[End his misery with your bow]
Damn it, poor Harmond. I haven't thought he would die that early, but he deserves at least a painless death. And Dormund is a Bolton after all, I think he can get away with mercy killing a prisoner.
I think he will play a good role in the story to come as I have an important story line that will come up for Emma Snow and Edrick. So I think Rolland will be dragged into it
Another tie... Just to let you guys know, if the votes tie then I'll choose the one which hit the highest amount of votes first Anyway, Dormund shall end Harmond's misery with his bow
This is also a great drawing, good job! While I'm not a big fan of the Boltons, I have to admit that they have a wicked style. That is a very neat coat he is wearing there. As for spoilers... Oh damn, screw the Boltons! I might be wrong, but I think there is something wrong with the last two fingers on his left hand.
This is also a great drawing, good job! While I'm not a big fan of the Boltons, I have to admit that they have a wicked style. That is a ver… morey neat coat he is wearing there. As for spoilers... Oh damn, screw the Boltons! I might be wrong, but I think there is something wrong with the last two fingers on his left hand.
The lights of Gulltown shined as bright as a beacon to the Royce army during the cold night. It was obvious that the men holding the Shett’s captive knew that an army marched upon them, though their little birds would not reach their leigelords in time to warn them. Wyllam stared at the lights from the camp, thinking of the odds of how long they could hold Gulltown before the Arryn’s arrived. A mysty figure appered behind him, it was Ursula. She still wore her black robes with her clan’s sigil on her shoulders; a cresting wave on a black field. She glanced at Wyllam’s face and then at his bronze armor, her eyes stayed fixed on his purple tabard. Wyllam could see the curiosity in her eyes, she did not need to ask him with her words to get an answer.
“The bells are the sigil of my house, not that you need be interested in that. My house prides itself in education and music rather than real affairs, like this invasion. That is why I had to leave them” Wyllam nearly shed a tear, despite everything negative he said against his family he still loved them. To Wyllam’s surprise, he saw that Urusla was interested rather than bored.
“I lived with my parents until I was six. They claimed I was a witch when I healed a boy who broke his leg and sent me away. Where I came from, those who were witches were to burn in the eyes of the red god, R’hllor.” The name made Wyllam shudder, he didn’t know why but it put a fear in him that he had never felt before. She quickly placed her hand on Wyllam’s face. Before he could react and draw his sword, she layed a gentle kiss on his lips. He froze, his face blushing red. It was as if she was placing a spell over him which soothed his stress and relieved him of worry. She pulled back seeming unsure and embarassed and then quickly walked off. Wyllam stood as stiff as wood, processing what had just happened. His eyes watched the men at Gulltown laying down barricades. He silently laughed at himself for being so stupified. He placed the tips of his fingers in the same place Ursula had placed her hand. Is this warm feeling in my heart what they call love? He turned from the view and went to seek her out.
Wyllam had been with Ursula in his tent for a few hours now, hiding under the covers of his makeshift bed. He gave her an uneasy look, to which she glanced back confused.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Wyllam looked away, her amethyst eyes following his gaze.
“I’m afraid, though it is not for this battle to come. Before this evening I felt there was nothing worth living for, that the gods had plans for me and whether that was for me to die on this liberation or somewhere else, I would face it with courage. Though now I am unsure, I don’t want to lose what you have given me.” She caressed his hair, he turned back and faced her. He leaned in to kiss her but was interrupted by a guard walking into their tent. Ursula instantly pulled the cover close to her, revealing more of Wyllam’s skin than what any man should see. The guard stood shocked, then straightened himself and spoke.
“His majesty wishes to speak with Lord Belmore immediately.” After he had delievered his message, he left. Wyllam fell back with a sigh of relief, Ursula laughed and cuddled up to him. Wyllam did not want to leave though he was curious of what the guard meant by ‘Lord Belmore.’ He looked at his love, slowly falling asleep on his arm. He gently removed his arm and put on his purple tunic, quietly leaving the tent. The camp was quiet, a few soldiers stood guard whereas others tried to find courage at the bottom of their cups. I have found my courage. Wyllam made way to his King’s tent. Two of his kingsguard stood outside the entrance to the tent, one of them was a Redfort and the other was a Coldwater. They were currently the only two kingsguard with the King, the others stayed at Runestone. Wyllam was granted access once he approached, he walked in to see the King, his cupbearer and another man who sat by his side. He was quite skinny and had a thin gaunt face. His hair was brown and short, the only good part of his face were his icy blue eyes. The King instantly glanced at Wyllam, sadness in his face. He beckoned for Wyllam to sit by this skinny man, to which he obeyed.
“Wyllam, I don’t know how to say this but I shall tell you it as how it is. This young man, Jarden Frost, is a traveler from the North. He claims he went to visit Strongsong as he has a passion for education, but when he got there-” Robar’s voice trailed off, his hand was trembling and he had a tear building in his eye. “Everything was destroyed, everyone murdered. The Arryn’s banners flew on the remains on your home.” Wyllam sat in his chair with disbelief, he looked at this skinny stranger who only nodded at him with a sad look in his eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes. Robar’s cupbearer began to fill Wyllam’s cup, to which he instantly grabbed and threw at the wall. Robar looked at his cupbearer, then at Jarden. “Please, leave us. I shall talk to you about your offer soon Jarden.” When they were out the door Robar stood, his bronze armor with runes that protected him from harm shined in the candlelight. “Wyllam, as ward of the late Lord Belmore and as your friend and king, I swear by the gods that I shall avenge your family and send these cursed Andals off our lands! In the hour coming, we will take back a town that was stolen from us. In a month, we will take back a castle. In a year, we will take back our lands.” Robar raised his mug of ale and threw it at the wall. Wyllam looked up at him and managed a smile. He stood and bowed in his King’s presence, “Your grace.” He nodded back at him. Wyllam left and walked to his tent. I will kill them, I will kill all of them.
The lights of Gulltown shined as bright as a beacon to the Royce army during the cold night. It was obvious that the men holding t… morehe Shett’s captive knew that an army marched upon them, though their little birds would not reach their leigelords in time to warn them. Wyllam stared at the lights from the camp, thinking of the odds of how long they could hold Gulltown before the Arryn’s arrived. A mysty figure appered behind him, it was Ursula. She still wore her black robes with her clan’s sigil on her shoulders; a cresting wave on a black field. She glanced at Wyllam’s face and then at his bronze armor, her eyes stayed fixed on his purple tabard. Wyllam could see the curiosity in her eyes, she did not need to ask him with her words to get an answer.
“The bells are the sigil of my house, not that you need be interested in that. My house prides itself in education and music rather than real affairs, like this invasion. That is why I… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was bloody from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, only to cook. He gently lifted Edrick and put him under a strange looking tree, he then quickly rushed to the destrier and clumsily tied it to a log just off the path. He pulled off the bedrolls and pots, placing them under the tree which looked to have a face carved in it.
“Harmond!” Torv heard Edrick murmur as he lay on his back. Torv unrolled the matress and placed it next to Edrick, gently rolling him onto it. He then looked around, confused with what to do next. Torv had always followed his master’s orders, he didn’t know any other way. Edrick looked up at him, he was shivering in his light linen shirt. A fire, we need a fire. Torv quickly snapped off branches from the strange tree and made a fire with some rocks. The flame was small, but instantly made Torv feel slightly warmer. Torv slowly built the fire until it was hot enough to boil water, he grabbed the bronze pot and filled it with water. Torv pulled some grass out of the soil and place it in the pot, leaving it to boil for a few minutes. Torv stood, watching the sun set into the ground. He walked to the destrier to unsaddle her though as he approached, she reared back and snapped the small branch that she was tied to. Torv chased after her down the road until she was gone, he fell to his knees and buried his head in his hands and began to weep. I’ll never do anything right! He felt his shoulder being patted by a hand and turned to see Edrick, stooped over and standing above him.
“Our grass soup is ready.” Torv got up and helped Edrick back to their makeshift camp, this would be a cold night. They sat on the log that their horse had once been tied to and sipped at their hot soup. Torv noticed Edrick staring at him through is peripheral vision. “So Torv, what’s your story?” Torv was shocked and confused, no one had ever taken the time to learn his name or even cared to know his background.
“My father ran away when I was born, so I was raised by my mother. She was a tavern lady, though she couldn’t afford to feed me so when I turned twelve she took me to the Red King. She offered me to him and left me in that cold and cursed room. I’ve been squiring for master Arnold for five years now.” Edrick looked at Torv holding a sad expression on his face, though not for Torv’s story it would seem.
“I understand what it is like not to have a father. I was raised by my older sister, Lyra. We originally lived in Barrowton but moved to Winterfell for reasons that I never knew until a few years later. It turns out that we were both the bastard children of the late King Dustin, have you heard of him?” Torv thought back to the time he had read a book about the First Kings. It also read that the First Kings held great power through a certain rune they called the ‘Weeping Stone.’
“Yes, I recall. He is the king that gave away his name as all his children were bastards.” Edrick crawled over to his bed, clearly in pain. He layed down on his back and gazed at the stars.
“Torv, once we get to Winterfell we must visit the crypts. There is an artifact there that I need to get.” Torv looked at him curiously, though when he tried to ask what he meant he heard the soft sounds of sleep. Torv sat up keeping watch until he fell asleep.
Torv awoke to the sounds of voices all around him. He opened his eyes to see bows and spears pointed in his direction. Edrick stood under the tree with faces, talking to a woman with short hair which was as black as burnt coals. Torv tried to stand but was intercepted with a spear being pointed at his throat. Torv looked up to see a blond man with greasy long hair and face whiskers. He wore a green tunic and a brown scarf. He had a bow strung to his back and a dagger in his boot.
“No, stop!” Edrick tried to walk to Torv but fell to the ground in pain. The woman hovered over Edrick and held an arrow to his wound, interrogating him with her words. The man holding the spear moved his attention to Edrick, walking towards him with his spear ready to lunge into Edrick. Torv scrambled to the man’s foot, pulling out his dagger and stabbing him into the foot. This brought him down to his level, he places the blade against the man’s throat.
“Get away from him! Or I swear by the gods I’ll slit this man’s throat.” The woman looked at her friend, then at Torv. She put her arrow back in her quiver and stood. Edrick pulled himself up.
“Emma please! Don’t you recognise me? It’s Edrick!” She looked at him strangely, Edrick slowly moved towards Torv and the man he held hostage. Torv turned around to see a dozen men or more riding towards them, they carried a flag which displayed the sigil of House Dustin. Close to Torv were two horses. I could grab Edrick and run for those horses. The odds were risky, though doable. The riders were getting closer, it was time to make up his mind
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was blood… morey from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, on… [view original content]
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread outside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
“Excuse me, I am looking for the King. Do you know where I might find him?” The blacksmith’s companion grunted and walked off. Alara sighed, she was not getting any good attention from these Northeners.
“Forgive my brother, he has not be a man of words since his wife passed. I’m Brodin Cale, Winterfell’s best blacksmith. Though you can just call me Brodin.” He winked coyly at Alara which made her blush. Brodin was tall and muscular, he had short brown hair and a moustache that shaped like a horseshoe. He must have been in his early 40’s. Cute, but too old for me. “You’ll find King Theon at the godswood. Oh and I’ll take your horse to the stables.” Brodin smiled and attended to her horse. This is proving to be better than the Bolton’s already.
“Thank you Brodin” Alara headed for the godswood, as her horse was lead in the opposite direction.
The King was knelt by a wierwood tree which loomed over a small black pool. His greatsword leant against the heart tree as he stared into the darkness of the pool. The godswood mostly consisted of sentinels, oaks and ironwoods, though the wierwood seemed to be the heart of the godswood. Alara slowly approached the King until she was knocked over by a hidden force. She unsheathed her longsword and searched for her attacker. Above her stood a man with long black hair and eyes that seemed darker. He wore a very formal tunic and had a bronze shortsword in hand. He swung his sword at Alara to which she dodged. He lunged at her with his sword to which she parried his attack and smashed his head into an ironwood. He fell to the ground, his head moving with the stars. Alara hovered her longsword over him but was stopped by the sound of a thundering voice.
“What is the meaning of this!” The King walked towards Alara with his greatsword in hand. She instantly fell to her knee and bowed her head. He stopped infront of her and looked at her opposer. “Teran Woodmill, why do you disturb me during prayer by fighting with this southerner?” His voice sounded calmer though his expression was still angry. Teran slowly pulled himself up, using his sword as a support.
“Your grace, I saw this woman snooping around and thought she might have been an Andal spy. One can never be too cautious during times like these.” He leant against the ironwood, looking as if he were to collapse again. The King ditched his anger and looked down at Alara, sheathing his greatsword to his back. His armor was bronze and leather, the stark sigil was carved into the bronze armor on his chest and shoulders.
“I was unaware that King Durrandon had any daughters. You may rise.” Alara stood to see the king was a half foot taller than her. She quickly gathered her words before making the situation awkward.
“Your grace, I come here to you to offer my sword. I am the sellsword Nightingale and the third daughter of the late Lord Caron. I carry my leigelord’s sigil in honor of his name and glory.” Thinking back, Alara never felt her speeches ever sounded good; though the king looked impressed.
“Why do you come north to offer your sword. Are the Andals not fighting against your liege currently?” Alara was thrown back by this question, what he said was true. Alara did not want to stay at Nightsong where there was nothing for her, where her father despised her.
“That is true, your grace. The Andals have tried to take the Stormlands from our King six times now, each six times they have failed. I feel it is my duty to serve somewhere that has need for me.” To Alara’s surprise, the king looked convinced. He helped Teran, who had fallen back to the ground, to his feet and began to walk back to the First Keep. Alara quickly followed, eager to find out whether she had been accepted or not.
“Let me talk to my advisors. I will be at Winter town within the hour to inform you of my decision.” Alara stood in the godswood, watching the king carry Teran away. She sighed and let down her hair, which she only did when she felt safe and secure, and walked to the wierwood. She stared into the face of the tree, feeling a sense of curiosity and fear all at the same time. She decided it was time to leave. I will await his grace at Winter town then.
Alara groomed her destrier while chatting with Brodin who was fashioning some new horse shoes for her. An hour had passed and there was still no sign of the king. Brodin placed the horse shoe into a bucket of water, letting it steam there for a few minutes.
“As I was saying, my brother, Steffon, lost his wife when his daughter was born. If I may add, his daughter, Nalia, is almost a mirror image of her mother. Anyway, he’s only talked to her since his wife passed.” He pulled out the horse shoe and place it on his work bench to begin hammering. “That’s a fine sword you have there, where did you get it?” Alara hesitated, this conversation had been very onesided until now.
“The blacksmith at Nightsong forged it for me when I left.” Alara unsheathed the blade and passed it to Brodin. He looked impressed.
“Nightsong eh? May have to pay this blacksmith a visit after the war is over.” He handed the blade back to Alara. “Did you know that I am one of the few men in Westeros who can forge steel? I forged King Theon’s sword, aswell as Harmond Hornwill’s warhammer. I bet your blacksmith can’t do that!” Brodin laughed and continued his work. Alara nearly knocked Teran to the ground again when he tapped her on the shoulder.
“His grace would wish to have a word with you, follow me.” Alara was uneasy with this Teran fellow, she had come to like every stark she had met, except for this one. Teran looked at Alara and sighed, “I would like to apologise for randomly attacking you. We have had a previous incursions with assassins and spies.” Alara looked back at him.
“Why would anyone want to assassinate the king? He seems like an honest and good man.” Teran let out a laugh which seemed to mock her.
“A good man he is, and honest. Though he poses a threat to the Andals and neighbouring kings. He holds in his possession the Weeping Stone. It belonged to the Barrow Kings and it holds great power. His family have left him many enemies.” Alara stayed silent, she had nothing to say. King Theon stood in the middle of the Stark army’s camp, he stared to the East. “Your grace, I have brought her to you safe and unharmed.” The king turned and nodded. With that, Teran left.
“I have considered your proposal and talked to my advisors. I will hire you to fight with us.” Alara grinned, though hid it from the king. The Stark soldiers seemed to move in a way that filled them with terror, the king unsheathed his steel greatsword and walked forward of the camp. Alara looked to see what the fuss was about, when she saw what it was she wanted to run to her destrier and ride as far south as south could take her. Thousands of soldiers rode towards Winterfell, their banners holding the sigil of a flayed man. Alara set aside her fear and unsheathed her sword, walking with her king. The army closed in around their camp, Alara saw familiar faces at the head of the battalion. King Rogar Bolton rode ahead of his army with his two sons, Edwyn and Tobas by his side. Edwyn was holding a bag with something in it.
“GET IN FORMATION!” Theon’s voice thundered through the camp, making the soldiers go quiet and forcing them to obey his orders. King Theon walked to meet his foe with Daniel Glenmore by his side, Alara followed. Daniel is the Master-at-archery at Winterfell and the General of the Stark ranged formations. The Bolton army surrounded their camp, the Starks were forming shield walls with archers standing on blocks behind them. King Rogar and his sons rode to meet Alara and her king.
“King Theon, I am immensely disappointed that you did not come to meet me yourself!” King Rogar yelled as they approached on horse back. He jumped off his horse and stood right infront of Theon. “Very very disappointed indeed. Edwyn, would you deliver our present to King Stark’s bodyguard here?” Edwyn jumped off his horse and handed the bag to Alara. She looked at Theon for assurance, to which all she got was a nod. She opened the bag to see the head of the Stark soldier who was at the Dreadfort. Alara dropped the bag, the head falling out with it.
“By the gods, it’s Harmond!” Daniel gasped. He knocked an arrow to his bow and drawed it. Edwyn then unsheathed his sword, pointing it towards Alara.
“Easy now, we come with no intentions to harm you. We are here to make peace, we both know who the real enemy is.” Rogar stared into Theon’s eyes until he ordered for Alara and daniel to lower there weapons. Rogar smiled, he knew he was in control. “Now, to assure you of my loyalty I am offering my son, Tobas, as your ward.” Tobas looked angered by this, though he kept himself from saying anything. “We will ride back to the Dreadfort and make preperations for your arrival. My scouts have warned me that the Andals will be at our coasts within the week, I intend for us to be ready by then.” Rogar turned and climbed to his horse and turned back to his battalion. Edwyn did the same and rode off. Before Rogar followed his son, he turned to Theon. “Remember, King Stark, our blades are sharp.” Alara watched the Red King ride East, taking his army with him. Anger boiled in Theon’s face and he stormed off, Daniel bagged Harmond’s head and followed. Alara stood, watching the Bolton’s ride into the sunrise. There will be a lot of tension between the Starks and Bolton’s, and I’m going to be brought into it.
[Stay with the Starks] [Ride south]
P.S. This is the end of Chapter 1. This has been the start of a great adventure and I thank everyone who has helped by submitting and making the hard decisions! Chapter 2 begins soon! Also, I'll probably take this time now to start drawing some characters
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread ou… moretside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
… [view original content]
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread ou… moretside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
… [view original content]
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread ou… moretside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
… [view original content]
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread ou… moretside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
… [view original content]
As you guys know this is the end of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 will be starting very soon. In the mean time I am currently drawing Daniel Glenmore. Please feel free to request for a character to be drawn via inbox or comment. If you like you can submit characters as I will have a need for them in Chapter 2. Thanks for reading up this far and I look forward to releasing Chapter 2!
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread ou… moretside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
… [view original content]
Damn, I missed the voting, especially as it has been an Alara part. Though I would have picked the option that eventually won either way. It was a great part and a great chapter, I am excited for the next one.
Vote closed! Alara will stay with the Starks
As you guys know this is the end of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 will be starting very soon. In t… morehe mean time I am currently drawing Daniel Glenmore. Please feel free to request for a character to be drawn via inbox or comment. If you like you can submit characters as I will have a need for them in Chapter 2. Thanks for reading up this far and I look forward to releasing Chapter 2!
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The lights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a bronze longsword which looked too heavy for him, though he showed no fear. Wyllam nodded at Jarden to which Jarden responded with an uncertain grin. Wyllam looked back towards Robar’s formation, the sorcerer’s were hurling balls of flames towards the main gate. A soldier attempted to escape the battle and was instantly shot down by three arrows, piercing him in his leg, upper waist and neck. Robar made a signal to Wyllam which indicated for Wyllam to lead his forces against the main gate, Robar then led his formation towards the harbor. Wyllam looked around him, there were atleast five shield wall formations that still stood.
“Form up! To the main gate!” The shield wall formations obeyed Wyllam’s command and huddled into one group, slowly moving towards the main gate. Wyllam counted the numbers in the new formation. Four sorcerers and twelve archerers. thirty-four soldiers and an ironwood log to beat down the door. Arrows flew off the bronze shields as they attempted to pierce through the soldiers behind them. The wooden gate stood twenty feet in the air, the men readied the log to beat it down.
“Awaiting your command m’lord.” said the tall lean man who was holding the log. The men in this formation showed no fear, they were ready to die for their king. Good. Wyllam looked around to confirm that everyone was in position, when satisfied he cleared his throat.
“CHARGE!” All the soldiers hurled themselves towards the gate, the ironwood clashed against the gate with so much force that it managed to crack the left side in half. The men dropped the ironwood and climbed through the crack they had just made, Wyllam following through. Once he entered, he found to his surprise that there were men already fighting. Wyllam recognised the white seagulls on the rebelling soldiers, it was the Shett’s. The bronze soldiers stood in three shield wall formations at the main gate, the archers took cover behind the shields and returned arrows. Despite the Shett’s efforts, the Grafton defense was still strong for them alone. Jarden readied his sword, there was a cold look in those icy blue eyes. Wyllam unsheathed both his swords, holding his longsword in his right hand and his shortsword in his left. Wyllam pointed his longsword towards the Grafton forces.
“Forward! Attack!” The shield walls disassembled as the men all charged forward, screaming at the top of their lungs. The forces clashed towards eachother, Wyllam parried a blow coming towards his head and stuck his longsword in the offenders stomach. Wyllam caught a spear and snapped it in half, he stabbed the accuser in the leg and then in the chest. Wyllam saw Jarden Frost battling against a swordsman twice his size. He was managing to dodge the blows but he was no match against him. Wyllam made his way through the enemy forces to rescue the Northerner. Three men attempted to block Wyllam’s path, their attempts failed. Jarden was thrown to the ground and the swordsman stood over him, hovering his greatsword above Jarden. Wyllam charged towards him and tackled him to the ground. He punched the man in the nose, resulting in a bloody mess. The man kneed Wyllam in the ribs and climbed over the top of him, Wyllam felt a tight grip around his neck. Darkness was creeping towards Wyllam as the grip tightened, the blood of the man’s face dripped on Wyllam. The grip quickly untightened and the man fell to Wyllam’s side, Jarden hovered above Wyllam and gave him a hand up. Wyllam’s foe had Jarden’s sword in his back and was twinging as he slowly bled out. Wyllam nodded at Jarden and grabbed his swords off the ground. The battle moved away from them, Jarden followed it with Wyllam close behind.
Wyllam walked by the King’s side, Ursula and Jarden followed behind him. The sun was rising in the distance, the battle was finally over. Robar’s face was cold and stern, he had gained a few additional scars around his eyes and down his cheek. The bodies of Grafton’s, Shett’s and Royce’s had redecorated the grounds of Gulltown. The Shett soldiers sat at the end of the harbor, a ship sailed off in the distance. A tall man that must have been in his thirties stood and the end of the pier, his silver crown reflected the light of the morning sun. He turned and walked towards Robar and Wyllam, his guards were beside him but unarmed. Blood coated his face and beard. He extended his hand to Robar to which Robar firmly gripped.
“King Robar, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” His facial expression was warm but serious, there was no mockery held by that statement.
“And you, King Andru. I must ask, why is it you turn against the Grafton’s now?” King Andru walked to the end of the pier, Robar allowed Wyllam to follow. They stood at the end of the pier, looking out at the Narrow Sea and the one ship that sailed away.
“There goes the coward, King Gerold Grafton. As soon as we turned against him he instantly fled.” There was a long silence as they stared out at the ship. “Our houses have rivaled for centuries on end, I believe it is time for this to change. So did your sister, she is the reason we turned against the Grafton’s.” Robar stood with a shocked expression on his face.
“I have not seen my sister in many years, where is she?” Wyllam watched the saddened expression build up on Andru’s face.
“On that ship. I wished to marry her, to settle this feud between our houses. The Grafton’s saw this as a threat and took her into custody. My army belongs to you, my ships aswell once they are repaired. Yet I request a favour of you, leave your sorcerers here so that my city may be safe from the Arrryn’s wrath.” Robar looked at him and nodded.
“I will consult with my council and see what I can do.” With that, Robar turned and left Andru staring out to the sea. Wyllam followed Robar back to Ursula and Jarden.
“Go back to the camp and await me there, I must speak with Wyllam.” Ursula and Jarden obeyed and left without a question. Robar turned to Wyllam and sighed.
“King Andru asks a great deal from me, the sorcerers have great importance to our cause and to leave them here would be a waste. You showed great leadership today, that is the kind of leadership I need from more men.” Wyllam awkwardly laughed, Robar smiled to himself. “It is possible we can leave Ursula and the sorcerers here, we will have more men to charge on the Corbray’s then. I do not know if we can succeed without them though. I’m asking if you would be willing to stay at Gulltown and lead the defense instead of the sorcerers, though I understand if you want to fight by our side. I will leave you till morning to decide.” Robar walked off leaving Wyllam to his thoughts.
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The … morelights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a … [view original content]
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The … morelights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a … [view original content]
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The … morelights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a … [view original content]
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The … morelights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a … [view original content]
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The … morelights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a … [view original content]
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The … morelights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a … [view original content]
Yeah, it was a hard choice for the Torv part. That'll be the loss for the Starks now as they have a half flayed man and a simple minded squire.
I think he will play a good role in the story to come as I have an important story line that will come up for Emma Snow and Edrick. So I think Rolland will be dragged into it
Another tie... Just to let you guys know, if the votes tie then I'll choose the one which hit the highest amount of votes first
Anyway, Dormund shall end Harmond's misery with his bow
Dormund Bolton! PS There is spoilers in this image as to what happens to Dormund :P

Spoiler? I see a sword on the back of his neck...
This is also a great drawing, good job! While I'm not a big fan of the Boltons, I have to admit that they have a wicked style. That is a very neat coat he is wearing there. As for spoilers... Oh damn, screw the Boltons! I might be wrong, but I think there is something wrong with the last two fingers on his left hand.
That's the consequence he endured to shoot him in the back aha. I'll explain it a bit more in the next Dormund part
The lights of Gulltown shined as bright as a beacon to the Royce army during the cold night. It was obvious that the men holding the Shett’s captive knew that an army marched upon them, though their little birds would not reach their leigelords in time to warn them. Wyllam stared at the lights from the camp, thinking of the odds of how long they could hold Gulltown before the Arryn’s arrived. A mysty figure appered behind him, it was Ursula. She still wore her black robes with her clan’s sigil on her shoulders; a cresting wave on a black field. She glanced at Wyllam’s face and then at his bronze armor, her eyes stayed fixed on his purple tabard. Wyllam could see the curiosity in her eyes, she did not need to ask him with her words to get an answer.
“The bells are the sigil of my house, not that you need be interested in that. My house prides itself in education and music rather than real affairs, like this invasion. That is why I had to leave them” Wyllam nearly shed a tear, despite everything negative he said against his family he still loved them. To Wyllam’s surprise, he saw that Urusla was interested rather than bored.
“I lived with my parents until I was six. They claimed I was a witch when I healed a boy who broke his leg and sent me away. Where I came from, those who were witches were to burn in the eyes of the red god, R’hllor.” The name made Wyllam shudder, he didn’t know why but it put a fear in him that he had never felt before. She quickly placed her hand on Wyllam’s face. Before he could react and draw his sword, she layed a gentle kiss on his lips. He froze, his face blushing red. It was as if she was placing a spell over him which soothed his stress and relieved him of worry. She pulled back seeming unsure and embarassed and then quickly walked off. Wyllam stood as stiff as wood, processing what had just happened. His eyes watched the men at Gulltown laying down barricades. He silently laughed at himself for being so stupified. He placed the tips of his fingers in the same place Ursula had placed her hand. Is this warm feeling in my heart what they call love? He turned from the view and went to seek her out.
Wyllam had been with Ursula in his tent for a few hours now, hiding under the covers of his makeshift bed. He gave her an uneasy look, to which she glanced back confused.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Wyllam looked away, her amethyst eyes following his gaze.
“I’m afraid, though it is not for this battle to come. Before this evening I felt there was nothing worth living for, that the gods had plans for me and whether that was for me to die on this liberation or somewhere else, I would face it with courage. Though now I am unsure, I don’t want to lose what you have given me.” She caressed his hair, he turned back and faced her. He leaned in to kiss her but was interrupted by a guard walking into their tent. Ursula instantly pulled the cover close to her, revealing more of Wyllam’s skin than what any man should see. The guard stood shocked, then straightened himself and spoke.
“His majesty wishes to speak with Lord Belmore immediately.” After he had delievered his message, he left. Wyllam fell back with a sigh of relief, Ursula laughed and cuddled up to him. Wyllam did not want to leave though he was curious of what the guard meant by ‘Lord Belmore.’ He looked at his love, slowly falling asleep on his arm. He gently removed his arm and put on his purple tunic, quietly leaving the tent. The camp was quiet, a few soldiers stood guard whereas others tried to find courage at the bottom of their cups. I have found my courage. Wyllam made way to his King’s tent. Two of his kingsguard stood outside the entrance to the tent, one of them was a Redfort and the other was a Coldwater. They were currently the only two kingsguard with the King, the others stayed at Runestone. Wyllam was granted access once he approached, he walked in to see the King, his cupbearer and another man who sat by his side. He was quite skinny and had a thin gaunt face. His hair was brown and short, the only good part of his face were his icy blue eyes. The King instantly glanced at Wyllam, sadness in his face. He beckoned for Wyllam to sit by this skinny man, to which he obeyed.
“Wyllam, I don’t know how to say this but I shall tell you it as how it is. This young man, Jarden Frost, is a traveler from the North. He claims he went to visit Strongsong as he has a passion for education, but when he got there-” Robar’s voice trailed off, his hand was trembling and he had a tear building in his eye. “Everything was destroyed, everyone murdered. The Arryn’s banners flew on the remains on your home.” Wyllam sat in his chair with disbelief, he looked at this skinny stranger who only nodded at him with a sad look in his eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes. Robar’s cupbearer began to fill Wyllam’s cup, to which he instantly grabbed and threw at the wall. Robar looked at his cupbearer, then at Jarden. “Please, leave us. I shall talk to you about your offer soon Jarden.” When they were out the door Robar stood, his bronze armor with runes that protected him from harm shined in the candlelight. “Wyllam, as ward of the late Lord Belmore and as your friend and king, I swear by the gods that I shall avenge your family and send these cursed Andals off our lands! In the hour coming, we will take back a town that was stolen from us. In a month, we will take back a castle. In a year, we will take back our lands.” Robar raised his mug of ale and threw it at the wall. Wyllam looked up at him and managed a smile. He stood and bowed in his King’s presence, “Your grace.” He nodded back at him. Wyllam left and walked to his tent. I will kill them, I will kill all of them.
No decision this time
Great chapter!
Arnold’s destrier walked along the muddy path to Winterfell. Torv turned to Edrick, he was still unconscious and his shirt was bloody from the flaying. They had been riding for a full day now and night was catching up to them. Torv was eager to arrive at Winterfell by sunrise. The further away we are from the Dreadfort the better. The sound of a thump on the ground made Torv nearly jump out of his saddle, Edrick had fallen from their horse. Torv quickly came to the rescue with bandages and water, though Edrick would not comply with him.
“You must take me to-” Edrick’s voice cut off, he was losing blood. Torv entered into panic, he had never seen someone die and he didn’t plan to.
“Easy now, lay your head back. That’s it, now drink.” Edrick did as Torv commanded. Torv looked around, they could not have stopped in a worse spot. There was nowhere to take shelter and they had no means of food. Torv had never been trained to hunt, only to cook. He gently lifted Edrick and put him under a strange looking tree, he then quickly rushed to the destrier and clumsily tied it to a log just off the path. He pulled off the bedrolls and pots, placing them under the tree which looked to have a face carved in it.
“Harmond!” Torv heard Edrick murmur as he lay on his back. Torv unrolled the matress and placed it next to Edrick, gently rolling him onto it. He then looked around, confused with what to do next. Torv had always followed his master’s orders, he didn’t know any other way. Edrick looked up at him, he was shivering in his light linen shirt. A fire, we need a fire. Torv quickly snapped off branches from the strange tree and made a fire with some rocks. The flame was small, but instantly made Torv feel slightly warmer. Torv slowly built the fire until it was hot enough to boil water, he grabbed the bronze pot and filled it with water. Torv pulled some grass out of the soil and place it in the pot, leaving it to boil for a few minutes. Torv stood, watching the sun set into the ground. He walked to the destrier to unsaddle her though as he approached, she reared back and snapped the small branch that she was tied to. Torv chased after her down the road until she was gone, he fell to his knees and buried his head in his hands and began to weep. I’ll never do anything right! He felt his shoulder being patted by a hand and turned to see Edrick, stooped over and standing above him.
“Our grass soup is ready.” Torv got up and helped Edrick back to their makeshift camp, this would be a cold night. They sat on the log that their horse had once been tied to and sipped at their hot soup. Torv noticed Edrick staring at him through is peripheral vision. “So Torv, what’s your story?” Torv was shocked and confused, no one had ever taken the time to learn his name or even cared to know his background.
“My father ran away when I was born, so I was raised by my mother. She was a tavern lady, though she couldn’t afford to feed me so when I turned twelve she took me to the Red King. She offered me to him and left me in that cold and cursed room. I’ve been squiring for master Arnold for five years now.” Edrick looked at Torv holding a sad expression on his face, though not for Torv’s story it would seem.
“I understand what it is like not to have a father. I was raised by my older sister, Lyra. We originally lived in Barrowton but moved to Winterfell for reasons that I never knew until a few years later. It turns out that we were both the bastard children of the late King Dustin, have you heard of him?” Torv thought back to the time he had read a book about the First Kings. It also read that the First Kings held great power through a certain rune they called the ‘Weeping Stone.’
“Yes, I recall. He is the king that gave away his name as all his children were bastards.” Edrick crawled over to his bed, clearly in pain. He layed down on his back and gazed at the stars.
“Torv, once we get to Winterfell we must visit the crypts. There is an artifact there that I need to get.” Torv looked at him curiously, though when he tried to ask what he meant he heard the soft sounds of sleep. Torv sat up keeping watch until he fell asleep.
Torv awoke to the sounds of voices all around him. He opened his eyes to see bows and spears pointed in his direction. Edrick stood under the tree with faces, talking to a woman with short hair which was as black as burnt coals. Torv tried to stand but was intercepted with a spear being pointed at his throat. Torv looked up to see a blond man with greasy long hair and face whiskers. He wore a green tunic and a brown scarf. He had a bow strung to his back and a dagger in his boot.
“No, stop!” Edrick tried to walk to Torv but fell to the ground in pain. The woman hovered over Edrick and held an arrow to his wound, interrogating him with her words. The man holding the spear moved his attention to Edrick, walking towards him with his spear ready to lunge into Edrick. Torv scrambled to the man’s foot, pulling out his dagger and stabbing him into the foot. This brought him down to his level, he places the blade against the man’s throat.
“Get away from him! Or I swear by the gods I’ll slit this man’s throat.” The woman looked at her friend, then at Torv. She put her arrow back in her quiver and stood. Edrick pulled himself up.
“Emma please! Don’t you recognise me? It’s Edrick!” She looked at him strangely, Edrick slowly moved towards Torv and the man he held hostage. Torv turned around to see a dozen men or more riding towards them, they carried a flag which displayed the sigil of House Dustin. Close to Torv were two horses. I could grab Edrick and run for those horses. The odds were risky, though doable. The riders were getting closer, it was time to make up his mind
[Surrender to the Barrow’s] [Try to escape]
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
Escaping seems a bit too risky for me, given Edrick's current condition.
[surrender to the barrow's] what LiquidChicagoTed said
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
[Try to escape] If they held that man in hostage there might be a chance for them to split , who knows if The Dustins are friends or enemies
[Surrender to the Barrow’s]
Vote closed, Torv will surrender to the Barrow's
Molly rode swiftly in the cooling wind and falling snow that was covering Winterfell. Alara could see the Stark batallion spread outside the main gates of Winterfell. There must be thousands of them. She slowed Molly from a gallop to a canter and rode for the Eastern Gate which connected to the main roads of Westeros. Alara picked up the scent of roasted auroch’s and sizzling lizard lions as she rode past Winter town, the rows of wooden houses were full with soldiers and farmers during this winter. Alara finally made it through the hundreds of soldiers and merchants who were entering and leaving the Eastern gate. She rode through the masses of people that were preparing for war, but saw no sign of where their leader was. Two Stark soldiers were walking towards Alara’s general direction, one looked to be a blacksmith though he carried a bow on his back. Alara tied Molly to a post that connected a stall and intercepted the soldiers.
“Excuse me, I am looking for the King. Do you know where I might find him?” The blacksmith’s companion grunted and walked off. Alara sighed, she was not getting any good attention from these Northeners.
“Forgive my brother, he has not be a man of words since his wife passed. I’m Brodin Cale, Winterfell’s best blacksmith. Though you can just call me Brodin.” He winked coyly at Alara which made her blush. Brodin was tall and muscular, he had short brown hair and a moustache that shaped like a horseshoe. He must have been in his early 40’s. Cute, but too old for me. “You’ll find King Theon at the godswood. Oh and I’ll take your horse to the stables.” Brodin smiled and attended to her horse. This is proving to be better than the Bolton’s already.
“Thank you Brodin” Alara headed for the godswood, as her horse was lead in the opposite direction.
The King was knelt by a wierwood tree which loomed over a small black pool. His greatsword leant against the heart tree as he stared into the darkness of the pool. The godswood mostly consisted of sentinels, oaks and ironwoods, though the wierwood seemed to be the heart of the godswood. Alara slowly approached the King until she was knocked over by a hidden force. She unsheathed her longsword and searched for her attacker. Above her stood a man with long black hair and eyes that seemed darker. He wore a very formal tunic and had a bronze shortsword in hand. He swung his sword at Alara to which she dodged. He lunged at her with his sword to which she parried his attack and smashed his head into an ironwood. He fell to the ground, his head moving with the stars. Alara hovered her longsword over him but was stopped by the sound of a thundering voice.
“What is the meaning of this!” The King walked towards Alara with his greatsword in hand. She instantly fell to her knee and bowed her head. He stopped infront of her and looked at her opposer. “Teran Woodmill, why do you disturb me during prayer by fighting with this southerner?” His voice sounded calmer though his expression was still angry. Teran slowly pulled himself up, using his sword as a support.
“Your grace, I saw this woman snooping around and thought she might have been an Andal spy. One can never be too cautious during times like these.” He leant against the ironwood, looking as if he were to collapse again. The King ditched his anger and looked down at Alara, sheathing his greatsword to his back. His armor was bronze and leather, the stark sigil was carved into the bronze armor on his chest and shoulders.
“I was unaware that King Durrandon had any daughters. You may rise.” Alara stood to see the king was a half foot taller than her. She quickly gathered her words before making the situation awkward.
“Your grace, I come here to you to offer my sword. I am the sellsword Nightingale and the third daughter of the late Lord Caron. I carry my leigelord’s sigil in honor of his name and glory.” Thinking back, Alara never felt her speeches ever sounded good; though the king looked impressed.
“Why do you come north to offer your sword. Are the Andals not fighting against your liege currently?” Alara was thrown back by this question, what he said was true. Alara did not want to stay at Nightsong where there was nothing for her, where her father despised her.
“That is true, your grace. The Andals have tried to take the Stormlands from our King six times now, each six times they have failed. I feel it is my duty to serve somewhere that has need for me.” To Alara’s surprise, the king looked convinced. He helped Teran, who had fallen back to the ground, to his feet and began to walk back to the First Keep. Alara quickly followed, eager to find out whether she had been accepted or not.
“Let me talk to my advisors. I will be at Winter town within the hour to inform you of my decision.” Alara stood in the godswood, watching the king carry Teran away. She sighed and let down her hair, which she only did when she felt safe and secure, and walked to the wierwood. She stared into the face of the tree, feeling a sense of curiosity and fear all at the same time. She decided it was time to leave. I will await his grace at Winter town then.
Alara groomed her destrier while chatting with Brodin who was fashioning some new horse shoes for her. An hour had passed and there was still no sign of the king. Brodin placed the horse shoe into a bucket of water, letting it steam there for a few minutes.
“As I was saying, my brother, Steffon, lost his wife when his daughter was born. If I may add, his daughter, Nalia, is almost a mirror image of her mother. Anyway, he’s only talked to her since his wife passed.” He pulled out the horse shoe and place it on his work bench to begin hammering. “That’s a fine sword you have there, where did you get it?” Alara hesitated, this conversation had been very onesided until now.
“The blacksmith at Nightsong forged it for me when I left.” Alara unsheathed the blade and passed it to Brodin. He looked impressed.
“Nightsong eh? May have to pay this blacksmith a visit after the war is over.” He handed the blade back to Alara. “Did you know that I am one of the few men in Westeros who can forge steel? I forged King Theon’s sword, aswell as Harmond Hornwill’s warhammer. I bet your blacksmith can’t do that!” Brodin laughed and continued his work. Alara nearly knocked Teran to the ground again when he tapped her on the shoulder.
“His grace would wish to have a word with you, follow me.” Alara was uneasy with this Teran fellow, she had come to like every stark she had met, except for this one. Teran looked at Alara and sighed, “I would like to apologise for randomly attacking you. We have had a previous incursions with assassins and spies.” Alara looked back at him.
“Why would anyone want to assassinate the king? He seems like an honest and good man.” Teran let out a laugh which seemed to mock her.
“A good man he is, and honest. Though he poses a threat to the Andals and neighbouring kings. He holds in his possession the Weeping Stone. It belonged to the Barrow Kings and it holds great power. His family have left him many enemies.” Alara stayed silent, she had nothing to say. King Theon stood in the middle of the Stark army’s camp, he stared to the East. “Your grace, I have brought her to you safe and unharmed.” The king turned and nodded. With that, Teran left.
“I have considered your proposal and talked to my advisors. I will hire you to fight with us.” Alara grinned, though hid it from the king. The Stark soldiers seemed to move in a way that filled them with terror, the king unsheathed his steel greatsword and walked forward of the camp. Alara looked to see what the fuss was about, when she saw what it was she wanted to run to her destrier and ride as far south as south could take her. Thousands of soldiers rode towards Winterfell, their banners holding the sigil of a flayed man. Alara set aside her fear and unsheathed her sword, walking with her king. The army closed in around their camp, Alara saw familiar faces at the head of the battalion. King Rogar Bolton rode ahead of his army with his two sons, Edwyn and Tobas by his side. Edwyn was holding a bag with something in it.
“GET IN FORMATION!” Theon’s voice thundered through the camp, making the soldiers go quiet and forcing them to obey his orders. King Theon walked to meet his foe with Daniel Glenmore by his side, Alara followed. Daniel is the Master-at-archery at Winterfell and the General of the Stark ranged formations. The Bolton army surrounded their camp, the Starks were forming shield walls with archers standing on blocks behind them. King Rogar and his sons rode to meet Alara and her king.
“King Theon, I am immensely disappointed that you did not come to meet me yourself!” King Rogar yelled as they approached on horse back. He jumped off his horse and stood right infront of Theon. “Very very disappointed indeed. Edwyn, would you deliver our present to King Stark’s bodyguard here?” Edwyn jumped off his horse and handed the bag to Alara. She looked at Theon for assurance, to which all she got was a nod. She opened the bag to see the head of the Stark soldier who was at the Dreadfort. Alara dropped the bag, the head falling out with it.
“By the gods, it’s Harmond!” Daniel gasped. He knocked an arrow to his bow and drawed it. Edwyn then unsheathed his sword, pointing it towards Alara.
“Easy now, we come with no intentions to harm you. We are here to make peace, we both know who the real enemy is.” Rogar stared into Theon’s eyes until he ordered for Alara and daniel to lower there weapons. Rogar smiled, he knew he was in control. “Now, to assure you of my loyalty I am offering my son, Tobas, as your ward.” Tobas looked angered by this, though he kept himself from saying anything. “We will ride back to the Dreadfort and make preperations for your arrival. My scouts have warned me that the Andals will be at our coasts within the week, I intend for us to be ready by then.” Rogar turned and climbed to his horse and turned back to his battalion. Edwyn did the same and rode off. Before Rogar followed his son, he turned to Theon. “Remember, King Stark, our blades are sharp.” Alara watched the Red King ride East, taking his army with him. Anger boiled in Theon’s face and he stormed off, Daniel bagged Harmond’s head and followed. Alara stood, watching the Bolton’s ride into the sunrise. There will be a lot of tension between the Starks and Bolton’s, and I’m going to be brought into it.
[Stay with the Starks] [Ride south]
P.S. This is the end of Chapter 1. This has been the start of a great adventure and I thank everyone who has helped by submitting and making the hard decisions! Chapter 2 begins soon! Also, I'll probably take this time now to start drawing some characters
[Stay with the Starks] Awesome chapter, keep it up!
[stay with the Starks]
[Stay with the Starks] Great Chapter man !
[Stay with the Starks]
Vote closed! Alara will stay with the Starks
As you guys know this is the end of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 will be starting very soon. In the mean time I am currently drawing Daniel Glenmore. Please feel free to request for a character to be drawn via inbox or comment. If you like you can submit characters as I will have a need for them in Chapter 2. Thanks for reading up this far and I look forward to releasing Chapter 2!
[Stay with the Starks]
And comment bellow is that vote is closed xD. Well at least choice that I wanted to win actually won
Damn, I missed the voting, especially as it has been an Alara part. Though I would have picked the option that eventually won either way. It was a great part and a great chapter, I am excited for the next one.
Here's Wyllam
Chapter 2: The Invasion
Arrow’s flew passed Wyllam, striking down the men beside him as they all charged towards Gulltown. The lights of the city were dim compared to the flaming arrows and barrels that rained down upon them. Wyllam saw Ursula flinging barrels that had not exploded back towards the city. Gulltown was getting closer and closer, more men were dying as they were getting closer to their destination. Wyllam could finally make out the sigil that hung on the walls of Gulltown. House Grafton. The main gate was only a hundred metres away, King Robar halted the assault and shouted out orders.
“SHIELD WALL, ARCHERS!” The bronze men formed small groups of shied walls with archers taking cover behind them.
Wyllam took refuge behind a wall adjacent to Robar’s formation, which beheld King Robar, Ursula and a few sorcerers. Wyllam’s formation consisted of archers, sorcerers and Jarden Frost. The small skinny man wielded a bronze longsword which looked too heavy for him, though he showed no fear. Wyllam nodded at Jarden to which Jarden responded with an uncertain grin. Wyllam looked back towards Robar’s formation, the sorcerer’s were hurling balls of flames towards the main gate. A soldier attempted to escape the battle and was instantly shot down by three arrows, piercing him in his leg, upper waist and neck. Robar made a signal to Wyllam which indicated for Wyllam to lead his forces against the main gate, Robar then led his formation towards the harbor. Wyllam looked around him, there were atleast five shield wall formations that still stood.
“Form up! To the main gate!” The shield wall formations obeyed Wyllam’s command and huddled into one group, slowly moving towards the main gate. Wyllam counted the numbers in the new formation. Four sorcerers and twelve archerers. thirty-four soldiers and an ironwood log to beat down the door. Arrows flew off the bronze shields as they attempted to pierce through the soldiers behind them. The wooden gate stood twenty feet in the air, the men readied the log to beat it down.
“Awaiting your command m’lord.” said the tall lean man who was holding the log. The men in this formation showed no fear, they were ready to die for their king. Good. Wyllam looked around to confirm that everyone was in position, when satisfied he cleared his throat.
“CHARGE!” All the soldiers hurled themselves towards the gate, the ironwood clashed against the gate with so much force that it managed to crack the left side in half. The men dropped the ironwood and climbed through the crack they had just made, Wyllam following through. Once he entered, he found to his surprise that there were men already fighting. Wyllam recognised the white seagulls on the rebelling soldiers, it was the Shett’s. The bronze soldiers stood in three shield wall formations at the main gate, the archers took cover behind the shields and returned arrows. Despite the Shett’s efforts, the Grafton defense was still strong for them alone. Jarden readied his sword, there was a cold look in those icy blue eyes. Wyllam unsheathed both his swords, holding his longsword in his right hand and his shortsword in his left. Wyllam pointed his longsword towards the Grafton forces.
“Forward! Attack!” The shield walls disassembled as the men all charged forward, screaming at the top of their lungs. The forces clashed towards eachother, Wyllam parried a blow coming towards his head and stuck his longsword in the offenders stomach. Wyllam caught a spear and snapped it in half, he stabbed the accuser in the leg and then in the chest. Wyllam saw Jarden Frost battling against a swordsman twice his size. He was managing to dodge the blows but he was no match against him. Wyllam made his way through the enemy forces to rescue the Northerner. Three men attempted to block Wyllam’s path, their attempts failed. Jarden was thrown to the ground and the swordsman stood over him, hovering his greatsword above Jarden. Wyllam charged towards him and tackled him to the ground. He punched the man in the nose, resulting in a bloody mess. The man kneed Wyllam in the ribs and climbed over the top of him, Wyllam felt a tight grip around his neck. Darkness was creeping towards Wyllam as the grip tightened, the blood of the man’s face dripped on Wyllam. The grip quickly untightened and the man fell to Wyllam’s side, Jarden hovered above Wyllam and gave him a hand up. Wyllam’s foe had Jarden’s sword in his back and was twinging as he slowly bled out. Wyllam nodded at Jarden and grabbed his swords off the ground. The battle moved away from them, Jarden followed it with Wyllam close behind.
Wyllam walked by the King’s side, Ursula and Jarden followed behind him. The sun was rising in the distance, the battle was finally over. Robar’s face was cold and stern, he had gained a few additional scars around his eyes and down his cheek. The bodies of Grafton’s, Shett’s and Royce’s had redecorated the grounds of Gulltown. The Shett soldiers sat at the end of the harbor, a ship sailed off in the distance. A tall man that must have been in his thirties stood and the end of the pier, his silver crown reflected the light of the morning sun. He turned and walked towards Robar and Wyllam, his guards were beside him but unarmed. Blood coated his face and beard. He extended his hand to Robar to which Robar firmly gripped.
“King Robar, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” His facial expression was warm but serious, there was no mockery held by that statement.
“And you, King Andru. I must ask, why is it you turn against the Grafton’s now?” King Andru walked to the end of the pier, Robar allowed Wyllam to follow. They stood at the end of the pier, looking out at the Narrow Sea and the one ship that sailed away.
“There goes the coward, King Gerold Grafton. As soon as we turned against him he instantly fled.” There was a long silence as they stared out at the ship. “Our houses have rivaled for centuries on end, I believe it is time for this to change. So did your sister, she is the reason we turned against the Grafton’s.” Robar stood with a shocked expression on his face.
“I have not seen my sister in many years, where is she?” Wyllam watched the saddened expression build up on Andru’s face.
“On that ship. I wished to marry her, to settle this feud between our houses. The Grafton’s saw this as a threat and took her into custody. My army belongs to you, my ships aswell once they are repaired. Yet I request a favour of you, leave your sorcerers here so that my city may be safe from the Arrryn’s wrath.” Robar looked at him and nodded.
“I will consult with my council and see what I can do.” With that, Robar turned and left Andru staring out to the sea. Wyllam followed Robar back to Ursula and Jarden.
“Go back to the camp and await me there, I must speak with Wyllam.” Ursula and Jarden obeyed and left without a question. Robar turned to Wyllam and sighed.
“King Andru asks a great deal from me, the sorcerers have great importance to our cause and to leave them here would be a waste. You showed great leadership today, that is the kind of leadership I need from more men.” Wyllam awkwardly laughed, Robar smiled to himself. “It is possible we can leave Ursula and the sorcerers here, we will have more men to charge on the Corbray’s then. I do not know if we can succeed without them though. I’m asking if you would be willing to stay at Gulltown and lead the defense instead of the sorcerers, though I understand if you want to fight by our side. I will leave you till morning to decide.” Robar walked off leaving Wyllam to his thoughts.
[Stay and defend Gulltown] [Leave for war]
[Stay and defend Gulltown]
[Stay and defend Gulltown] Great start for the chapter
[Stay and defend Gulltown] Awesome start!
[Stay and defend Gulltown]
[Stay and defend Gulltown]
Loved it!
[Stay and defend Gulltown]
Really good part! I'm looking forward for how this chapter plays out, it started great already