Torv could see nothing with the woven bag over his head, though he could feel the painful bump on his forehead from where he had bee… moren knocked unconscious. His surrender had not been as peaceful as he had wished, Edrick was treated fairly, though Torv was concussed and thrown onto the back of a horse. It was three days until Torv’s vision was granted back to him, he looked around and saw a castle on a floating island which was slowling moving down a steady stream. Torv hands were bound and held by a man riding a horse infront of him. He had long greasy hair which was dark blonde, matching the colour of his side whiskers. He was wearing a green tunic coated with lizard-lion scales for chest armor, boiled leather was everywhere else. The same man who I held hostage in attempt to free Edrick. Torv lifted his hand to touch the bump on his forehead, though he obviously tugged the rope more than he though as he got an almighty response which… [view original content]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his throne, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces now consist of my best archers. I have half the say in the matter of where they are placed, and I say the mud-banks!” Rogar was a very impatient man, unlike his son Edwyn. Theon had been unusually quiet until now.
“We thank you for extending your hand-picked archers to our Ranged Formation, King Rogar. Though I will agree with General Glenmore that they are needed somewhere with more importance. I suggest the small cliffs just East of the entrance to the Weeping Water. They have a good overlook from that position and would be able to fire upon the Andal’s before they land.” Rogar reclined in his throne, releasing a heavy and loud sigh.
“Very well, General Glenmore. You and your little archers can take place on the cliffs.” Theon nodded in approval, General Glenmore only stared at Harmond’s headless body. I don’t know what will be more brutal, the war between the First Men and the Andals, or the feud between the Starks and Bolton’s.
“The First Infantry batallion will meet the Andal’s on the shores and the Second Infantry batallion will meet the Andal’s on the banks. It would see we are at an agreement then, leave us.” Rogar wiped his face and Theon turned and left, Alara and the General were closed behind him. Once they were outside the Dreadfort, General Glenmore walked over to some Stark and Bolton archers which Alara could only imagine were the Ranged Formation. Theon turned to Alara, raising an eyebrow at her as she stared at the Ranged Formation.
“You got a taste in archery eh? I’m sure if you prove you have the skill they would happily take you in.” Alara laughed, she loved archery, but joining an elite archery squad had never crossed her mind.
“I might take up your offer, once the Bolton’s are gone.” Theon chuckled to himself, Alara gave an unsure smile.
“Well until then, I am placing you in the Second Infantry batallion. The batallion is stationed North-East of our camp. You will report to General Corbin Cerwyn, he will designate you to a squadron. Now if you will excuse me, I have an army to prepare for battle and I would best not delay.” Alara smiled and bowed, to which Theon nodded in return. Alara took one last look at the Ranged Formation, who were shooting at moving targets. Enough day-dreaming Alara, time to meet the Second Infantry batallion.
Alara entered a pavilion with the Stark sigil on it, inside a tall handsome man stood over a table with a map of the North on it. He wore bronze armor with the Stark sigil embedded in it, and had a double-sided bronze axe on his back. His tabard was House Cerwyn’s so Alara felt assured that she had come to the right place.
“General Cerwyn, I am the Nightingale. I have been sent by King Theon to join the Second Infantry batallion.” The General looked up from his table, raising his eyebrows.
“So you’re the Nightingale eh? I’ve heard a lot about you, apparently you have been to the Freehold of Valyria and the Fingers. Tell me, how goes the war effort down at the Fingers? I heard they were hit pretty hard by the Andal forces.” Alara wasn’t going to lie, the Andal’s had nearly taken over all of the Fingers.
“Things are not looking fortunate for the First Men in the Fingers, General. Though King Robar Royce was calling his bannermen when I left there, it is possible they are fighting back. Either that or just amongst each other.” The General sighed.
“My son left the North to fight for the men at the Fingers, only the gods know if he is alive now.” They both stood silent for a moment that felt like a life time. “Anyway, we have a war to win and I’m glad you are here. I am placing you in Aurochs Squadron, led by Steffon Cale. I will take you to their tent.” General Cerwyn and Alara left the pavilion, walking along a narrow path full of tents until they hit the border of the camp. Aurochs squad’s pavilion sat at the North-Eastern tip of the camp. Outside the pavilion sat Brodin Cale, who Alara recognised from talking to a few days back. He was making arrows to Alara’s surprise as she did not realise he was an archer. When he saw Alara he gave her a big smile.
“Alara! It is good to see you again, and General Cerwyn, a pleasant surprise.” The General smiled and bowed, to which Brodin also bowed in reply.
“The Nightingale is he to join Aurochs squad, you will have to forgive me. The day is getting late and I must finish strategising the placement of our troops.” Brodin nodded and the General took his leave. Brodin looked at Alara with a questioning look.
“Are you hungry?” Alara shook her head. “Very well, come inside and I’ll introduce you to Aurochs squad.” Alara followed Brodin into the pavilion, the scent of roasting beef and boiling vegetables entered Alara’s nostrils as soon as she entered. Alara saw three men inside: one stirring a pot of stew, another drinking a mug of ale and the last cleaning his shortsword. All of them stopped what they were doing once they noticed Alara.
“Squad, I would like to introduce the newest asset to our team, Alara Caron! Better known as the Nightingale.” They were all silent for a moment, the person stirring the stew, who Alara thought was a man, introduced herself.
“I’m Athena, the one drinking over there is Kailan. The man pretending to clean his sword is Steffon, our squad leader.” Steffon grunted and then laughed, causing the whole room to burst into laughter. Alara was feeling quite tired, and was eager to get some rest.
“I apologise for coming across as antisocial but I am exhausted, I might get some rest.” Athena showed her to a bedroll to which Alara fell straight into. The sound of chatter and laughter around her helped her drift off.
“Now remember my sweet girl, no matter what happens-” Her mother, Mehgan Caron, was interrupted by the door being smashed open behind her. Alara’s alleged father walked in, sword in hand. He grabbed Alara’s mother and threw her against the wall, knocking her unconscious. Her father walked towards her slowly with his sword in hand.
“Father, Father please! Stop this father!” He father stopped infront of her, hovering his sword above her.
“You’re no daughter of mine, bastard.”
Alara was woken by Athena, Kailan also hovered over her. Alara freaked out and threw Athena to the ground, pulling an arrow from her quiver and putting it to Athena’s throat. Kailan picked her up and took her outside, Athena got up and followed.
“What the hell are you doing Alara! Snap out of it.” Kailan said as he restrained her. Alara took a moment to settle down. It was just a dream, just a dream.
“I’m sorry, you just woke me up at a bad time.” Alara saw Athena’s face frown. It must have been midnight as it was dark and cold.
“Come on, we heard screams and wanted you to come with us to check it out.” Athena unsheathed her shortsword and walked towards a small grove, Alara looked at Kailan to which he shrugged in return.
Once they were all in the grove, Alara could hear the screams in the distance. Alara unsheathed her longsword, as did Kailan. They quietly made their way to where they thought the screams where coming from. Once they were close enough, they saw a fire and three men in Bolton gear shooting at something. Athena looked back at Alara and Kailan, who were staring at the Bolton archers.
“What do we do?” Athena asked, Kailan looked at the archers, then back at Athena.
“The more important question is, what are they shooting at.” Alara moved to a closer bush to try an answer that question. She saw a man tied to a tree with three arrows stuck in him, when she looked closer she saw the stark sigil on the man’s chest. He was still alive. Alara jumped out of the bush, her longsword in hand, Athena and Kailan did the same.
“Halt there Bolton’s, what in the name of the gods are you doing?!” Athena yelled once she saw the Stark soldier tied to the tree. The Bolton who was about to take a shot at the Stark soldier lowered his bow. A grin was wide across his face.
“Easy now, I am Rechar Greenwood. My friends and I are with the Ranged Formation, and right now you’re interrupting us torturing an Andal spy who we found snooping around our supplies. I would recommend you leave before you get sick from the sight.” He grinned and his two friends laughed. Alara was disgusted. Athena and Kailan looked at Alara, waiting for her to make her move. I can’t kill them or it would break the treaty, but we could teach them a lesson. Either way, I don’t want to harm the already unsteady relationship between the Starks and Bolton’s.
[Stand down - leave the Boltons] [Teach the Bolton’s a lesson]
I really don't want Alara to get even more on the Bolton's bad side. Besides, there is nothing to gain from this, aside from making these psychopaths angry. If she does not kill them, she will certainly make three new enemies. In any way, it will definitely also anger both kings and that's not worth the risk.
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
[Stand down - leave the Boltons] Shouldn't harm Boltons on their land. There will be time for revenge, and the Stark soldier would die anyway, don't think that they will let him go, even after beating from Alara.
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his thro… morene, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces… [view original content]
Vote closed! Alara and the others will stand down and leave the Bolton's to torture the 'Andal spy'
I have put together a 'what would have happened' if you had made different choices.
Chapter 1: Important Choices
Harmond: To the Dreadfort, or to Barrowton?
This was a very interesting choice as it determined how the whole story would have come out. If Harmond had chosen to go to Barrowton, first off Harmond never would have died and Edrick never would have been “half-flayed.” They also would have gained the Barrow’s into an alliance by granting them back the Weeping Stone, this would have sent the Bolton’s into fear and made them join the Starks out of that, rather than feeling like they have power over the Starks like they do now.
Wyllam: Attack the Corbray’s or Liberate the Shett’s.
This choice was not AS important as some others but still was a game changer. As the attack on the Corbray’s goes into Chapter 2 I will try not to spoil too much, but I will say that either way you were damned anyway.
Torv: Take Edrick, Take Harmond or do nothing.
This was a difficult choice as Edrick now plays an important role in the story. Harmond being an excellent warrior would of course come to be useful when they were ambushed by Emma Snow and her companions. Though Edrick plays a bigger role in the story which you will soon find out. Doing nothing on the other hand would have resulted in both their deaths, yet Torv would have been highly liked by Arnold. This would result in Torv moving up in the ranks of the Bolton’s and him forging a better life for himself.
Dormund: Leave Harmond to be flayed or end his misery.
Not a real important choice, but Dormund would have kept his fingers if he had not defied his father.
Alara: Stay with the Starks or Ride South.
This choice decided what Alara’s role in the invasion was going to be. If she rode south she would have joined the Arryn’s had helped the war effort in the Vale. Overall this choice was to choose the First Men over the Andal’s.
Samira sat on her bed in her room at the ‘Sober Man’s Tavern.’ The tavern was often empty and quiet, hence the reason why Samira had chosen it over other taverns, though tonight it was nor quiet or empty. Samira got out of her bed and walked over to her desk, her unfinished letter sat there. She walked to the door and opened it to check the hallway, thankfully no one was there. Samira shut and locked the door, closed all the windows but one and put out all the candles but the one on her desk. She sat down at the desk, pulling out her ink and quill from her satchel. She continued with her letter until she was satisfied with her work, it read:
To King Noriphos, King of the Andals and worshiper of the Seven.
I write to you from North Westeros. I am plotting to kill King Dustin of Barrowton, hence ending his royal blood line. Slowly our colonisation takes over the old kingdoms and replaces them with the new. We Andal’s will annihilate the old blood lines of the First Men. May the Seven give me the strength and guidance to complete my task.
Your’s faithfully
Samira rolled the letter into a tight scroll and left her seal in wax so it indetified that it was for the King’s eyes only. Now all she needed to do was get the letter to the courier, who would hopefully arrive in the morning. Samira put her ink and quill back into her satchel and slid it under her bed. She removed her dress, also removing the bronze daggers strapped to her thighs, and got into bed. Darkness crept around Samira’s vision, the flame on her desk was still alive and slowly descending down the candle stick. A small gust of wind blew through the window and extinguished the weak flame, Samira fell into a dark trance.
Samira sung in front of a small crowd in Heart’s home. The crowd loved her, though she did not care. She wished her parents were able to be here, she’d have thrown away all the crowds in the world just to have them here. Her father fought in a war against King Yorwyck Royce with the Graftons. Her mother was back at the colony trying to make a living. Samira pleased the crowd with her melodic voice, but the cheering stopped when a small girl walked on the stage. Samira looked at the girl and noticed it was her younger sister, Aselle.
“Aselle, my beautiful sister. What are you doing here? Where is mother and father?” Aselle held her hand over her eye. Aselle pulled her hand away, revealing a bloody mess of where her eye had once been. Samira tried to grab Aselle but when she reached for her she disappeared leaving a trail of ink in the air. Samira looked to the crowd, which were being slaughtered by the barbaric men who wore bronze. Samira fell to her knees and buried her head in her hands. She wept as the whole world collapsed around her.
Samira awoke to a pounding on the door, her heart was racing and her eyes were full of tears.
“I’ll be there in a moment!” Samira quickly put her dress on, sliding her bronze daggers under the bed. She quickly walked to the door and opened it, on the other side was an old man who was hunched over and carried a sack over his back.
“Excuse me for the intrusion, my dear. I am only a poor old man who asks for you to spare a coin or two.” Before Samira could deny him he opened his sack, Samira peeked inside and saw a pile of scrolls. Letters, this must be the courier. Samira peered out the door, people were coming out of their rooms and making their way downstairs.
“Of course, let me get my purse and see what I have.” The old man smiled and waited patiently at the door.
Samira walked to her bed and pulled her satchel from under the bed. She opened it and grabbed the letter, grabbing seven gold dragons while she was at it. She walked back to the man who waited ever so patiently.
“Here you are, may the gods watch over you old man.” The old man smiled and slowly walked away, he had a limp which could easily trick the unexperienced eye.
Samira smiled to herself and closed the door. She sat on her bed and adjusted her daggers to her thighs. She grabbed a dress that was the most elegant in her wardrobe, it was dark yellow with a gray crown on it. She grabbed her satchel and made sure she had everything. When she felt assured she opened the door and walked out. I am Aya Flint of Flint’s Finger, newly appointed hand maiden of Queen Dustin.
Samira sat on her bed in her room at the ‘Sober Man’s Tavern.’ The tavern was often empty and quiet, hence the reason why Samira h… moread chosen it over other taverns, though tonight it was nor quiet or empty. Samira got out of her bed and walked over to her desk, her unfinished letter sat there. She walked to the door and opened it to check the hallway, thankfully no one was there. Samira shut and locked the door, closed all the windows but one and put out all the candles but the one on her desk. She sat down at the desk, pulling out her ink and quill from her satchel. She continued with her letter until she was satisfied with her work, it read:
To King Noriphos, King of the Andals and worshiper of the Seven.
I write to you from North Westeros. I am plotting to kill King Dustin of Barrowton, hence ending his royal blood line. Slowly our colonisation takes over the old kingdoms and replaces them with the new. We Andal’s will annihi… [view original content]
Samira sat on her bed in her room at the ‘Sober Man’s Tavern.’ The tavern was often empty and quiet, hence the reason why Samira h… moread chosen it over other taverns, though tonight it was nor quiet or empty. Samira got out of her bed and walked over to her desk, her unfinished letter sat there. She walked to the door and opened it to check the hallway, thankfully no one was there. Samira shut and locked the door, closed all the windows but one and put out all the candles but the one on her desk. She sat down at the desk, pulling out her ink and quill from her satchel. She continued with her letter until she was satisfied with her work, it read:
To King Noriphos, King of the Andals and worshiper of the Seven.
I write to you from North Westeros. I am plotting to kill King Dustin of Barrowton, hence ending his royal blood line. Slowly our colonisation takes over the old kingdoms and replaces them with the new. We Andal’s will annihi… [view original content]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, though clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour. Piggy laughed and followed him. Before Davios followed on, he saw movement under some rubble. Whatever was under there, it was too heavy for Davios too move on his own.
“Piggy, Cobra, give me a hand with this.” They both came rushing back with curiosity and helped remove the rubble. They found a man wearing bronze armor and a tabard displaying nine seagulls on a brown field. Davios was quick to anger once he realised he was among the First Men.
“We should question him, see what he knows.” The Cobra walked forward but Davios blocked his path.
“I’ll do it.” The Cobra nodded, Davios walked over to the man who was still half stuck under the rubble.
“P- Please, help me. I’ll tell you everything I know, I swear by the gods!” Davios unsheathed his longsword and stood over the Shett. He leaned on his sword and looked down at the man.
“Tell me what happened here, and I’ll help you.” The man quickly nodded in approval.
“We were attacked, don’t know who, but most of our forces retreated to Runestone. These people who attacked us, were unlike anything we had ever seen. They held great power, they-they.” Davios had heard enough, he put his sword through the man’s throat.
“Davios, what the fuck! Ye said ye'd help him!” Piggy was shocked, The Cobra sighed and walked away.
“I gave him a swift end. He should consider himself lucky I didn’t beat him to death.” Davios cleaned his sword and walked passed Piggy.
Davios was pissed, any First Men pissed him off. It gave him the anger that made him ferocious in battle, and the motivation to avenge his father. Davios got onboard the ‘Friendship’, Harlan was staring out to sea, obviously still pissed from the recent events. The Cobra was back with his lover, and Jorio as usual, was reading his book. Hughie was perched on the port side railings of the ship, throwing rocks and bits of rubble into the water. Davios walked over to him, Hughie now wore an eyepatch.
“How’re you feeling Hughie?” Davios tried to calm himself down by checking up on others, it usually worked. Hughie just grunted and continued to throw his rocks.
“Look Hughie, I’ll find who ever did this to you, but at the moment we have more important matters at hand. We’re fighting a war, and we need to work together.” Hughie looked up at Davios with his one good eye.
“How in the Sevel Hell’s do you expect me to work with these people! One of them stabbed me in the fucking eye! It could have been you for all I know!” Davios did not know how to answer Hughie.
Davios grasped Hughie’s shoulder, making him calm down. Hughie began to weep, all Davios could do was pat his back. Jorio walked over, there was an expression on his face which Davios could not read.
“The captain has requested an audience with you. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Hughie while your gone.” Jorio winked at Davios, to which he just rolled his eyes in return. Davios walked passed Piggy, who was telling Small Mykal and Orodos about what happened on Gulltown. Davios did not care if they knew he killed a man, it was mercy, mercy that the man did not deserve. Davios climbed the stairs and stopped next to Harlan, who was staring out at the Narrow Sea. He turned once he noticed Davios was next to him.
“Ah Davios, just the man I wanted to see! How goes Hughie Arryn after your little stunt the night before?” Davios clenched his fist, but held down his anger.
“I’ve told you already, I had no part in it. I simply pulled the dagger out.” Hughie and Jorio climbed the stairs behind Davios and entered the conversation.
“Of course you did. Anyway, the voyage must continue! We will prep to leave for the North within the hour.” Hughie looked at Harlan with disbelief. Harlan’s accent was beginning to irritate Davios.
“With all due respect captain, whatever hit Gulltown will likely hit the other colonies too. We must warn the Arryns!” Hughie was still determined to get to his uncle, only this time there was good reason.
“Oh yes but of course, the one eyed Arryn wants to see his uncle! Well I will put it down to a vote.” Harlan descended down the stairs, Davios and the others followed him.
“All those in favour of following orders and going North, stand port side of the vessel. All those in favor of going to Arryns, stand starboard side.” Harlan sat down on the port side.
“Just remember who killed your father Davios, the First Men of the Fingers.” Hughie said as he walked to the starboard side.
“We are needed else where Davios, you know that. Make the right decision.” Jorio whispered as he walked to the port side.
The scores were even, The Cobra, Vysela, Hughie and Orodos stood on the starboard side. Harlan, Jorio, Piggy and Small Mykal stood on the port side. The final decision depended on Davios now, duty called in the North, though the real mission for Davios was to avenge his father. If Davios were to warn the Arryn’s, he would put his honor in jeopardy. Though he may not get another chance to kill the man who murdered his father.
[Port side - Head North] [Starboard side - Warn the Arryn’s]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, thoug… moreh clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour.… [view original content]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, thoug… moreh clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour.… [view original content]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, thoug… moreh clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour.… [view original content]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, thoug… moreh clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour.… [view original content]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, thoug… moreh clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour.… [view original content]
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, thoug… moreh clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour.… [view original content]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two little twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon’s hall?” Dormund gave a fake smile and nodded.
Dormund followed the tall man. Rondon was not muscular or as tall as his older brother, Eddon, but he certainly was the most handsome of the Frost’s. He had a heart-shaped face with bright blue eyes and a brown goatee that connected to his moustache. Rondon led Dormund up some stone stairs to a giant keep made from pure stone. Two guards stood outside the oak doors, Rondon waved to them and they opened the doors for Rondon and Dormund. The inside of the keep was quite different to the outside. The walls were layered with oak planks and hearth’s decorated the both sides of the keep. The keep was long, Dormund could see why it was described as the ‘Frosted Hall.’
“Excuse me a moment, my prince. I will collect Lord Eddon from his chambers.” Dormund nodded and Rondon quickly hurried up some more stairs and into a different hallway. Dormund walked over to a hearth, the heat it gave to the keep was significant compared to the Dreadfort. Dormund looked around, on the wall hung a tapestry of House Frost. Dormund walked over and inspected it, in the tapestry was: The late Lord Bendon and his lady wife. A very young Eddon stood next to his father, Rondon and his twin sister Fryda stood staring into the distance. Horden peeked over Jarden’s shoulder as Jarden read a book, and Ryden stood alone with a wooden sword in his hand.
Dormund heard silent footsteps behind them and could only presume that Lord Eddon stood behind him. Lord Eddon was a tall man, towering everyone in the Keep, and could be matched in strength to Ryden. Unlike his brother, he cannot be called handsome, he has very rough features and a big nose. Dark bags lay under his eyes from stress and lack of sleep.
“Your house has endured great hardship over the past decades. How do you fare now?” Lord Eddon silently chuckled.
“Our house stays true to its words, we are Strong in Winter.” Dormund smiled at the phrase, though he had a reputation to maintain. Dormund wiped the smile off of his face and turned to meet Lord Eddon. Behind him stood Lady Dalara and young Nyla, who stood behind her mother.
“It has been a while, Lord Eddon. The last time we met, you were only getting married to Lady Dalara.” Dormund remembered his courtesies and bowed to her, he looked at Nyla.
“This one I do not remember though, may I be introduced?” Lord Eddon nodded and called his daughter over. He knelt down to her level so he was eye to eye with her.
“Nyla, this is Prince Dormund Bolton, son of King Rogar Bolton. My prince, this is my daughter Nyla.” Nyla smiled and hid behind her father, Dormund bowed respectfully.
“She’s a shy one, perhaps when she is older I can take her hunting.” Lady Dalara snapped.
“My daughter will not go anywhere with your type! You stay away from her.” She grabbed her daughter and pulled her close.
“Leave, woman. Take the child with you.” Lord Eddon quietly said, though the rage could still be heard in his voice.
Lady Dalara grabbed Nyla by the wrist and stormed off. Dormund scratched his head awkwardly and looked back at the tapestry.
“My apologies, I assure you this will not happen again. May I offer you some bread and salt?” Dormund shook his head, all of his apetite had left him since he had flayed the deserter.
“Unfortunately, Ryden and I have not come to have a reunion. My father has ordered me to rally the bannermen, I have called all the houses to arms but yours. I need an army ready to march out of here by dawn.” Eddon was in disbelief at first, but silently nodded in acknowledgement.
“I will rally the men and lead them myself. I will have Rondon notified that he is in charge of the Keep while we are gone.” Dormund smiled, the Frost’s truly were loyal, no matter cost.
Eddon bowed and left Dormund on his own. Dormund once again stared at the tapestry. Horden Frost, I remember attending his funeral. It was a sad time for us all. Dormund turned to leave, but was surprised when he saw Ryden standing in front of him, leaning on a wooden cane. He wore a plane black and gray tunic with the sigil of the House Bolton on his chest.
“Ryden! How are you feeling?” Ryden grunted, resulting in both of them laughing.
“They got me bandaged up quick, applied some herbs and weeds to it to numb the pain. I don’t know how long it will be until I can fight again, Dormund.” Dormund somewhat expected that Ryden would not be able to accompany him to battle.
“I know what you’re thinking Dormund, and I won’t do it. I can’t stay here while you go off and fight these Andal pricks. I know I can’t fight, but atleast take me back to the Dreadfort, I’ll hold down the fortifications there.” Dormund sighed. Obedient to the end.
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort] [Leave Ryden at the Frost Keep]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two l… moreittle twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon… [view original content]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two l… moreittle twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon… [view original content]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two l… moreittle twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon… [view original content]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two l… moreittle twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon… [view original content]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two l… moreittle twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon… [view original content]
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two l… moreittle twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon… [view original content]
Jarden rode along side Paytan Hunter, one of Robar’s kingsguard. King Robar and his two other guards, Drevyn Moore and Marsh Coldwater, led the march along the mountainous terrain towards the Redfort. Paytan Hunter was a noble man who talked highly of his family and of archery. He was a man that could talk without requiring another person to respond.
“Now I tell you Jarden, my father was the best archer I had ever known. When Robar came along to get us to join his forces, my father was not convinced that his loyalty should go to a young king. So my father, being the cocky man he is, challenged Robar to an archery contest. Now my father was known to be the best archer in all of Longbow Hall, but somehow Robar managed to outshoot even my father! Since that day, he has gained my utter-most respect. I will gladly give my life for him if the time ever comes to that.” Paytan continued to talk, Jarden nodded and smiled whenever Paytan looked at him.
King Robar’s kingsguard was small, consisting of only three good men. Paytan Hunter was the designated archer for Robar’s guard. Drevyn Moore is a cheerful and open man who is also a bit comedic, he is the spearman in the kingsguard. Finally, Marsh Coldwater was a serious and quiet man who was outstanding with a longsword. Marsh seemed to be the only one of the kingsguard that Jarden knew little about. Paytan suddenly went quiet, which was unusual. Jarden looked at Paytan, who just stared at something into the distance. Jarden followed his gaze until his eyes landed upon a stone fort in the distance. The Redfort.
“You will have to excuse me, Jarden. Orders were that once the Redfort came to view, I was to ride ahead and inform Lord Barrock of our arrival. Forgive me, we will pick up this conversation again soon.” Paytan smiled and rode off, leaving Jarden to his thoughts. We were having a conversation?
Now that Jarden was alone, he saw this as the perfect oppurtunity to talk with the king. Jarden pushed his horse to a gallop and caught up with the slow and tired king. Robar fixed his posture once he noticed Jarden was riding next to him.
“Your grace.” Robar nodded, letting out a giant yawn. Jarden felt he had come along at a wrong time, but Robar was quick to reassure him that he had not.
“Jarden, did I ever tell you the story of my grandfather, Bronze King Yorwyck?” Jarden shook his head, though he was very interested to hear what Robar had to say.
“Well, Yorwyck was a madman. He always had a thirst for war, and was one of the reasons there was such a big feud between the Shett’s and the Royce’s. Though there has never been any love for the Shett’s in my family, there was still a long lasting peace. A peace which my grandfather broke when he felt that he needed more land. Yorwyck defeated the Shett’s numerous times, making the cower behind their walls. Though when she Shett’s grew tired of being beaten, they called upon the Andal’s for support. Gerold Grafton was a younger man then, though through age he is still a prick. He sided with the Shett’s and slaughtered my grandfather and his kingsguard. Gerold also killed King Osgood Shett in order to claim the lands of the Shett’s. This is why it was of an importance to have freed the Shett’s, they will be in our debt for a long time. I wonder how Wyllam fares at Gulltown…” Robar sighed, what Jarden thought was tiredness was actually sadness, though it was none of Jarden’s buisness to question Robar.
“Jarden, I would like you to join my war council. For the meantime atleast. I think you would gain a lot to learn how to strategise warfare.” Jarden was taken back by the King’s offer.
“It would be an honor, your grace.” Robar smiled.
“Good, let us make haste to the Redfort. The sooner we get this overwith, the sooner I can get a good night’s rest.” Robar grinned and sent his destrier into a gallop, Jarden quickly followed on, leaving the march behind.
Jarden followed Cedrick Redfort through the red-stone hallways. Cedrick was a tall man with an athletic build. His hair was dark brown and fell to his shoulders, he had a growing stubble and brown eyes.
“So where exactly are we going, Cedrick?” Jarden was curious, and Cedrick continuously avoiding the question.
“You’ll see, now for the last time Jarden, hush!” Cedrick silently laughed, he was a year older than Jarden and connected greatly with him.
Cedrick led Jarden through dark rooms and long corriodors until they reached a doorway. Cedrick opened the door and beckoned for Jarden to go inside. Jarden entered and saw Lord Barrock and Robar with his kingsguard. They all stood around a table with a map of the Fingers on it, bronze figures stood on the map.
“Ah, Jarden. I’m glad you and Cedrick could make it. Please, come and join us.” Robar focussed his attention back to the map.
Cedrick took his place next to his father, Lord Barrock. Barrock had an athletic build, though it was clear he had gained some extra weight over the years. He had a short brown hair which was dirty and starting to recede, his eyes were brown, but they also and a dark and stern look to them. On his side was a steel longsword with foreign carvings along the blade.
“So as I was saying, your grace, I would recommend that we attack Heart’s Home from the South.” Robar shook his head in disagreement.
“No, I need the Belmore’s navy to attack from the West. If we leave the North open then the Corbay’s will have a clear path to run back to their liege.” Lord Barrock grunted.
“That’s if there are any Belmores alive, from what my scouts have told me, Strong Song was ablaze not too long ago.” Cedrick looked surprise at the news, clearly unaware of this.
“Yes, my scouts have reported that too. Though from what I hear, both your scouts and mine have not yet gone to check if there are any survivors.” Lord Barrock nodded.
“With the war happening, I have been more worried about the protection of my own house rather than the neighbouring houses. Strong Song is just an example of what could happen if we let our guard down.” Robar nodded.
“Yes, but we must find out if there are any survivors. They will play a crucial role if we are going to sack Heart’s Home. Jarden, come forth.” Jarden obeyed and stood forward.
“Jarden, you will take one of my kingsguard and ride to Strong Song. If there are any survivors, you will stay and send my guard back to inform us of the news.” Jarden nodded and started to inspect the kingsguard.
“My son, Cedrick, will accompany you aswell.” Cedrick smirked at Jarden, whom responded with a nod.
“Your grace, is there any guard in particular you would like me to take?” Robar shook his head.
“No, I will leave that up to you. Decide soon though, you will be leaving by sunrise.” Robar turned back to the map and discussed with Barrock where they would distribute their forces.
Jarden eyed off each of the kingsguard. All their skills could be needed, but Jarden could only take one. Excellent archer, excellent javilineer and spearman or excellent swordsman?
Jarden rode along side Paytan Hunter, one of Robar’s kingsguard. King Robar and his two other guards, Drevyn Moore and Marsh Coldw… moreater, led the march along the mountainous terrain towards the Redfort. Paytan Hunter was a noble man who talked highly of his family and of archery. He was a man that could talk without requiring another person to respond.
“Now I tell you Jarden, my father was the best archer I had ever known. When Robar came along to get us to join his forces, my father was not convinced that his loyalty should go to a young king. So my father, being the cocky man he is, challenged Robar to an archery contest. Now my father was known to be the best archer in all of Longbow Hall, but somehow Robar managed to outshoot even my father! Since that day, he has gained my utter-most respect. I will gladly give my life for him if the time ever comes to that.” Paytan continued to talk, Jarden nodded and smiled whenever Paytan l… [view original content]
Jarden rode along side Paytan Hunter, one of Robar’s kingsguard. King Robar and his two other guards, Drevyn Moore and Marsh Coldw… moreater, led the march along the mountainous terrain towards the Redfort. Paytan Hunter was a noble man who talked highly of his family and of archery. He was a man that could talk without requiring another person to respond.
“Now I tell you Jarden, my father was the best archer I had ever known. When Robar came along to get us to join his forces, my father was not convinced that his loyalty should go to a young king. So my father, being the cocky man he is, challenged Robar to an archery contest. Now my father was known to be the best archer in all of Longbow Hall, but somehow Robar managed to outshoot even my father! Since that day, he has gained my utter-most respect. I will gladly give my life for him if the time ever comes to that.” Paytan continued to talk, Jarden nodded and smiled whenever Paytan l… [view original content]
Jarden rode along side Paytan Hunter, one of Robar’s kingsguard. King Robar and his two other guards, Drevyn Moore and Marsh Coldw… moreater, led the march along the mountainous terrain towards the Redfort. Paytan Hunter was a noble man who talked highly of his family and of archery. He was a man that could talk without requiring another person to respond.
“Now I tell you Jarden, my father was the best archer I had ever known. When Robar came along to get us to join his forces, my father was not convinced that his loyalty should go to a young king. So my father, being the cocky man he is, challenged Robar to an archery contest. Now my father was known to be the best archer in all of Longbow Hall, but somehow Robar managed to outshoot even my father! Since that day, he has gained my utter-most respect. I will gladly give my life for him if the time ever comes to that.” Paytan continued to talk, Jarden nodded and smiled whenever Paytan l… [view original content]
Jarden rode along side Paytan Hunter, one of Robar’s kingsguard. King Robar and his two other guards, Drevyn Moore and Marsh Coldw… moreater, led the march along the mountainous terrain towards the Redfort. Paytan Hunter was a noble man who talked highly of his family and of archery. He was a man that could talk without requiring another person to respond.
“Now I tell you Jarden, my father was the best archer I had ever known. When Robar came along to get us to join his forces, my father was not convinced that his loyalty should go to a young king. So my father, being the cocky man he is, challenged Robar to an archery contest. Now my father was known to be the best archer in all of Longbow Hall, but somehow Robar managed to outshoot even my father! Since that day, he has gained my utter-most respect. I will gladly give my life for him if the time ever comes to that.” Paytan continued to talk, Jarden nodded and smiled whenever Paytan l… [view original content]
Vote Closed, Torv will tell Lord Reed where the Weeping Stone is and accompany Rolland to Winterfell. Next part will be starring Alara.
[Say nothing - accompany Emma]
The Dreadfort was a cold and disturbing as ever. The body of Harmond Hornwill hung above King Rogar’s throne. Rogar sat in his throne, Edwyn Bolton to his right and a kingsguard by the name of Carver on his left. Alara stood with King Theon and General Glenmore, at the bottom of Rogar’s throne, discussing battle tactics and displacement of troops. Alara felt uncomfortable, she had no reason for being here apart for asking Theon where she was wanted in the battle to come.
“The Ranged Formations will take position on the mud-banks of the Weeping Water.” King Rogar stated, but General Glenmore was quick to intervene.
“Your grace, with all due respect I think you underestimate the Ranged Formations. I plead they be placed on the shoreline where they are needed.” Rogar stared down the General, Alara felt that if it were not for Theon’s presence, the General would likely be flayed.
“May I remind you that half of your Ranged forces now consist of my best archers. I have half the say in the matter of where they are placed, and I say the mud-banks!” Rogar was a very impatient man, unlike his son Edwyn. Theon had been unusually quiet until now.
“We thank you for extending your hand-picked archers to our Ranged Formation, King Rogar. Though I will agree with General Glenmore that they are needed somewhere with more importance. I suggest the small cliffs just East of the entrance to the Weeping Water. They have a good overlook from that position and would be able to fire upon the Andal’s before they land.” Rogar reclined in his throne, releasing a heavy and loud sigh.
“Very well, General Glenmore. You and your little archers can take place on the cliffs.” Theon nodded in approval, General Glenmore only stared at Harmond’s headless body. I don’t know what will be more brutal, the war between the First Men and the Andals, or the feud between the Starks and Bolton’s.
“The First Infantry batallion will meet the Andal’s on the shores and the Second Infantry batallion will meet the Andal’s on the banks. It would see we are at an agreement then, leave us.” Rogar wiped his face and Theon turned and left, Alara and the General were closed behind him. Once they were outside the Dreadfort, General Glenmore walked over to some Stark and Bolton archers which Alara could only imagine were the Ranged Formation. Theon turned to Alara, raising an eyebrow at her as she stared at the Ranged Formation.
“You got a taste in archery eh? I’m sure if you prove you have the skill they would happily take you in.” Alara laughed, she loved archery, but joining an elite archery squad had never crossed her mind.
“I might take up your offer, once the Bolton’s are gone.” Theon chuckled to himself, Alara gave an unsure smile.
“Well until then, I am placing you in the Second Infantry batallion. The batallion is stationed North-East of our camp. You will report to General Corbin Cerwyn, he will designate you to a squadron. Now if you will excuse me, I have an army to prepare for battle and I would best not delay.” Alara smiled and bowed, to which Theon nodded in return. Alara took one last look at the Ranged Formation, who were shooting at moving targets. Enough day-dreaming Alara, time to meet the Second Infantry batallion.
Alara entered a pavilion with the Stark sigil on it, inside a tall handsome man stood over a table with a map of the North on it. He wore bronze armor with the Stark sigil embedded in it, and had a double-sided bronze axe on his back. His tabard was House Cerwyn’s so Alara felt assured that she had come to the right place.
“General Cerwyn, I am the Nightingale. I have been sent by King Theon to join the Second Infantry batallion.” The General looked up from his table, raising his eyebrows.
“So you’re the Nightingale eh? I’ve heard a lot about you, apparently you have been to the Freehold of Valyria and the Fingers. Tell me, how goes the war effort down at the Fingers? I heard they were hit pretty hard by the Andal forces.” Alara wasn’t going to lie, the Andal’s had nearly taken over all of the Fingers.
“Things are not looking fortunate for the First Men in the Fingers, General. Though King Robar Royce was calling his bannermen when I left there, it is possible they are fighting back. Either that or just amongst each other.” The General sighed.
“My son left the North to fight for the men at the Fingers, only the gods know if he is alive now.” They both stood silent for a moment that felt like a life time. “Anyway, we have a war to win and I’m glad you are here. I am placing you in Aurochs Squadron, led by Steffon Cale. I will take you to their tent.” General Cerwyn and Alara left the pavilion, walking along a narrow path full of tents until they hit the border of the camp. Aurochs squad’s pavilion sat at the North-Eastern tip of the camp. Outside the pavilion sat Brodin Cale, who Alara recognised from talking to a few days back. He was making arrows to Alara’s surprise as she did not realise he was an archer. When he saw Alara he gave her a big smile.
“Alara! It is good to see you again, and General Cerwyn, a pleasant surprise.” The General smiled and bowed, to which Brodin also bowed in reply.
“The Nightingale is he to join Aurochs squad, you will have to forgive me. The day is getting late and I must finish strategising the placement of our troops.” Brodin nodded and the General took his leave. Brodin looked at Alara with a questioning look.
“Are you hungry?” Alara shook her head. “Very well, come inside and I’ll introduce you to Aurochs squad.” Alara followed Brodin into the pavilion, the scent of roasting beef and boiling vegetables entered Alara’s nostrils as soon as she entered. Alara saw three men inside: one stirring a pot of stew, another drinking a mug of ale and the last cleaning his shortsword. All of them stopped what they were doing once they noticed Alara.
“Squad, I would like to introduce the newest asset to our team, Alara Caron! Better known as the Nightingale.” They were all silent for a moment, the person stirring the stew, who Alara thought was a man, introduced herself.
“I’m Athena, the one drinking over there is Kailan. The man pretending to clean his sword is Steffon, our squad leader.” Steffon grunted and then laughed, causing the whole room to burst into laughter. Alara was feeling quite tired, and was eager to get some rest.
“I apologise for coming across as antisocial but I am exhausted, I might get some rest.” Athena showed her to a bedroll to which Alara fell straight into. The sound of chatter and laughter around her helped her drift off.
“Now remember my sweet girl, no matter what happens-” Her mother, Mehgan Caron, was interrupted by the door being smashed open behind her. Alara’s alleged father walked in, sword in hand. He grabbed Alara’s mother and threw her against the wall, knocking her unconscious. Her father walked towards her slowly with his sword in hand.
“Father, Father please! Stop this father!” He father stopped infront of her, hovering his sword above her.
“You’re no daughter of mine, bastard.”
Alara was woken by Athena, Kailan also hovered over her. Alara freaked out and threw Athena to the ground, pulling an arrow from her quiver and putting it to Athena’s throat. Kailan picked her up and took her outside, Athena got up and followed.
“What the hell are you doing Alara! Snap out of it.” Kailan said as he restrained her. Alara took a moment to settle down. It was just a dream, just a dream.
“I’m sorry, you just woke me up at a bad time.” Alara saw Athena’s face frown. It must have been midnight as it was dark and cold.
“Come on, we heard screams and wanted you to come with us to check it out.” Athena unsheathed her shortsword and walked towards a small grove, Alara looked at Kailan to which he shrugged in return.
Once they were all in the grove, Alara could hear the screams in the distance. Alara unsheathed her longsword, as did Kailan. They quietly made their way to where they thought the screams where coming from. Once they were close enough, they saw a fire and three men in Bolton gear shooting at something. Athena looked back at Alara and Kailan, who were staring at the Bolton archers.
“What do we do?” Athena asked, Kailan looked at the archers, then back at Athena.
“The more important question is, what are they shooting at.” Alara moved to a closer bush to try an answer that question. She saw a man tied to a tree with three arrows stuck in him, when she looked closer she saw the stark sigil on the man’s chest. He was still alive. Alara jumped out of the bush, her longsword in hand, Athena and Kailan did the same.
“Halt there Bolton’s, what in the name of the gods are you doing?!” Athena yelled once she saw the Stark soldier tied to the tree. The Bolton who was about to take a shot at the Stark soldier lowered his bow. A grin was wide across his face.
“Easy now, I am Rechar Greenwood. My friends and I are with the Ranged Formation, and right now you’re interrupting us torturing an Andal spy who we found snooping around our supplies. I would recommend you leave before you get sick from the sight.” He grinned and his two friends laughed. Alara was disgusted. Athena and Kailan looked at Alara, waiting for her to make her move. I can’t kill them or it would break the treaty, but we could teach them a lesson. Either way, I don’t want to harm the already unsteady relationship between the Starks and Bolton’s.
[Stand down - leave the Boltons] [Teach the Bolton’s a lesson]
[Stand down - leave the Boltons]
I really don't want Alara to get even more on the Bolton's bad side. Besides, there is nothing to gain from this, aside from making these psychopaths angry. If she does not kill them, she will certainly make three new enemies. In any way, it will definitely also anger both kings and that's not worth the risk.
[Stand down - leave the Boltons] ^ I agree with liquid.
[Stand down - leave the Boltons]
[Stand down - leave the Boltons]
[Stand down - leave the Boltons]
[Stand down - leave the Boltons]
[Stand down - leave the Boltons] Shouldn't harm Boltons on their land. There will be time for revenge, and the Stark soldier would die anyway, don't think that they will let him go, even after beating from Alara.
Vote closed! Alara and the others will stand down and leave the Bolton's to torture the 'Andal spy'
I have put together a 'what would have happened' if you had made different choices.
Chapter 1: Important Choices
Harmond: To the Dreadfort, or to Barrowton?
This was a very interesting choice as it determined how the whole story would have come out. If Harmond had chosen to go to Barrowton, first off Harmond never would have died and Edrick never would have been “half-flayed.” They also would have gained the Barrow’s into an alliance by granting them back the Weeping Stone, this would have sent the Bolton’s into fear and made them join the Starks out of that, rather than feeling like they have power over the Starks like they do now.
Wyllam: Attack the Corbray’s or Liberate the Shett’s.
This choice was not AS important as some others but still was a game changer. As the attack on the Corbray’s goes into Chapter 2 I will try not to spoil too much, but I will say that either way you were damned anyway.
Torv: Take Edrick, Take Harmond or do nothing.
This was a difficult choice as Edrick now plays an important role in the story. Harmond being an excellent warrior would of course come to be useful when they were ambushed by Emma Snow and her companions. Though Edrick plays a bigger role in the story which you will soon find out. Doing nothing on the other hand would have resulted in both their deaths, yet Torv would have been highly liked by Arnold. This would result in Torv moving up in the ranks of the Bolton’s and him forging a better life for himself.
Dormund: Leave Harmond to be flayed or end his misery.
Not a real important choice, but Dormund would have kept his fingers if he had not defied his father.
Alara: Stay with the Starks or Ride South.
This choice decided what Alara’s role in the invasion was going to be. If she rode south she would have joined the Arryn’s had helped the war effort in the Vale. Overall this choice was to choose the First Men over the Andal’s.
Samira sat on her bed in her room at the ‘Sober Man’s Tavern.’ The tavern was often empty and quiet, hence the reason why Samira had chosen it over other taverns, though tonight it was nor quiet or empty. Samira got out of her bed and walked over to her desk, her unfinished letter sat there. She walked to the door and opened it to check the hallway, thankfully no one was there. Samira shut and locked the door, closed all the windows but one and put out all the candles but the one on her desk. She sat down at the desk, pulling out her ink and quill from her satchel. She continued with her letter until she was satisfied with her work, it read:
To King Noriphos, King of the Andals and worshiper of the Seven.
I write to you from North Westeros. I am plotting to kill King Dustin of Barrowton, hence ending his royal blood line. Slowly our colonisation takes over the old kingdoms and replaces them with the new. We Andal’s will annihilate the old blood lines of the First Men. May the Seven give me the strength and guidance to complete my task.
Your’s faithfully
Samira rolled the letter into a tight scroll and left her seal in wax so it indetified that it was for the King’s eyes only. Now all she needed to do was get the letter to the courier, who would hopefully arrive in the morning. Samira put her ink and quill back into her satchel and slid it under her bed. She removed her dress, also removing the bronze daggers strapped to her thighs, and got into bed. Darkness crept around Samira’s vision, the flame on her desk was still alive and slowly descending down the candle stick. A small gust of wind blew through the window and extinguished the weak flame, Samira fell into a dark trance.
Samira sung in front of a small crowd in Heart’s home. The crowd loved her, though she did not care. She wished her parents were able to be here, she’d have thrown away all the crowds in the world just to have them here. Her father fought in a war against King Yorwyck Royce with the Graftons. Her mother was back at the colony trying to make a living. Samira pleased the crowd with her melodic voice, but the cheering stopped when a small girl walked on the stage. Samira looked at the girl and noticed it was her younger sister, Aselle.
“Aselle, my beautiful sister. What are you doing here? Where is mother and father?” Aselle held her hand over her eye. Aselle pulled her hand away, revealing a bloody mess of where her eye had once been. Samira tried to grab Aselle but when she reached for her she disappeared leaving a trail of ink in the air. Samira looked to the crowd, which were being slaughtered by the barbaric men who wore bronze. Samira fell to her knees and buried her head in her hands. She wept as the whole world collapsed around her.
Samira awoke to a pounding on the door, her heart was racing and her eyes were full of tears.
“I’ll be there in a moment!” Samira quickly put her dress on, sliding her bronze daggers under the bed. She quickly walked to the door and opened it, on the other side was an old man who was hunched over and carried a sack over his back.
“Excuse me for the intrusion, my dear. I am only a poor old man who asks for you to spare a coin or two.” Before Samira could deny him he opened his sack, Samira peeked inside and saw a pile of scrolls. Letters, this must be the courier. Samira peered out the door, people were coming out of their rooms and making their way downstairs.
“Of course, let me get my purse and see what I have.” The old man smiled and waited patiently at the door.
Samira walked to her bed and pulled her satchel from under the bed. She opened it and grabbed the letter, grabbing seven gold dragons while she was at it. She walked back to the man who waited ever so patiently.
“Here you are, may the gods watch over you old man.” The old man smiled and slowly walked away, he had a limp which could easily trick the unexperienced eye.
Samira smiled to herself and closed the door. She sat on her bed and adjusted her daggers to her thighs. She grabbed a dress that was the most elegant in her wardrobe, it was dark yellow with a gray crown on it. She grabbed her satchel and made sure she had everything. When she felt assured she opened the door and walked out. I am Aya Flint of Flint’s Finger, newly appointed hand maiden of Queen Dustin.
No decision this time.
Great Chapter!!
Oh, i liked it a lot! Sad there is no choice but it seems to be very interesting story line for the future.
Can't wait for more. :-D
Haha don't worry, next part with her will have a choice :P
Glad you like her. I tried my best
Good job! I like this PoV very much
The smoke from Gulltown could be seen from a mile away. The ‘Friendship’ had intended to restock there before heading North, though clearly that was not going to happen. Captain Harlan had ordered Piggy, Davios and The Cobra to investigate the remains of Gulltown, which they had been doing for the past hour now.
“Well, me gold says the place ‘as been abandoned for a few days” Piggy said as he sat down on what was once the wall of Gulltwon.
“What kind of power could have done this?’ The Cobra had a colourful accent, it was strong but nice to listen to.
“My thoughts exactly, I don’t think we want to stay and find out. We’d best head back to the ‘Friendship.’ Piggy, did you check the Ravens?” Piggy yawned, no one had slept much since Hughie’s incident.
“Aye, all of ‘em were slaughtered.” Davios nodded. Who the hell did this?
“We should head back, this place reeks of death.” The Cobra stood and walked back to the harbour. Piggy laughed and followed him. Before Davios followed on, he saw movement under some rubble. Whatever was under there, it was too heavy for Davios too move on his own.
“Piggy, Cobra, give me a hand with this.” They both came rushing back with curiosity and helped remove the rubble. They found a man wearing bronze armor and a tabard displaying nine seagulls on a brown field. Davios was quick to anger once he realised he was among the First Men.
“We should question him, see what he knows.” The Cobra walked forward but Davios blocked his path.
“I’ll do it.” The Cobra nodded, Davios walked over to the man who was still half stuck under the rubble.
“P- Please, help me. I’ll tell you everything I know, I swear by the gods!” Davios unsheathed his longsword and stood over the Shett. He leaned on his sword and looked down at the man.
“Tell me what happened here, and I’ll help you.” The man quickly nodded in approval.
“We were attacked, don’t know who, but most of our forces retreated to Runestone. These people who attacked us, were unlike anything we had ever seen. They held great power, they-they.” Davios had heard enough, he put his sword through the man’s throat.
“Davios, what the fuck! Ye said ye'd help him!” Piggy was shocked, The Cobra sighed and walked away.
“I gave him a swift end. He should consider himself lucky I didn’t beat him to death.” Davios cleaned his sword and walked passed Piggy.
Davios was pissed, any First Men pissed him off. It gave him the anger that made him ferocious in battle, and the motivation to avenge his father. Davios got onboard the ‘Friendship’, Harlan was staring out to sea, obviously still pissed from the recent events. The Cobra was back with his lover, and Jorio as usual, was reading his book. Hughie was perched on the port side railings of the ship, throwing rocks and bits of rubble into the water. Davios walked over to him, Hughie now wore an eyepatch.
“How’re you feeling Hughie?” Davios tried to calm himself down by checking up on others, it usually worked. Hughie just grunted and continued to throw his rocks.
“Look Hughie, I’ll find who ever did this to you, but at the moment we have more important matters at hand. We’re fighting a war, and we need to work together.” Hughie looked up at Davios with his one good eye.
“How in the Sevel Hell’s do you expect me to work with these people! One of them stabbed me in the fucking eye! It could have been you for all I know!” Davios did not know how to answer Hughie.
Davios grasped Hughie’s shoulder, making him calm down. Hughie began to weep, all Davios could do was pat his back. Jorio walked over, there was an expression on his face which Davios could not read.
“The captain has requested an audience with you. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Hughie while your gone.” Jorio winked at Davios, to which he just rolled his eyes in return. Davios walked passed Piggy, who was telling Small Mykal and Orodos about what happened on Gulltown. Davios did not care if they knew he killed a man, it was mercy, mercy that the man did not deserve. Davios climbed the stairs and stopped next to Harlan, who was staring out at the Narrow Sea. He turned once he noticed Davios was next to him.
“Ah Davios, just the man I wanted to see! How goes Hughie Arryn after your little stunt the night before?” Davios clenched his fist, but held down his anger.
“I’ve told you already, I had no part in it. I simply pulled the dagger out.” Hughie and Jorio climbed the stairs behind Davios and entered the conversation.
“Of course you did. Anyway, the voyage must continue! We will prep to leave for the North within the hour.” Hughie looked at Harlan with disbelief. Harlan’s accent was beginning to irritate Davios.
“With all due respect captain, whatever hit Gulltown will likely hit the other colonies too. We must warn the Arryns!” Hughie was still determined to get to his uncle, only this time there was good reason.
“Oh yes but of course, the one eyed Arryn wants to see his uncle! Well I will put it down to a vote.” Harlan descended down the stairs, Davios and the others followed him.
“All those in favour of following orders and going North, stand port side of the vessel. All those in favor of going to Arryns, stand starboard side.” Harlan sat down on the port side.
“Just remember who killed your father Davios, the First Men of the Fingers.” Hughie said as he walked to the starboard side.
“We are needed else where Davios, you know that. Make the right decision.” Jorio whispered as he walked to the port side.
The scores were even, The Cobra, Vysela, Hughie and Orodos stood on the starboard side. Harlan, Jorio, Piggy and Small Mykal stood on the port side. The final decision depended on Davios now, duty called in the North, though the real mission for Davios was to avenge his father. If Davios were to warn the Arryn’s, he would put his honor in jeopardy. Though he may not get another chance to kill the man who murdered his father.
[Port side - Head North] [Starboard side - Warn the Arryn’s]
[Port side - Head North]
Two parts in a row, huh? I like it
[Starboard side - Warn the Arryn’s] Because reasons
[Port side - Head North]
[Port side - Head North]
[Port side - Head North]
I got bored... XD
[Port side - Head North]
Vote closed! Davios will head North to join the war effort there, unfortunately this will eliminate Davios' chance of avenging his father.
The scouts from House Frost quickly rushed Ryden through the main gate, Dormund slowly followed while being escorted by the two little twats who had tried to boss him around. Anger burned in Dormund’s eyes, he saw a man standing at the main gate, he wore an icy blue tunic with the sigil of his house on his chest and shoulders. As they approached closer, Dormund realised it was Rondon Frost, brother of Lord Eddon Frost and certainly the happiest man you will find at the Frost Keep. Dormund dismounted his horse and was greeted by Rondon.
“Prince Dormund! I am to believe you were not injured on your way here?” Dormund quietly laughed, slowly building it up and wiping the pretty smile off Rondon’s face.
“Hurt? The only thing that hurts me is that my father’s bannerman cannot protect their own lands.” Rondon frowned.
“I apologise, my prince. I shall have scouts search the lands regularly from now on, will you follow me to Eddon’s hall?” Dormund gave a fake smile and nodded.
Dormund followed the tall man. Rondon was not muscular or as tall as his older brother, Eddon, but he certainly was the most handsome of the Frost’s. He had a heart-shaped face with bright blue eyes and a brown goatee that connected to his moustache. Rondon led Dormund up some stone stairs to a giant keep made from pure stone. Two guards stood outside the oak doors, Rondon waved to them and they opened the doors for Rondon and Dormund. The inside of the keep was quite different to the outside. The walls were layered with oak planks and hearth’s decorated the both sides of the keep. The keep was long, Dormund could see why it was described as the ‘Frosted Hall.’
“Excuse me a moment, my prince. I will collect Lord Eddon from his chambers.” Dormund nodded and Rondon quickly hurried up some more stairs and into a different hallway. Dormund walked over to a hearth, the heat it gave to the keep was significant compared to the Dreadfort. Dormund looked around, on the wall hung a tapestry of House Frost. Dormund walked over and inspected it, in the tapestry was: The late Lord Bendon and his lady wife. A very young Eddon stood next to his father, Rondon and his twin sister Fryda stood staring into the distance. Horden peeked over Jarden’s shoulder as Jarden read a book, and Ryden stood alone with a wooden sword in his hand.
Dormund heard silent footsteps behind them and could only presume that Lord Eddon stood behind him. Lord Eddon was a tall man, towering everyone in the Keep, and could be matched in strength to Ryden. Unlike his brother, he cannot be called handsome, he has very rough features and a big nose. Dark bags lay under his eyes from stress and lack of sleep.
“Your house has endured great hardship over the past decades. How do you fare now?” Lord Eddon silently chuckled.
“Our house stays true to its words, we are Strong in Winter.” Dormund smiled at the phrase, though he had a reputation to maintain. Dormund wiped the smile off of his face and turned to meet Lord Eddon. Behind him stood Lady Dalara and young Nyla, who stood behind her mother.
“It has been a while, Lord Eddon. The last time we met, you were only getting married to Lady Dalara.” Dormund remembered his courtesies and bowed to her, he looked at Nyla.
“This one I do not remember though, may I be introduced?” Lord Eddon nodded and called his daughter over. He knelt down to her level so he was eye to eye with her.
“Nyla, this is Prince Dormund Bolton, son of King Rogar Bolton. My prince, this is my daughter Nyla.” Nyla smiled and hid behind her father, Dormund bowed respectfully.
“She’s a shy one, perhaps when she is older I can take her hunting.” Lady Dalara snapped.
“My daughter will not go anywhere with your type! You stay away from her.” She grabbed her daughter and pulled her close.
“Leave, woman. Take the child with you.” Lord Eddon quietly said, though the rage could still be heard in his voice.
Lady Dalara grabbed Nyla by the wrist and stormed off. Dormund scratched his head awkwardly and looked back at the tapestry.
“My apologies, I assure you this will not happen again. May I offer you some bread and salt?” Dormund shook his head, all of his apetite had left him since he had flayed the deserter.
“Unfortunately, Ryden and I have not come to have a reunion. My father has ordered me to rally the bannermen, I have called all the houses to arms but yours. I need an army ready to march out of here by dawn.” Eddon was in disbelief at first, but silently nodded in acknowledgement.
“I will rally the men and lead them myself. I will have Rondon notified that he is in charge of the Keep while we are gone.” Dormund smiled, the Frost’s truly were loyal, no matter cost.
Eddon bowed and left Dormund on his own. Dormund once again stared at the tapestry. Horden Frost, I remember attending his funeral. It was a sad time for us all. Dormund turned to leave, but was surprised when he saw Ryden standing in front of him, leaning on a wooden cane. He wore a plane black and gray tunic with the sigil of the House Bolton on his chest.
“Ryden! How are you feeling?” Ryden grunted, resulting in both of them laughing.
“They got me bandaged up quick, applied some herbs and weeds to it to numb the pain. I don’t know how long it will be until I can fight again, Dormund.” Dormund somewhat expected that Ryden would not be able to accompany him to battle.
“I know what you’re thinking Dormund, and I won’t do it. I can’t stay here while you go off and fight these Andal pricks. I know I can’t fight, but atleast take me back to the Dreadfort, I’ll hold down the fortifications there.” Dormund sighed. Obedient to the end.
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort] [Leave Ryden at the Frost Keep]
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort]
It is his wish after all and I think Dormund should respect that.
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort] Yay, the Frosts
However, if Ryden wants back to Dreadfort I see no reason why he would have to stay.
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort]
Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort]
**[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort] **
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort]
[Bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort]
Vote closed! Dormund will bring Ryden back to the Dreadfort
Jarden rode along side Paytan Hunter, one of Robar’s kingsguard. King Robar and his two other guards, Drevyn Moore and Marsh Coldwater, led the march along the mountainous terrain towards the Redfort. Paytan Hunter was a noble man who talked highly of his family and of archery. He was a man that could talk without requiring another person to respond.
“Now I tell you Jarden, my father was the best archer I had ever known. When Robar came along to get us to join his forces, my father was not convinced that his loyalty should go to a young king. So my father, being the cocky man he is, challenged Robar to an archery contest. Now my father was known to be the best archer in all of Longbow Hall, but somehow Robar managed to outshoot even my father! Since that day, he has gained my utter-most respect. I will gladly give my life for him if the time ever comes to that.” Paytan continued to talk, Jarden nodded and smiled whenever Paytan looked at him.
King Robar’s kingsguard was small, consisting of only three good men. Paytan Hunter was the designated archer for Robar’s guard. Drevyn Moore is a cheerful and open man who is also a bit comedic, he is the spearman in the kingsguard. Finally, Marsh Coldwater was a serious and quiet man who was outstanding with a longsword. Marsh seemed to be the only one of the kingsguard that Jarden knew little about. Paytan suddenly went quiet, which was unusual. Jarden looked at Paytan, who just stared at something into the distance. Jarden followed his gaze until his eyes landed upon a stone fort in the distance. The Redfort.
“You will have to excuse me, Jarden. Orders were that once the Redfort came to view, I was to ride ahead and inform Lord Barrock of our arrival. Forgive me, we will pick up this conversation again soon.” Paytan smiled and rode off, leaving Jarden to his thoughts. We were having a conversation?
Now that Jarden was alone, he saw this as the perfect oppurtunity to talk with the king. Jarden pushed his horse to a gallop and caught up with the slow and tired king. Robar fixed his posture once he noticed Jarden was riding next to him.
“Your grace.” Robar nodded, letting out a giant yawn. Jarden felt he had come along at a wrong time, but Robar was quick to reassure him that he had not.
“Jarden, did I ever tell you the story of my grandfather, Bronze King Yorwyck?” Jarden shook his head, though he was very interested to hear what Robar had to say.
“Well, Yorwyck was a madman. He always had a thirst for war, and was one of the reasons there was such a big feud between the Shett’s and the Royce’s. Though there has never been any love for the Shett’s in my family, there was still a long lasting peace. A peace which my grandfather broke when he felt that he needed more land. Yorwyck defeated the Shett’s numerous times, making the cower behind their walls. Though when she Shett’s grew tired of being beaten, they called upon the Andal’s for support. Gerold Grafton was a younger man then, though through age he is still a prick. He sided with the Shett’s and slaughtered my grandfather and his kingsguard. Gerold also killed King Osgood Shett in order to claim the lands of the Shett’s. This is why it was of an importance to have freed the Shett’s, they will be in our debt for a long time. I wonder how Wyllam fares at Gulltown…” Robar sighed, what Jarden thought was tiredness was actually sadness, though it was none of Jarden’s buisness to question Robar.
“Jarden, I would like you to join my war council. For the meantime atleast. I think you would gain a lot to learn how to strategise warfare.” Jarden was taken back by the King’s offer.
“It would be an honor, your grace.” Robar smiled.
“Good, let us make haste to the Redfort. The sooner we get this overwith, the sooner I can get a good night’s rest.” Robar grinned and sent his destrier into a gallop, Jarden quickly followed on, leaving the march behind.
Jarden followed Cedrick Redfort through the red-stone hallways. Cedrick was a tall man with an athletic build. His hair was dark brown and fell to his shoulders, he had a growing stubble and brown eyes.
“So where exactly are we going, Cedrick?” Jarden was curious, and Cedrick continuously avoiding the question.
“You’ll see, now for the last time Jarden, hush!” Cedrick silently laughed, he was a year older than Jarden and connected greatly with him.
Cedrick led Jarden through dark rooms and long corriodors until they reached a doorway. Cedrick opened the door and beckoned for Jarden to go inside. Jarden entered and saw Lord Barrock and Robar with his kingsguard. They all stood around a table with a map of the Fingers on it, bronze figures stood on the map.
“Ah, Jarden. I’m glad you and Cedrick could make it. Please, come and join us.” Robar focussed his attention back to the map.
Cedrick took his place next to his father, Lord Barrock. Barrock had an athletic build, though it was clear he had gained some extra weight over the years. He had a short brown hair which was dirty and starting to recede, his eyes were brown, but they also and a dark and stern look to them. On his side was a steel longsword with foreign carvings along the blade.
“So as I was saying, your grace, I would recommend that we attack Heart’s Home from the South.” Robar shook his head in disagreement.
“No, I need the Belmore’s navy to attack from the West. If we leave the North open then the Corbay’s will have a clear path to run back to their liege.” Lord Barrock grunted.
“That’s if there are any Belmores alive, from what my scouts have told me, Strong Song was ablaze not too long ago.” Cedrick looked surprise at the news, clearly unaware of this.
“Yes, my scouts have reported that too. Though from what I hear, both your scouts and mine have not yet gone to check if there are any survivors.” Lord Barrock nodded.
“With the war happening, I have been more worried about the protection of my own house rather than the neighbouring houses. Strong Song is just an example of what could happen if we let our guard down.” Robar nodded.
“Yes, but we must find out if there are any survivors. They will play a crucial role if we are going to sack Heart’s Home. Jarden, come forth.” Jarden obeyed and stood forward.
“Jarden, you will take one of my kingsguard and ride to Strong Song. If there are any survivors, you will stay and send my guard back to inform us of the news.” Jarden nodded and started to inspect the kingsguard.
“My son, Cedrick, will accompany you aswell.” Cedrick smirked at Jarden, whom responded with a nod.
“Your grace, is there any guard in particular you would like me to take?” Robar shook his head.
“No, I will leave that up to you. Decide soon though, you will be leaving by sunrise.” Robar turned back to the map and discussed with Barrock where they would distribute their forces.
Jarden eyed off each of the kingsguard. All their skills could be needed, but Jarden could only take one. Excellent archer, excellent javilineer and spearman or excellent swordsman?
[Take Paytan] [Take Drevyn] [Take Marsh]
[Take Drevyn]
[Take Marsh]
[Take Marsh]
[Take Paytan]
[Take Marsh]