, that guard was going to enter if she didn’t.
[Kill the guard once he enters] [Moan loudly as if having sex] [Escape through the open window]
[Moan loudly as if having sex]
She's quite a bad ass i must say... :-D
I hope she lives up to your expectation
[Moan loudly as if having sex]
This is weird, but I hope it will work.
[Escape through the open window]
[Moan loudly as if having sex]
This would have probably worked with Robert Baratheon at least, so let's hope it works with King Dustin as well.
[Escape through the open window]